
Презентация по английскому языку «My rights and responsibilities»

Задачи: создать условия для формирования у учащихся умения выразить своё отношение к вопросу о важности соблюдения своих прав и обязанностей;

 создать условия для развития умения понимать информацию, заложенную в тексте;

 создать условия для развития умений совместно планировать деятельность и принимать решения в ходе групповой работы.

Ход урока:

1. Организационный момент

Teacher: Good afternoon, boys and girls! I am glad to see you. Sit down, please.

What date is it today? How many lessons do y ou have today? Do enjoy going to school? Why do you go to school?

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: Listen to the speaker and try to guess what we are going to speak about today? (слайд 1, 2)

(запись Рокфеллера о правах человека. Учебник для 9 класса Кауфман)

Pupils: (ответы) (слайд3)

 Teacher: Is this topic worth discussing? What is the goal of the lesson?

Pupils: We are going to speak about the rights we have and what we are responsible for. We suppose that the goal of the lesson is to learn more about the rights we have and in what documents we can find information about them.

2. Применение учебного материала

Teacher: Let’s remember what the word “right” means? What are human rights? Why do we need rights? What is a bill of rights?

Are you aware of your rights? What rights do you have? What rights do you think are the most important for you? (слайды 4 – 11)

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: Let’s remember what the word “Responsibilities” means? What responsibilities do you have? What responsibilities do you think are the most important for you? (слайды 12 – 18)

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: You have the envelopes on your desks. Take out the parts of the papers and make up sentences about the rights and responsibilities. (слайд 19)

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: All these rights are written in the United Convention on the rights of the child. It was worked out as an international agreement by the United Nations. Read the text and try to find the answers to the following questions:

1) What does the UNO try to make sure?

2) What does the Convention set out in?

 3) When did Russia agree to the UN Convention?

(слайд 20)

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: What are the rights in Russia? (слайд 21)

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: (работа с карточками) Read Russian and English poems about rights and match them.

В праве граждане равны,

взрослые и дети,

расы, веры, языки,

люди на планете. (Статья. )

И любовью обделён

Быть никто не должен,

И расти в своей семье

Всякий хочет тоже. (Статья. )

В дом без спроса никому

Заходить негоже.

Брать нажитое добро

Не пытайтесь тоже! (Статья. )

Ну, а если злой недуг

Одолел, проклятый,

Прочь проваливай, испуг,

Обратись к врачам ты. (Статья. )

Коли в школу не пускать

Кто — то вдруг решился –

Не имеет прав таких,

Знать, ума лишился! (Статья. )

Угрожать решили вам,

Кулаком грозили,

Вот что знаю твёрдо я:

В правде Бог, не в силе! (Статья. )

 Не забудь, что все права –

Наше достоянье!

И нельзя их нарушить

Даже в испытаньях! (Статья. )

 Both adults and children

Equal in law

Not depend of language,

Creed, and race, so forth

 Being out of loving

Nobody should be!

Family the nicest

Is your destiny!

 Do not try, the robber,

Enter my cottage!

Everything inside it

Is my heritage.

 Being sick and tired

Call the doctor, please,

Free it is for children

And is not the lease.

 He, so cocky, fussy,

Keeps you off from school.

Gaga gone he`s really,

Despite thinks he`s cool.

Keep away from cockerels,

They might beat you, mate,

God will help with better pals,

Do you hesitate?

 Don`t forget that all the laws

 “Treasure” should be called,

 Never should be broken, course,

 Often one is told!

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: Are you responsible? Try to guess doing the test.

Pupils: (ответы)

(слайд 22 – 28)

3. Подведение итогов урока. Задание на дом.

Teacher: What have we discussed today?

Pupils: (ответы)

Teacher: Have we achieved the goal of the lesson?

Now let`s do “Placemat consensus”. Write the rights and the responsibilities.

(слайд 29, 30)

Your home task is to complete the essay « The most important rights and responsibilities for me».

 The lesson is over. Good bye.

Конспект урока английского языка в 11 классе «Rights and Responsibilities»

Тема урока “Rights and responsibilities.

11 класс

Spotlight 11. Module 3b.

Цели и задачи урока:

1. Развивать навыки коммуникативной компетенции по видам речевой деятельности в области:

  1. Устной речи на базе неподготовленного диалога — обмена информацией.

  2. Аудирования на материале видеороликов и аудиотекста. Использовать различные виды контроля: ответы на вопросы, множественный выбор и заполнение пропусков текста недостающей информацией.

  3. Чтения текста с пониманием основного содержания прочитанного.

2. Практиковать учащихся в употреблении лексического материала по теме “Human Rights”, повторить способы словообразования «прилагательное-существительное», «глагол-существительное».

3. Знакомить учащихся с некоторыми страноведческими понятиями, такими как «Организация Объединенных Наций», расширять их кругозор.

4. Развивать психологические характеристики мыслительной деятельности учащихся, включая внимание, память, логическое мышление, языковую догадку.

5. Содействовать повышению интереса и мотивации к изучению иностранного языка. Побудить учащихся совершенствовать свой уровень владения языком во всех видах речевой деятельности.

6. Содействовать воспитанию толерантности, политической грамотности в их повседневной жизни.

Оборудование: презентация, тесты, аудио и видеофайлы.

интернет сайты

http://prezi. com/z7ctjrzge59r/humanrightsdprk/



План урока:

  1. Организационный момент.

  2. Введение в сюжет урока.

  3. Фонетическая зарядка.

  4. Активизация лексических единиц по теме.

  5. Аудирование текста.

  6. Музыкальная пауза.

  7. Чтение текста.

  8. Аудирование с извлечением запрашиваемой информации.

  9. Домашнее задание.

  10. Рефлексия. Подведение итогов урока.

Ход урока:

1. Good morning. I am glad to see today. How are you today? Let’s start our lesson.

2. You are going to see a video fragment. Please, watch it and guess what our lesson will be about.

P. about human rights

You are quite right. The theme of our lesson is “Rights and Responsibilities”.

3. Let’s practice your phonetic skills. Listen and repeat.

Private – privacy

Suffer – suffering

Racial – racism

Tolerant – tolerance

Cruel – cruelty

Equal – equality

Ethnic – ethnicity

Protect – protection

Declare – declaration

Discriminate – discrimination

Prohibit – prohibition

4. So, what is the right? What rights do you know? What are your rights at school, at home?

Rights (possible student’s answers)

the right to life

the right to have a name and a nationality at birth

the right to education

the right to health and health care

the right to information

the right to have a rest and leisure

the right to privacy

the right to labour, work

the right to social welfare, etc.

the right to be safe

to tell what I am feeling

to be listened to

to participate in cultural life of a community

meet or associate with others

choose their own friends

choose their work

practice own religion

express own opinions

believe what they wish


ask to change unfair laws

own property

take part in meetings demonstrations

be treated kindly

to ask for help

to work in a quiet classroom

live in a family

I see you remember the peoples’ rights quit well. Look at this spider gram. Here are only some of human rights. read them aloud, please.

But as you know, every person has not only rights but responsibilities as well. Of course, you also know that we should answer for our actions because every action has consequences that may affect not only your own lives but the lives of others.

What are your responsibilities at home, at school? What duties do you have at home?

Responsibilities (possible student’s answers)

  • Our responsibilities: To do my best / To do homework / To keep classroom clean /

  • / To be kind / To use my time wisely / not to break the laws

  • To not bully others / To use school books neatly / To respect people.

Match the list of rights to their responsibilities.

Test “Hot potatoes”

Now I want you to do some vocabulary work.

Complete the sentences with the phrases:

have no right – не иметь права,

have the right to – иметь право,

have the responsibility to — нести ответственность,

do their bit, — исполнять долг,

take responsibility for – взять на себя ответственность

stand up for your rights – отстаивать свои права

1. You shouldn’t let your employer make you work so many hours. You should …!

2. You … to speak to me like that!

3. As the captain of the basketball team, I feel I … go to all the practices.

4. We all … freedom of speech.

5. Who’s going to … organising the picnic next week.

6. I think everyone should … for the environment.

Choose the correct verbs.

1. No one should be allowed to violate / abolish someone else’s rights.

2. Jane has been given / put the responsibility of buying a birthday present for Kim.

3. Many people in the world are rejected / denied their basic human rights.

4. Matt knows he was to blame for the fire. He accepts / receives responsibility.

5. Ann often says nasty things to her sister. I think she deals / treats her very badly!

6. Lawers offend / defend the rights of their clients.

7. I can’t tolerate / face his attitude any more! I think it’s disgraceful!

8. There are campaigns to violate / abolish the death penalty in several American states.

5. Now we are going to do some listening exercises. Listen to the speakers. For questions 1-3, choose A, B or C. You can hear the recording twice. (аудио Spotlight 11. Ex.6, p.48)

6. Are you tired? Let’s do some exercises for your eyes.

Look left, right

Look up, look down

Look around.

Look at your nose

Look at that rose

Close your eyes

Open, wink and smile.

Your eyes are happy again.

7. Now let’s answer the question that was at the beginning of our lesson.

What are human rights?

Human Rights are things that we all should have or to be able to do.

Who are they for?

For everyone. Each person in the world has human rights.

Human rights are the basic rights and freedoms that belong to every person in the world. (Every man, woman and child ) Although they can sometimes be restricted, human rights can never be taken away from you.

Which rights seem (the) most important to you.

Right to live, to work, to education

I can’t agree with you. Every human right is important! Every human right is needed to live and grow – and to be a human being! Human rights are indivisible. All rights are equally important and necessary for life and dignity – there are no rights which are more important than others.

There are different laws that protect human rights.

Do you know any of such laws? In our country.

The Constitution of the Russian Federation.

And you know that next year we are going to celebrate its 25th Anniversary

(the adoption of the Russian Constitution in 1993)

And any international laws? The most important is The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Now let’s learn some facts about the Declaration of Human Rights.

Работа с текстом. Подбор заголовков. (Spotlight 11. Ex.2, p.58)

The Universal Declaration of Human rights

Read the text and match the headings (A-E) with a paragraph (1-4) There is one heading that you do not need to use.

Answer my questions.

What is the Declaration?

It’s a document written by the United Nations which states that all people in the world have certain rights.

What organization adopted the UDHR?the United Nations

When and where was the Universal Declaration of Human Rights adopted?It was adopted in 1948 in New York.

What is the Russian translation for the Universal Declaration of Human Rights? — Всеобщая декларация прав человека.

8. Аудирование, заполнение пропусков недостающей информацией

Now you know more facts about the Declaration. Right? We are nearly at the end of the lesson. I want you to watch one more video. While listening to the text you’ll have to fill in the blanks with the proper words.

Watch the video

And complete the sentences:

Was written in 1948…(1). Millions of people perished in the second World War. Many countries were still deeply divided by racism and military oppression. So the …48 (2) countries of United Nations got together and decided that ENOUGH was ENOUGH! So they would sit down and wrote 30 (3) articles. That’s the 30 (4) rights and freedoms which belong to all of us.

  • Article 1. We are all born free…(5). We have our own thoughts and ideas and we should all be treated the same way.

  • Article 9 says nobody has the right to put us in prison without good …reason (6), to keep us there, to send us away from our country.

  • Article 15 We all have the right…(7) to belong to the country.

  • Article 18 says we all have the right to believe in whatever we like, to have a religion…(8) and to change it if we wish

  • Article 19. We all have the right to make up our own minds, to think what we like, to say what we like and to share our thoughts with other people

  • Article 30. says that nobody can take these rights and freedoms away from us. They belong to everyone.

Here are some simplified examples of some of the articles in UDHR — — Prezi

Do the crossword. (Решение кроссворда в программе Hot potatoes)

1: State of being away from others, alone

2: Personal opinion

3: Keeping safe

4: News or knowledge given

5: Spare time, time free from work

6: Ability to treat differently, to make distinctions

7: Being a member of a nation

8: Training and instruction, knowledge and abilities

9. Write down your homework. Ex…..in Workbook

Thank you for your work. You’ve worked really hard today. Your marks are…. Our lesson is over. See you soon. Good bye.

10. Reflection. (Рефлексия)

Our lesson comes to its end. Did you like it? People all over the world speak so much about rights and responsibilities nowadays. Do you think these problems should be discussed or is it no use talking? This is not our last lesson on this topic and we will definitely continue our work.

Гражданин Я | Права и обязанности гражданина План урока
