
Read 3 формы глагола в английском языке | Спряжение в прошедшем, настоящем и будущем временах | Проспрягать в past simple, present simple, perfect, continuous

Перевод read с английского на русский

  • читать (прочитать, прочесть, почитать, прочитывать, перечитать, дочитать)
  • считывать
  • гласить
  • зачитать (зачитывать)
  • начитаться


  • read books (читать книги)
  • read fairy tales (читать сказки)
  • read romance novels (читать любовные романы)
  • read sheet music (читать ноты)
  • read verse (прочитать стих)
  • read carefully (прочесть внимательно)
  • read a newspaper (почитать газету)
  • read the article (перечитать статью)
  • read head (считывающая головка)

3 формы глагола с транскрипцией

Base Form
Past Simple
2-ая форма
Past Participle
3-ая форма
(Причастие прошедшего времени)

Тренажёр спряжения для запоминая форм


Разбить на местоимения

Перемешать карточки

Nominal forms

Past SimplePast ParticipleGerund

Simple tense

Present SimplePast SimpleFuture Simple

Continuous tense

Present Simple ContinuousPast Simple ContinuousFuture Simple Continuous

Perfect tense

Present PerfectPast PerfectFuture Perfect

Perfect continuous tense

Present Perfect ContinuousPast Perfect ContinuousFuture Perfect Continuous


PresentPerfectPresent ContinuousPerfect Continuous



Чтобы настройки вступили в силу, необходимо перезапустить тренажер.

1 из 10

Спряжение read в английском языке во всех временах, лицах и числах

Simple Tense — Простое (неопределенное) время

Present Simple
Простое настоящее

  • I read
  • you read
  • he, she reads
  • we read
  • you read
  • they read

Past Simple
Простое прошедшее

  • I read
  • you read
  • he, she read
  • we read
  • you read
  • they read

Future Simple
Простое будущее

  • I will read
  • you will read
  • he, she will read
  • we will read
  • you will read
  • they will read

Continuous Tense — Длительное время

Present Simple Continuous
Настоящее длительное

  • I am reading
  • you are reading
  • he, she is reading
  • we are reading
  • you are reading
  • they are reading

Past Simple Continuous
Прошедшее длительное

  • I was reading
  • you were reading
  • he, she was reading
  • we were reading
  • you were reading
  • they were reading

Future Simple Continuous
Будущее длительное

  • I will be reading
  • you will be reading
  • he, she will be reading
  • we will be reading
  • you will be reading
  • they will be reading

Perfect Tense — Совершенное время

Present Perfect
Настоящее совершенное

  • I have read
  • you have read
  • he, she has read
  • we have read
  • you have read
  • they have read

Past Perfect
Прошедшее совершенное

  • I had read
  • you had read
  • he, she had read
  • we had read
  • you had read
  • they had read

Future Perfect
Будущее совершенное

  • I will have read
  • you will have read
  • he, she will have read
  • we will have read
  • you will have read
  • they will have read

Perfect Continuous Tense — Длительное совершенное время

Present Perfect Continuous
Настоящее совершенное длительное

  • I have been reading
  • you have been reading
  • he, she has been reading
  • we have been reading
  • you have been reading
  • they have been reading

Past Perfect Continuous
Прошедшее совершенное длительное

  • I had been reading
  • you had been reading
  • he, she had been reading
  • we had been reading
  • you had been reading
  • they had been reading

Future Perfect Continuous
Будущее совершенное длительное

  • I will have been reading
  • you will have been reading
  • he, she will have been reading
  • we will have been reading
  • you will have been reading
  • they will have been reading

Conditional — Условное наклонение


  • I would read
  • you would read
  • he, she would read
  • we would read
  • you would read
  • they would read


  • I would have read
  • you would have read
  • he, she would have read
  • we would have read
  • you would have read
  • they would have read

Present Continuous

  • I would be reading
  • you would be reading
  • he, she would be reading
  • we would be reading
  • you would be reading
  • they would be reading

Perfect Continuous

  • I would have been reading
  • you would have been reading
  • he, she would have been reading
  • we would have been reading
  • you would have been reading
  • they would have been reading

Imperative — Повелительное наклонение


  • you read
  • we Let’s read
  • you read

Проспрягать другие глаголы

let, validate, represent, rid, vote, meddle, engage, entrench, demonstrate, hinge, suspend, convert, connect, become, roll, embrace, start, mislead, secure, link, stun, double, slice, simplify, kill, recruit, moderate

Спряжение глагола to read в английском языке, во всех временах

Глагол to read – неправильный глагол в английском языке, в переводе на русский означает: читать; прочесть; считывать.

Infinitiveto read
Simple pastread
Past participleread

Read in present simple


I do not read

You do not read

He does not read
She does not read
It does not read

We do not read

You do not read

They do not read


Do I read?

Do you read?

Does he read?
Does she read?
Does it read?

Do we read?

Do you read?

Do they read?

Read in present continuous


I am not reading

You are not reading

He is not reading
She is not reading
It is not reading

We are not reading

You are not reading

They are not reading


Am I reading?

Are you reading?

Is he reading?
Is she reading?
Is it reading?

Are we reading?

Are you reading?

Are they reading?

Read in present perfect


I have not read

You have not read

He has not read
She has not read
It has not read

We have not read

You have not read

They have not read


Have I read?

Have you read?

Has he read?
Has she read?
Has it read?

Have we read?

Have you read?

Have they read?

Read in present perfect continuous


I have not been reading

You have not been reading

He has not been reading
She has not been reading
It has not been reading

We have not been reading

You have not been reading

They have not been reading


Have I been reading?

Have you been reading?

Has he been reading?
Has she been reading?
Has it been reading?

Have we been reading?

Have you been reading?

Have they been reading?

Read in past simple


I did not read

You did not read

He did not read
She did not read
It did not read

We did not read

You did not read

They did not read


Did I read?

Did you read?

Did he read?
Did she read?
Did it read?

Did we read?

Did you read?

Did they read?

Read in past continuous


I was not reading

You were not reading

He was not reading
She was not reading
It was not reading

We were not reading

You were not reading

They were not reading


Was I reading?

Were you reading?

Was he reading?
Was she reading?
Was it reading?

Were we reading?

Were you reading?

Were they reading?

Read in past perfect


I had not read

You had not read

He had not read
She had not read
It had not read

We had not read

You had not read

They had not read


Had I read?

Had you read?

Had he read?
Had she read?
Had it read?

Had we read?

Had you read?

Had they read?

Read in past perfect continuous


I had not been reading

You had not been reading

He had not been reading
She had not been reading
It had not been reading

We had not been reading

You had not been reading

They had not been reading


Had I been reading?

Had you been reading?

Had he been reading?
Had she been reading?
Had it been reading?

Had we been reading?

Had you been reading?

Had they been reading?

Read in future simple


I will not read

You will not read

He will not read
She will not read
It will not read

We will not read

You will not read

They will not read


Will I read?

Will you read?

Will he read?
Will she read?
Will it read?

Will we read?

Will you read?

Will they read?

Read in future continuous


I will not be reading

You will not be reading

He will not be reading
She will not be reading
It will not be reading

We will not be reading

You will not be reading

They will not be reading


Will I be reading?

Will you be reading?

Will he be reading?
Will she be reading?
Will it be reading?

Will we be reading?

Will you be reading?

Will they be reading?

Read in future perfect


I will not have read

You will not have read

He will not have read
She will not have read
It will not have read

We will not have read

You will not have read

They will not have read


Will I haveread?

Will you haveread?

Will he haveread?
Will she haveread?
Will it haveread?

Will we haveread?

Will you haveread?

Will they haveread?

Read in future perfect continuous


I will not have been reading

You will not have been reading

He will not have been reading
She will not have been reading
It will not have been reading

We will not have been reading

You will not have been reading

They will not have been reading


Will I have been reading?

Will you have been reading?

Will he have been reading?
Will she have been reading?
Will it have been reading?

Will we have been reading?

Will you have been reading?

Will they have been reading?

Read in conditional present


I would not read

You would not read

He would not read
She would not read
It would not read

We would not read

You would not read

They would not read


Would I read?

Would you read?

Would he read?
Would she read?
Would it read?

Would we read?

Would you read?

Would they read?

Read in conditional present progressive


I would not be reading

You would not be reading

He would not be reading
She would not be reading
It would not be reading

We would not be reading

You would not be reading

They would not be reading


Would I be reading?

Would you be reading?

Would he be reading?
Would she be reading?
Would it be reading?

Would we be reading?

Would you be reading?

Would they be reading?

Read in conditional perfect


I would not have read

You would not have read

He would not have read
She would not have read
It would not have read

We would not have read

You would not have read

They would not have read


Would I have read?

Would you have read?

Would he have read?
Would she have read?
Would it have read?

Would we have read?

Would you have read?

Would they have read?

Read in conditional perfect progressive


I would not have been reading

You would not have been reading

He would not have been reading
She would not have been reading
It would not have been reading

We would not have been reading

You would not have been reading

They would not have been reading


Would I have been reading?

Would you have been reading?

Would he have been reading?
Would she have been reading?
Would it have been reading?

Would we have been reading?

Would you have been reading?

Would they have been reading?

Спряжение слова читать — WordReference.


Пользователи Firefox и Chrome: установите ярлык (Firefox или Chrome), затем введите «conj read» в адресной строке для быстрого сопряжения.


Сопрягается так: стоимость

present ⓘAlso known as:
present simple or simple present
I read
you read
he, she, it reads
we Читать
YU Читать
Они Читать
Простые прошлые ⓘALSO Известно как:
Простой или ПРЕТЕРИТ

. 0014
I read
you read
he, she, it read
we read
you Читать
Они Читать
I Will
I Will

you will read
he, she, it will read
we will read
you will read
they will read

Перфектные времена
настоящее совершенное
я прочитал
ты have read
he, she, it has read
we have read
you have read
they have Читать
Прошлый Perfect ⓘalso, известный как:
I имел Читать
You . 0015

had read
he, she, it had read
we had read
you had read
they Был Читать
Future Perfect
I будет Читать
У вас будет
he, she, it will have read
we will have read
you will have read
they will have читать

Продолжительное (прогрессивное) и эмфатическое время
настоящее непрерывное
I AM чтение
You Чтение
HE, она, — это
Они — это чтение
Прошел непрерывный
I Читал
Вы читали
. Вы читали
he, she, it was reading
we were reading
you were reading
they were reading
present emphatic
I DO Read
YU DO Read
HE, она, Читает
you do read
they do read
past emphatic
I did read
you did read
he, Она,, прочитал
We Прочитал
You Прочитал
Они Прочитали
. 0153

Составные продолженные (прогрессивные) времена
present perfect
I have been reading
you have been reading
he, she, it has been reading
we have been reading
вы читали
Они читали


Прошлый Perfect
I Читал
You HE
мы читали
вы читали
они 1 10010

I will be reading
you will be reading
he, she, it will be reading
we will be reading
вы будете читать
они будут читать

я буду читать

будущее идеальное
You будет читать
HE, она будет читать
We будет читать


они будут читать

I Прочитал
You Прочитал
HE, она, прочтет
WE, прочтет
WE Прочтите
они будут читать

я бы прочитал 6

совершенный ⓘТакже известен как:
прошедшее условное
я бы прочитал 6

you would have read
he, she, it would have read
we would have read
you would have читать
они читать
я буду читать

настоящее непрерывное
You будет чтение
HE, она будет чтение
We будет чтение
. Вы будут читать

читал бы


perfect Continuous
I читал бы
ты читал бы
HE, она,, будет читать
We Прочитал бы
You Прочтение

(вы) читать!
(мы) давайте читать!
(вы) читать!

Сослагательное наклонение
я читать
ты читать
он, она, оно read
we read
you read
they read
I read
you Читать
HE, она, IT Читать
WE Читать
. 0020 read
they read
past perfect ⓘAlso known as:
pluperfect subjunctive
I had read
you прочитал
он, она, оно прочитал
мы прочитал


6 10015

had read
they had read

они должны читать



I should read
you should read
he, she, это следует читать
мы должны читать
вы должны читать

*Синие буквы в спряжении неправильные
формы. (пример)
*Красные буквы в спряжении являются исключением
модель. (пример)

Сообщить о проблеме.

Вырезание, копирование и вставка из макроса

В этой статье

  • Копирование (вырезание) и вставка одной ячейки
  • VBA Coding Made Easy
  • Копировать выделение
  • Копировать (вырезать) и вставить диапазон ячеек
  • Копировать (вырезать) и вставить весь столбец
  • Копировать (вырезать) и вставить всю строку
  • Копировать (вырезать) и Вставить в другой рабочий лист или книгу
  • Значение Вставить
  • Специальная вставка
    • Очистить буфер обмена

В этом руководстве вы изучите несколько различных методов копирования и вставки и вырезания и вставки с использованием макроса VBA. Прочтите сопутствующее руководство по вставке значений и PasteSpecial, чтобы узнать о дополнительных возможностях копирования и вставки.

Чтобы использовать этот код: Откройте редактор Visual Basic ( Alt + F11 ), вставьте новый модуль ( Вставить > Модуль ) и скопируйте и вставьте нужный код в модуль.

Копирование (вырезание) и вставка одной ячейки

В этом примере копируется или вырезается и вставляется одна ячейка, A1 поверх B1:

 Sub Paste_OneCell()

    'Копировать и вставить одну ячейку
    Диапазон ("A1"). Диапазон копирования ("B1")

    'Вырезать и вставить одну ячейку
    Диапазон ("A1"). Диапазон вырезания ("B1")

Конец суб 

Кодирование VBA стало проще

Прекратите искать код VBA в Интернете. Узнайте больше об AutoMacro — конструкторе кода VBA, который позволяет новичкам создавать процедуры с нуля с минимальными знаниями в области кодирования и множеством функций, позволяющих сэкономить время для всех пользователей!


Узнайте больше!

Копировать выделение

Если вы хотите скопировать активное выделение, используйте это:

 Sub CopySelection()

'Вставить в определенный диапазон
Диапазон Selection. copy("b1")

'Offset Paste (смещает 2 ячейки вниз и 1 вправо

Application.CutCopyMode = Ложь

Конец суб 

Копирование (вырезание) и вставка диапазона ячеек

В этом примере копируется или вырезается и вставляется диапазон ячеек от A1:A3 до B1:B3 :

 Sub Paste_Range()

    'Копировать и вставить диапазон ячеек
    Диапазон("A1:A3").Диапазон копирования("B1:B3")

    'Вырезать и вставить диапазон ячеек
    Диапазон("A1:A3").Вырезать Диапазон("B1:B3")

End Sub 

Копировать (вырезать) и вставить весь столбец

Ниже мы продемонстрируем несколько быстрых примеров. Прочтите нашу статью о копировании и вставке строк и столбцов для получения подробных примеров, объяснений и вариантов.

В этом примере копируется или вырезается и вставляется весь столбец, A поверх B:

 Sub PasteOneColumn()

    'Копировать и вставить столбец
    Диапазон("A:A"). Копировать диапазон("B:B")

    'Вырезать и вставить столбец
    Диапазон("A:A").Вырезать Диапазон("B:B")

End Sub 

Копирование (вырезание) и вставка всей строки

В этом примере копируется или вырезается и вставляется вся строка, от 1 до 2:

 Sub Paste_OneRow()

    'Копировать и вставить строку
    Диапазон("1:1"). Копировать Диапазон("2:2")

    'Вырезать и вставить строку
    Диапазон("1:1").Вырезать Диапазон("2:2")

Конец суб 

Копирование (вырезание) и вставка на другой лист или книгу

 Sub Paste_Other_Sheet_or_Book()

    'Вырезать или скопировать и вставить на другой лист
    Рабочие листы("лист1").Range("A1").Копировать Рабочие листы("лист2").Range("B1") 'Копировать
    Рабочие листы("лист1").Range("A1").Вырезать Рабочие листы("лист2").Range("B1") 'Вырезать

    'Вырезать или скопировать и вставить в другую книгу
    Рабочие книги("book1.xlsm").Рабочие листы("лист1"). Range("A1").Копировать _
    Workbooks("book2.xlsm").Worksheets("лист1").Range("B1") 'Копировать
    Рабочие книги("book1.xlsm").Рабочие листы("лист1").Range("A1").Cut _
    Workbooks("book2.xlsm").Worksheets("лист1").Range("B1") 'Вырезать

    Application.CutCopyMode = Ложь
Конец суб 

Вставка значений

Обычно при копировании и вставке вставляются все свойства ячейки: форматирование, формулы и т. д. Вставка значений позволяет копировать и вставлять значения ячеек и ничего больше. Самый простой способ вставить значение в VBA — напрямую определить значение ячейки:

 Sub ValuePaste()

    'Значение ячеек вставки
    Диапазон ("B1"). Значение = Диапазон ("A1"). Значение
    Диапазон("B1:B3").значение = Диапазон("A1:A3").значение

    'Установить значения между рабочими листами
    Рабочие листы("лист2").диапазон("А1").значение = Рабочие листы("лист1").диапазон("А1").значение

    'Установить значения между рабочими книгами
    Рабочие книги («книга2. xlsm»). Рабочие листы («лист1»). Диапазон («А1»). Значение = _
    Рабочие книги ("book1.xlsm"). Рабочие листы ("лист1"). Диапазон ("A1"). Значение

    Application.CutCopyMode = Ложь
Конец суб 

Специальная вставка

Специальная вставка позволяет копировать и вставлять определенные свойства ячеек (например, форматы, значения, ширину столбцов и т. д.). Он также позволяет выполнять специальные операции вставки (например, пропускать пробелы, транспонировать). Мы рассмотрим несколько примеров ниже, но для более подробного ознакомления прочитайте наш учебник по вставке значений и специальной вставке.

 Sub PasteSpecial()

'Выполнить одну специальную операцию вставки:
'Вставить форматы
Range("B1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormats
'Вставить ширину столбца
Range("B1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteColumnWidths
'Вставить формулы
Range("B1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteFormulas

'Выполнить несколько специальных операций вставки одновременно:

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