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You can find the others if you are brave.
My dear Bella, you are brave.
But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.
This glory could be yours if you are brave enough to forge peace.
Эта слава может стать вашей, если вы достаточно смелы, чтобы выковать мир.That's why I can tell you like this, because you are brave and strong.
Help a little as you are brave...
But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.
Но если Вы храбры для реальная артистическая жизнь для два, приехать.Ana, deep down, you are brave!
Showing your waist at your age, you are brave!
"If you are brave, honest, and generous, I will grant your wish" the Blue Fairy promised.
But you are brave enough to steal, to rob, to murder!
You got involved because you are strong and you are brave, and you are tired of running from men like Denko.
Ты приняла участие, потому что ты сильная и храбрая, и ты устала убегать от таких людей, как Денко.To believe you can make a difference, that if you are brave, you can fight to make the world a more equal and just place.
Начинаешь верить, что ты можешь повлиять, что если ты смелый, то сможешь бороться, чтобы сделать мир более справедливым.Now that you are here, show us that you are brave men.
You are brave and honourable... and kind.
You are brave to come to me with this.
Yes, you are brave in facing us.
You think you are brave enough?
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Достаточно ли ты смелая
Другие переводыSo are you brave enough or aren't you?
Are you brave enough to venture out into such a black night?
Are you brave enough to hear that?
Are you brave enough to say no to me?
Are you brave enough to help the dragons make their journey home?
So are you brave enough or aren't you?
Mr. Haochang Are you brave enough To go out on a limb
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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900, Больше
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Больше
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200, Больше
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you brave - Перевод на русский - примеры английский
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Are you brave enough to venture out into such a black night?
Достаточно ли ты смелая, чтобы рискнуть выйти в такую темную ночь?I thought you brave to risk The Paradise for love.
Я думала ты смело рисковал Парадизом ради любви.Find the thing that keeps you brave.
Diane, you brave soul, welcome to the Plenary Institute.
Даян, да вы храбрец, добро пожаловать на Пленарное заседание.Grab his bones to make you brave.
Задушил бы его, осадил его крепость, перемолол его кости себе на хлеб...Because people are calling you brave, standing up to special interests.
Потому, что люди называют вас храбрым, отстаивающим особые интересы.Are you brave enough to hear that?
Are you brave enough to say no to me?
Но достаточно ли вы смелы, чтобы отказать мне?What makes you brave this time?
Are you brave enough to help the dragons make their journey home?
Достаточно ли вы храбры чтобы помочь добраться домой двум дракончикам?Which of you brave souls is willing to bind this lovely young woman?
Do you want to see if it can make you brave?
So I meant, "Were you brave enough to get out there?"
On behalf of all the citizens of Gotham, I want to thank you brave gentlemen from the bottom of my heart, and I want to promise you kids... we will take care of you as if you were our own children.
And this,... for all you brave men out there... is fire.
and you are brave - Перевод на русский - примеры английский
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You got involved because you are strong and you are brave, and you are tired of running from men like Denko.
Ты приняла участие, потому что ты сильная и храбрая, и ты устала убегать от таких людей, как Денко.Предложить пример
Другие результаты
You are smart, and you are strong, and you are so brave, and I love you.
Amazons are brave, horrifying and mysterious warriors of the ancient world.
We are brave, Your Highness.
You can find the others if you are brave.
My dear Bella, you are brave.
But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.
These are brave and honest men, sir.
This glory could be yours if you are brave enough to forge peace.
Эта слава может стать вашей, если вы достаточно смелы, чтобы выковать мир.You are brave and honourable... and kind.
Those are brave me knocking at our door.
I know your people are brave, no one denies that.
Я знаю, ваши люди храбры, никто не отрицает.That's why I can tell you like this, because you are brave and strong.
Listen, Mara... you really are brave.
Help a little as you are brave...
But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.
Но если Вы храбры для реальная артистическая жизнь для два, приехать.Those are brave men knocking at our door.
Your men are brave, but untrained, unprepared for battle.
Твои люди храбры, но не обучены; не готовы сражаться.context.reverso.net
you are a brave - Перевод на русский - примеры английский
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You are a brave little boy, very courageous.
You are a brave, honest, amazing therapist
Prove that you are a brave young man.
You know, you are a brave and selfless leader, Jackson, and I'm positive you'll remain so for the entire duration of your reign.
Знаешь, Джексон, ты храбрый и самоотверженный лидер, и я надеюсь, ты таким и останешься на все время своего правления.Rabbi with no knife, you are a brave man.
And, Crickett, you are a brave and generous woman.
А, ты, Крикетт, храбрая и великодушная женщина.You are a brave, brave soul.
You are a brave and loyal dog.
You are a brave man, negotiating these quarters on the eve of your judgment.
Well, you are a brave man.
Listen, you are a brave girl.
You are a brave girl, Liesel.
You are a brave young woman.
so are you brave enough - Перевод на русский - примеры английский
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So are you brave enough or aren't you?
So are you brave enough or aren't you?
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Другие результаты
Are you brave enough to venture out into such a black night?
Are you brave enough to hear that?
Are you brave enough to say no to me?
Are you brave enough to help the dragons make their journey home?
Mr. Haochang Are you brave enough To go out on a limb
Everyone brave enough to accept this, step forward.
If you're in love with Andrea, why aren't you brave enough to say so?
Let us be brave enough to say so.
He inherited from Bush the policy on Somalia, and he was brave enough to change it six months later.
В наследство от Буша ему досталась политика, проводившаяся по отношению к Сомали, и у него хватило мужества для того, чтобы спустя шесть месяцев исправить положение.You can bring joy to everyone if you're brave enough.
Ты сможешь доставить радость всем, если будешь смелой.I'm brave enough to help these women release their souls.
Я достаточно смел, чтобы помочь этим женщинам освободить их души.If you're feeling brave enough.
Yes, of course... a girl brave enough to sketch in a graveyard.
One night, her stalker got brave enough to break into her house.
Однажды её сталкер осмелился забраться к ней в дом.He's not brave enough to set me up.
They just have to be brave enough to take it.
This glory could be yours if you are brave enough to forge peace.
if you are brave - Перевод на русский - примеры английский
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You can find the others if you are brave.
But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.
This glory could be yours if you are brave enough to forge peace.
Эта слава может стать вашей, если вы достаточно смелы, чтобы выковать мир.But if you are brave for a real artistic life for two, come.
To believe you can make a difference, that if you are brave, you can fight to make the world a more equal and just place.
Начинаешь верить, что ты можешь повлиять, что если ты смелый, то сможешь бороться, чтобы сделать мир более справедливым.Предложить пример
Другие результаты
Hit an invalid if you are so brave.
If today you are not brave enough to imagine that which is supposedly impossible, we will not be able to achieve tomorrow the possible and the necessary.
Если сегодня у вас не хватит смелости, чтобы решиться на то, что кажется, на первый взгляд, невозможным, мы не сможем добиться, чтобы завтра это стало и возможным, и необходимым.Wonder if you'd be so brave if the boogeyman was still awake.
You can bring joy to everyone if you're brave enough.
And if you're brave, you can try some kimchi.
But I wonder if you're brave enough to visit my Chamber of Horrors.
Но я удивлюсь, если вы достаточно смелы чтобы посетить мою Комнату Ужасов.And you would not be so brave if you had smelt the Bog of Eternal Stench.
If you're brave enough, you can control your fate.
Если ты достаточно смел, ты можешь повелевать своей судьбой.But if you're brave enough. I'll give you a real chance to help your family.
Но если вы достаточно храбры, предложу реальный шанс помочь вашей семье.If we are brave enough to manifest the simple but profound truth that the plight of individuals anywhere is the responsibility of leaders everywhere, we will be much closer to fulfilling those prophetic visions proclaimed long ago in Jerusalem.
Если мы проявим достаточно мужества и докажем простую и вместе с тем абсолютную истину, что за бедственное положение людей, где бы они ни находились, несут ответственность лидеры всех стран, мы заметно приблизимся к выполнению пророчеств, предсказанных в давние времена в Иерусалиме.If you're feeling brave enough.
It's pretty brave, if you ask me.
But if you're feeling brave, I got just the thing.
Turone, come here if you're brave enough!