English as a World Language – Английский язык – язык международного общения. Текст the world of english

Английский ( Топики/Сочинения ): English as a World Language - Английский язык - язык международного общения

English as a World Language

1. Today English is the language of the world.2. It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a world language.3. In Shakespeare's time it was a «provincial» language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers.4. Nowadays over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue.5. English is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand.6. It is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic.7. English is also spoken as a second language in the former British and US colonies.8. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese.9. English is the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology and business.10. It is the language of literature, education, modem music, and international tourism.11. English is the major language of diplomacy, it is one of the official languages of the United Nation organization and other political organizations.12. Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today.13. One should say that English is not an easy language to learn.14. There is a big problem of spelling, of the large number of exceptions to any rule.15. This language is very idiomatic and the prepositions are terrible.16. English is one of those languages which may seem easy in the beginning, but then the bridge between basic knowledge and mastery takes a long time to cross.17. But if you cross this bridge it will give you great satisfaction.18. You will be able to speak to people from other countries, to read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider.19. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

Английский язык - язык международного общения

1. В настоящее время английский язык является международным языком.2. Английский язык приобрёл значение международного только в последние 100 лет.3. Во времена Шекспира он представлял собой провинциальный язык второстепенного значения с шестью миллионами людей, говорящих на нём.4. Сегодня более 300 миллионов людей в мире говорят на английском языке, как на родном.5. Английский язык является государственным языком Соединённого Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, Соединённых Штатов Америки, Австралии и Новой Зеландии.6. Им пользуются в качестве одного из государственных языков в Канаде, в Южно-Африканской республике и в Ирландии.7. Английский язык является вторым государственным языком в прежних британских и американских колониях.8. По количеству говорящих (400 миллионов) он уступает только китайскому языку.9. Английский язык - основной язык международного общения в таких областях как наука, технология, бизнес.10. Это язык литературы, образования, современной музыки, международного туризма.11. Английский язык является основным языком в дипломатии, это один из официальных языков в Организации Объединённых Наций и других политических организациях.12. Россия интегрирует (стремится к объединению) в мировое сообщество, и проблема изучения английского с целью общения особенно актуальна сегодня.13. Кто-то может сказать, что английский трудный для изучения язык.14. Существуют трудности в овладении орфографией из-за большого количества исключений из правил.15. Этот язык изобилует идиоматическими выражениями, а предлоги кажутся непреодолимым препятствием.16. Английский - один из тех языков, который может показаться лёгким для изучения в начале, но путь между начальным курсом обучения и владением языком в совершенстве требует длительного времени.17. И если вы преодолеете этот путь, вы почувствуете огромное удовлетворение.18. Вы сможете общаться с людьми других стран, читать книги иностранных писателей в оригинале, что, несомненно, расширит ваш кругозор.19. Сегодня знание английского языка необходимо каждому квалифицированному специалисту.



1. It is easy to learn foreign languages?2. Which language in the world is spoken by most people?3. When did you begin learning English?4. What was the process of learning?5. Why is English not an easy language to learn?6. Why is it necessary to learn English?7. What advantages have the people who know foreign languages?


1. Легко ли учить иностранные языки?2. На каком языке говорят большинство людей в мире?3. Когда Вы начали изучать английский?4. Каков был процесс изучения?5. Почему учить английский язык не просто?6. Почему необходимо учить английский?7. Каких успехов достигают люди, знающие иностранные языки?


Live and learn. - Век живи, век учись.No pains, no gains. - Меньше слов — больше дела.It is never too late to learn. - Учиться никогда не поздно.Industriousness is the mother of good luck. - Без труда нет плода.Knowledge is power. - Знания — сила.All things are difficult before they are easy - Терпение и труд всё перетрут.


English as a World Language – Английский язык – язык международного общения

Today English is the language of the world. It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English has become a world language. In Shakespeare’s time it was a “provincial” language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers. Nowadays over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue.

English is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. It is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic.English is also spoken as a second language in the former British and US colonies. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese.English is the major international language of communication in such areas as science, technology and business. It is the language of literature, education, modem music, and international tourism. English is the major language of diplomacy, it is one of the official languages of the United Nation organization and other political organizations.

Russia is integrating into the world community and the problem of learning English for the purpose of communication is especially urgent today.

One should say that English is not an easy language to learn. There is a big problem of spelling, of the large number of exceptions to any rule. This language is very idiomatic and the prepositions are terrible. English is one of those languages which may seem easy in the beginning, but then the bridge between basic knowledge and mastery takes a long time to cross. But if you cross this bridge it will give you great satisfaction. You will be able to speak to people from other countries, to read foreign authors in the original, which makes your outlook wider. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist.

Перевод топика: Английский язык – язык международного общения

В настоящее время английский язык является международным языком. Английский язык приобрел значение международного только в последние 100 лет. Во времена Шекспира он представлял собой провинциальный язык второстепенного значения с шестью миллионами людей, говорящих на нем. Сегодня более 300 миллионов людей в мире говорят на английском языке, как на родном.Английский язык является государственным языком Соединенного Королевства Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, Соединенных Штатов Америки, Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Им пользуются в качестве одного из государственных языков в Канаде, в Южно-Африканской республике и в Ирландии.Английский язык является вторым государственным языком в прежних британских и американских колониях. По количеству говорящих (400 миллионов) он уступает только китайскому языку.Английский язык – основной язык международного общения в таких областях как наука, технология, бизнес. Это язык литературы, образования, современной музыки, международного туризма. Английский язык является основным языком в дипломатии, это один из официальных языков в Организации Объединенных Наций и других политических организациях.Россия интегрирует (стремится к объединению) в мировое сообщество, и проблема изучения английского с целью общения особенно актуальна сегодня.Кто-то может сказать, что английский трудный для изучения язык. Существуют трудности в овладении орфографией из-за большого количества исключений из правил. Этот язык изобилует идиоматическими выражениями, а предлоги кажутся непреодолимым препятствием. Английский – один из тех языков, который может показаться легким для изучения в начале, но путь между начальным курсом обучения и владением языком в совершенстве требует длительного времени. И если вы преодолеете этот путь, вы почувствуете огромное удовлетворение. Вы сможете общаться с людьми других стран, читать книги иностранных писателей в оригинале, что, несомненно, расширит ваш кругозор. Сегодня знание английского языка необходимо каждому квалифицированному специалисту.

    It is easy to learn foreign languages? Which language in the world is spoken by most people? When did you begin learning English? What was the process of learning? Why is English not an easy language to learn? Why is it necessary to learn English? What advantages have the people who know foreign languages?

Прислал: Новикова Ксения . 2017-10-15 16:33:14



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    Главная » Топики на английском языке » ENGLISH AS A WORLD LANGUAGE topic | топик

    Nowadays, the English language is spoken the length & breadth of the world and permeates the areas it has never reached before. It is the language of business, science, technology, the media and communication in general, so it serves as a lingua franca in many countries. Geographically, English is the most widespread language on earth, and it is second only to Mandarin Chinese in the number of people who speak it. In fact, people who speak English fall into 3 groups. The 1st one is those who have learned it as their native language, it comprises around 400 million people, living on the British Isles, in the USA, Australia, New Zealand and parts of Canada and South Africa. The next group consists of those who use it as a second language in a society that is mainly bilingual. Finally, the 3d group includes those who use it for a practical purpose (either for business or education). According to statistical data, 1 person in 7 of the world’s entire population belongs to 1 of these groups. However, the emergence of English as a world language is a relatively recent thing. Some 6 or 5 centuries ago, the situation was quite different. For example, in Shakespeare’s time only a few million people spoke English. All of them lived in what is now Great Britain. Through the centuries, as a result of various historical events (the Great Geographical Discoveries, waves of immigration and the process of colonization) the English language was established as a mother tongue outside England, and exported to all the continents of the world, which lead to its present standing. In my opinion, there are several reasons why English has become a dominant language. First of all, it is the simplicity of form. English is an analytical language, that’s why, English verbs have very few inflections, adjectives do not change according to the noun and the category of gender isn’t distinguished. One more characteristic of this language is its flexibility, which means that without any inflections one and the same word can operate as different parts of speech at the same time, e.g. we can talk about water to drink and to water the flowers, a paper to read and to paper a bedroom, etc. What is more, the openness of its vocabluary is noteworthy. English is mixing with and marrying other languages around the world. For instance, words newly coined or in vogue in one language are very often added to English as well. It can be called the most insatiable borrower, as 70% of the English vocabulary are loan words and only 30% of the words are native. Besides, nowadays a good command of English isn’t perceived as prestigious but as a must alongside knowing how to use a computer and drive a car. So English is a vital key to a good job. Certainly, some people may argue that its pronunciation is difficult, the spelling is terrible and the vocabulary is totally confusing, there are a lot of exceptions to different rules and it’s very idiomatic. Personally, I think that each language is difficult in its own way. What is more, a great number of exceptions prove that a language is created by people, not computers. You know, a language can be compared with the air we breathe, so we should take it for granted. By the way, I can’t see the point of simplifying spelling, because in my opinion there’s certain logic in it, what is more it may enhance ambiguity and create misunderstanding between people. However, E as a world language faces several problems I’d like to touch upon. Some scholars claim that English risks being destroyed by the way it is evolving. It represents afusionof neologisms, approximations and distortions. Thus, it loses its position as a language of culture. Judging by its standing in India, we may suppose that although English serves as a link language in post-colonial countries, it is more popular with not numerous affluentpopulation, besides, it faces a quality problem, as it is frequently spoken badly and is read and written with poor fluency. What is more, purists of other languages are trying to resist creeping of English words into their languages. As far as I know, in France, where there seems to be a perennial war on Franglais, a list of English terms was published the use of which was prohibited. If the forbidden words were inscripted on a product, it was said to be kept off the market, while the manufacturer would facelegal action. Unfortunately, I don’t know whether this law is still in force and how strictly it is obeyed, but I think that it was passed mainly for reasons of politics. However, I do agree that there’s sometimes sloppy and unnecessary use of foreign terms. And I also believe, that it proves that if one language is trying to take hold of other languages, it’s natural that people would fight against it and protect their languages. Last but not least, some experts claim that what can really shatter the present standing of English and fight its monopoly in future is the Chinese language, because the number of the Chinese is expected to increase at a swift rate. Well, nobody knows for sure, but I suppose that it will take the Chinese less to master English than others to acquire basic knowledge of Chinese. In conclusion, I believe that despite several threats English is faced with, it is unlikely to lose its position of the world language, because of the number of its speakers and its advantages over other languages. Nevertheless, I can’t say that because of the spread of English other languages will die out. Well, everything depends on people, and I don’t think anybody wants their language to disappear completely.   Лекция, реферат. ENGLISH AS A WORLD LANGUAGE topic | топик - понятие и виды. Классификация, сущность и особенности.

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Урок №1 по теме “English a language of the world”

Урок №1 по теме “English - a language of the world”.

Цель урока: Обучение чтению с извлечением основной информации.1) Оргмомент.2) Объявление цели урока: Well students, today you’ll have to read the text “An English-speaking World” carefully and say why English is taught and learnt in almost all the countries of the world. I suggest working in groups. Take your seats, open your books on page 30 and start reading. Your “teachers” will help you. I can give you a helping hand if it is necessary. ( Учащиеся уже привыкли работать в трёх группах постоянным составом. Они прекрасно знают своих «учителей» и названия своих групп. Ребята занимают свои места и начинают один за другим читать и переводить текст в трёх группах одновременно. Консультанты координируют работу, исправляют ошибки при чтении, при затруднении в переводе помощь оказывают все члены группы).An English-speaking World.Language belongs to each of us. Everyone uses words. What is in about language that makes people so curious? The answer is that there is almost nothing in our lives that is not touched by language. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen: so we are all interested in the origin of words, in how they appear and die.

The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. When Julius Caesar landed in Britain nearly two thousand years ago, English did not exist. Five hundred years later, in the 5th century, English was already spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain but they were not many, but their English was not the language we know today. Nearly a thousand years later, at the end of the 16th century, when William Shakespeare created his works, English was the native language of about 6 million Englishmen. At that time English was not used anywhere else except Great Britain.

Nowadays, four hundred years later, 750 million people all over the world use English, and half of those speak it as a mother tongue. Of all the 2700 world languages English is one of the richest. For example, compare English, German and French: English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German – 185 000, and French – fewer than 100 000. At the end of the 20th century English is more widely spoken and written, than any other language has ever been. It has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail and its telexes and telegrammes are in English. More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals and eighty per cent of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of business. It is the language of sports: the official language of the Olympics.

The English language surrounds us like a sea, and like the waters of a deep sea it is full of mysteries. English is and has always been constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings and all the time new words appear in the language.

После чтения и перевода текста каждая из трёх групп отвечает на основной вопрос текста.

People all over the world use English because in has become the language of the planet, the first truly global language.

Оценки получает та группа, которая первой смогла ответить на поставленный перед чтением текста вопрос. Затем следует более детальное извлечение информации из текста.3) Well, students read the text again for more detailed information and answer the questions from exercise 24 on page 31.

1. Is there anything about the language that makes you curious? What is it? 2. Are you interested in the origin of words? What words? 3. Who spoke English two thousand years ago when Julius Caesar landed in Britain? 4. Was the 5th – century English like English today? 5. How many people spoke English in Shakespeare’s times? 6. How many people speak English nowadays? 7. Which of the three languages has the most words – English, French or German? Which one has the least words? 8. Do you think it’s good to have an international, global language? Why? 9. Why can English be called the language of business and the language of sports?4) Домашнее задание:ex.24 p.31.письменно ответить на вопросы

Урок №2 по теме: “English - a language of the world”.Цель урока: Обучение письму. Совершенствование навыков чтения по теме.

  1. Оргмомент.
  1. Контроль домашнего задания. Учащиеся работают в парах. Читают вопросы, и проверяют свои ответы на вопросы.
  1. Опираясь на ключевые фразы, письменно изложить основное содержание текста. Работа в парах.
    • Language belongs ...
    • We live in ...
    • We all speak and ...
    • We are all interested in …, in how ...
    • The rise of English is ...
    • In the 5th century only the people ...
    • But their English was not ...
    • At the end of the 16th century, English was ...
    • At that time English was used ...
    • Nowadays 750 million people use ...
    • Half of them speak it as ...
    • There are 2700 ...
    • English is the richest among them.
    • English has a vocabulary of about …, German- …, French- ...
    • In the 21st century English has become ...
    • It is the first … … language.
    • Three quarters of the world’s mail is ...
    • More than … of the scientific periodicals and … of the information in the world’s computers are also in English.
    • English is the main … of the business.
    • It is the language of ...
    • The English … surrounds us.
    • It is constantly ...
    • Some words …, some … their meanings.
    • And all the time … … … in the language.
    1. Чтение и перевод основного содержания текста изложенного письменно. Работа в группах.

    An English-speaking World.Language belongs to each of us. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen. We are all interested in the origin of the words, in how they appear and die.

    The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. In the 5th century only the people who inhabited Great Britain spoke English. But their English was not the language we know today. At the end of the 16th century, English was the native language of about 6 million people. At that time English was used only in Great Britain.

    Nowadays 750 million people all over the world use English. Half of them speak it as a mother tongue. There are 2700 languages in the world. English is the richest among them. English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German- 185 000, French-100 000.

    In the 21st century English has become the language of the planet. It is the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English. More than 50% of the scientific periodicals and 80% of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of the business. It is the language of sport.

    The English language surrounds us. It is constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings. And all the time new words appear in the language.

    1. Домашнее задание: чтение и перевод текста.

    Урок№3 по теме “English – a language of the world”.

    Цель урока: Обучение учащихся монологической речи по теме.

    1) Оргмомент.2) Объявление цели урока: Well students today we’ll work in groups. I’ll give you these sheets of papers and you’ll have to work according to the tasks given in them. An English-speaking World.Language belongs to each of us. We live in and by language. We all speak and we all listen. We are all interested in the origin of the words, in how they appear and die.

    The rise of English is a story of wonderful success. In the 5th century only the people who inhabited Great Britain spoke English. But their English was not the language we know today. At the end of the 16th century, English was the native language of about 6 million people. At that time English was used only in Great Britain.

    Nowadays 750 million people all over the world use English. Half of them speak it as a mother tongue. There are 2700 languages in the world. English is the richest among them. English has a vocabulary of about 500 000 words, German- 185 000, French-100 000.

    In the 21st century English has become the language of the planet. It is the first truly global language. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English. More than 50% of the scientific periodicals and 80% of the information in the world’s computers are also in English. English is the main language of the business. It is the language of sport.

    The English language surrounds us. It is constantly changing. Some words die, some change their meanings. And all the time new words appear in the language.

    1. What does the author say about:
      • belonging English to us?
      • the rise of English in the world?
      • use of English in the world?
      • becoming English the language of the planet?
      • the changes in the English language?
      2. Answer the following questions:
        • Does the English belong to us?
        • What was the rise of English?
        • What language spoke people who lived in the 5th century?
        • Was the 5th –century English like English we speak today?
        • How many people spoke English at the end of the 16th century?
        • What is the use of English nowadays?
        • There are 2700 languages in the world, is that so?
        • Which of the three languages has more words-English, French or German?
        • When English has become the language of the planet?
        • Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English, isn’t it?
        • How many percent of the scientific periodicals is in English?
        • Is English the main language of the business?
        • What language is the language of sport?
        • Does the English language surround us?
        • Is it constantly changing?
        • What happens with some of the words in the English language?
        • Do new words appear in the language?
        3. Continue the following sentences:
          • Language belongs ...
          • We live in ...
          • We all speak and ...
          • We are all interested in …, in how ...
          • The rise of English is ...
          • In the 5th century only the people ...
          • But their English was not ...
          • At the end of the 16th century, English was ...
          • At that time English was used ...
          • Nowadays 750 million people use ...
          • Half of them speak it as ...
          • There are 2700 ...
          • English is the richest among them.
          • English has a vocabulary of about …, German- …, French- ...
          • In the 21st century English has become ...
          • It is the first … … language.
          • Three quarters of the world’s mail is ...
          • More than … of the scientific periodicals and … of the information in the world’s computers are also in English.
          • English is the main … of the business.
          • It is the language of ...
          • The English … surrounds us.
          • It is constantly ...
          • Some words …, some … their meanings.
          • And all the time … … … in the language.
          4. Make up sentences with the help of key words:

          belongs a vocabulary

          live in the language of the planet

          speak, listen global language

          are interested three quarters

          the rise 50%

          in the 5th century 80%

          was not, we know business

          at the end of the 16th century sport

          English was used surrounds us

          750 mln people constantly

          mother tongue die, change

          2700 languages appear


          5. Let's play the game “Do you know that”.

          6. According to the key Russian words try to retell the text.

          Принадлежит самый богатый

          живём в имеет словарь

          говорим, слушаем в 21ом веке

          интересуемся в происхождении, глобальный язык

          появляются, умирают

          рассказ о прекрасном успехе 3/4почтовых сообщений

          в пятом веке более 50% и 80%

          в конце 16го века язык бизнеса

          использовался только в Британии язык спорта

          750 миллионов человек окружает нас

          для половины из них постоянно изменяется

          2700 языков умирают, меняют значение

          новые слова появляются

          1. Try to retell this text using key Russian words. Work in pairs.

          3) Домашнее задание: пересказ текста.

          Урок №4 по теме: “English - a language of the world”.Цель урока: Обучение учащихся диалогической речи по теме. Работа в парах, группах.1) Оргмомент.2) Объявление цели урока.3) Контроль домашнего задания. Ролевая игра «учитель-ученик». Взаимопроверка, выставление оценок.4) Well, students let’s work in groups. You’ll have to make up questions from the given words.

          1. language, by, do, in, How, and, we, live?
          2. was, of, the, English, the, rise, What?
          3. many, English, How, nowadays, use, people?
          4. speak, as, people, tongue, a, How, mother, it, many?
          5. 2700, the, in, are, aren’t, languages, There, there, world?
          6. the, is, richest, world, What, language, in, the?
          7. become, has, the, language, planet, language, the, When, of, English, the?
          8. global, it, the, Is, truly, language, first?
          9. computers, of, English, percent, are, How, the, information, in,
          the, scientific, in, many, world’s, periodicals, and, the?
          1. main, business, sport, Is, the, of, and, language, English?
          2. with, language, English, does, What, the, happen, constantly?

          5) Look at the key and correct your mistakes if there are any. After that you’ll have to answer these questions. Don’t forget we work in groups: help & consult each other.

          1. How do we live in and by language?
          2. What was the rise of the English?
          3. How many people use English nowadays?
          4. How many people speak it as a mother tongue?
          5. There are 2700 languages in the world, aren’t there?
          6. What is the richest language in the world?
          7. When has the English language become the language of the planet?
          8. Is it the first truly global language?
          9. How many percent of the scientific periodicals and the information in the world’s
          computers are in English?
          1. Is English the main language of business and sport?
          2. What does constantly happen with the English language?

          6) Imagine you are at the lesson on the history of the English language. Ask your “teachers” as much questions as possible. 7) Let’s imagine we are at the scientific conference on the history of the English language. Let me introduce three world known scientists in this field of science. You may ask them questions you are interested in.8) Домашнее задание: составить диалог.Урок №5 по теме: “English - a language of the world”.Цель урока: Обучение учащихся общению в группах. (Обучение полилогу.)

          1. Оргмомент.
          1. Объявление цели урока.
          1. Контроль домашнего задания.
          1. Обучение общению в группах (работа над полилогами.)

          Вначале урока ребята работают в парах: они воспроизводят диалоги, над которыми работали на прошлом уроке, и дома.

          Всю остальную часть урока учащиеся работают в трёх группах каждая над своей ситуацией.

                  1. Imagine you are a group of friends. Two of you study English at school. Your younger friends are at a loss (в растерянности). Convince (убедите) them to choose English.
                  1. You are a journalist from the “Times”. You are invited to the scientific conference on the history of the English language. Your task is to write an article about the English-speaking world. During the interval you are interviewing Pr. Smith, an expert in English; Pr. Brown, a scientist in English; Pr. Green a linguist.
          3. You are the teacher of the English language. You are discussing an English-speaking world at the lesson. Convince your students it’s good to study English.

          Образец полилога по ситуации №1:

          Natasha: Well, Lena and Sasha, have you made up your mind what language to study?

          Lena and Sasha: Not yet.

          Sveta: We think you should choose English.

          Lena: Why? In my opinion it doesn’t matter what language to study.

          Sasha: I think any language belongs to us. We live in and by language.

          Lena: Besides we all speak and we all listen.

          Natasha: Do you know there are 2700 languages in the world. But English is the language of the planet.

          Sveta: I’d like to add it is the first truly global… language in the world.

          Sasha: Hm…How many people in the world use English?

          Natasha: 750 million people if I’m not mistaken.

          Sveta: Do you know that half of them speak English as the mother tongue?

          Lena: By the way what was the rise of the English language?

          Natasha: Well the rise of the English language is a story of wonderful success. As I know from my English lessons in the 5thcentury English was spoken by the people who inhabited Great Britain.

          Sveta: But their English was not the language we know today.

          Sasha: Well what happened then it’s interesting to know.

          Natasha: At the end of the 16thcentury English was the native language of about 6 million people.

          Sveta: Nowadays English is more widely spoken and written than any other language in the world.

          Lena: How can you prove it?

          Natasha: Easily. Three quarters of the world’s mail is in English.

          Sveta: More than half of the world’s scientific periodicals are in the English.

          Natasha: 80% of the information in the world‘s computers is also in English.

          Sasha: What is about business and sport?

          Sveta: It’s also the main language of business and sport.

          Lena: Sasha, I think we should choose English.

          Sasha: Well, girls, you’ve convinced us to study English.


Learning foreigner language - топик на английском

More and more people realize that every educated person should know a foreigner language. The most popular language now is English. English is a world language. It's the language of progressive science and technology, trade and cultural relation, commerce and business. It's the universal language of international aviation, shipping and sports. It is also the major language of diplomacy. Hundreds and hundreds of books, magazines and newspapers are printed in English and real all over the world. 75% of the world's mail and 60% of the world's telephone calls are in English. Half of the world's scientific literature is written in English too.

English is spoken by more than 350 million people . It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic. It's also spoken as second language speakers in many parts of Asia and Africa.

The number of second language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers. In Russia English is very popular: it is studied at schools, colleges, universities, and sometimes even at nurse schools. There are also other languages that are popular in the world. For example over 1000 million people use Chinese, the first language in the number of people who speak it, it means that out one of every five people in whole world speaks Chinese. Another popular language is Arabic, which is the official language of several Asia's countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria, United Arab Emirates and others).

Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and patience. But to know languages today is absolutely necessary for everyone. I want to know foreign language because I have always been interested in foreign countries and their cultures. You know I think that who doesn't know a foreign language, doesn't know his own language.


English as a world language (Английский язык как мировой язык)

English as a world language

English belongs to the Teutonic or Germanic branch of the Indo-European family of the languages. It is only in the course of the last hundred years that English is become a world language In Shakespeare's time it was a provincial language of secondary importance with only 6 million native speakers Nowadays English has-become the world's most important language in politics, science. In a number of speakers (400 million) it is second only to Chinese It is the official language of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, of the United States of America, of Australia and New Zealand. English is used as one of the official languages in Canada, the Republic of South Africa and the Irish Republic It is also spoken as a second l-ge by many people in India, Pakistan. The number of second-language speakers may soon exceed the number of native speakers, if it has not done so already.

The working languages of the United nations are English and French. All documents are written only in the working languages. English has become now the language of international communication. At present no other language on Earth is better suited to play the role of world language.

People who speak English fall into one of three groups: those who have learnt it as their native language, those who have learnt it as a second language in a society which is mainly bilingual and those who are force to use it for a practical purpose - professional or educational.

Nowadays when science and technology are progressing so fast all kind of specialists need English in their work.

I am not confident with my English. I think it doesn't sound well. But I am a good English learner. I always attend my English classes and work hard.

Перевод текста: English as a world language

Английский язык принадлежит Тевтонской или германской ветви индоевропейской семьи языков. Только в ходе последней сотни лет английским языком становятся мировой язык Во время Шекспира, это был провинциальный язык вторичной важности только с 6 миллионами носителей языка В настоящее время, английский язык имеет - становятся всемирным самым важным языком в политике, науке. В множестве спикеров (400 миллионов) это является вторым только на китайский язык, Это является официальным языком Великобритании Великобритании и Северной Ирландии, Соединенных Штатов Америки, Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Английский язык используется как один из официальных языков в Канаде, Южноафриканской республике и ирландской Республике, Этим также говорят как секунда l-ge многими людьми в Индии, Пакистане. Число вторых языковых спикеров может скоро превысить число носителей языка, если это не сделало так уже.

Рабочие языки Организации Объединенных Наций являются английскими и французскими. Все документы написаны только на рабочих языках. Английский язык стал теперь языком международной коммуникации. В настоящее время никакой другой язык на Земле лучше не подходит играть роль мирового языка.

Люди, которые говорят английское падение в одну из трех групп: те, кто изучил это как их родной язык, те, кто изучил это как второй язык в обществе, которое является главным образом двуязычным и те, кто - сила, чтобы использовать это в практической цели - профессиональный или образовательный.

В настоящее время, когда наука и техника прогрессирует так быстро, весь вид специалистов нуждается в английском языке в их работе.

Я не уверен относительно моего английского языка. Я думаю, что это не звучит хорошо. Но я - хороший английский ученик. Я всегда посещаю мои английские классы и упорно тружусь.


Помогите перевести текст на русский только не переводчиком

Все больше и больше людей понимают, что каждый образованный человек должен знать иностранный язык. Наиболее популярным языком сейчас является английский язык. Английский язык является мировым языком. Это язык прогрессивной науки и техники, торговых и культурных отношений, торговли и бизнеса. Это универсальный язык международной авиации, судоходстве и спорта. Это также главный язык дипломатии. Сотни и сотни книг, журналов и газет будут напечатаны на английском языке и читаются во всем мире. 75% почты в мире и 60% телефонных звонков мире на английском языке. Половина научной литературы в мире написана на английском языке. На английском языке говорят более 350 миллионов человек. Это официальный язык Великобритании, США, Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Английский используется в качестве одного из официальных языков в Канаде, ЮАР и Ирландской Республики. Он также говорил, как второй язык выступающими во многих частях Азии и Африки. Число вторых носителей языка может вскоре превысить число носителей языка. В России английский очень популярен: его изучают в школах, колледжах, университетах, а иногда даже на медсестру школы.

ВСе больше и больше людей озонают что каждый образованный человек должен знать иностранный язык Сейчас наиболее популярный язык-английский. Английский это мировой язык. Это зык прогрессивной науки, технологии, культуры и культурной религии, коммерции и бизнеса. ЭТо универсальный язык авиации, мореходства и спорта. ЭТо также основный язык дипломатики. Сотни и сотни книг, журналов и газет напечатаны на английском, и читаемы во всем мире. 75 процентов мировой почты и 60 процентов мировых телефонных разговоров на английском. Половина научной литературы написана на английском. НА английском говорят в КАнаде, в Африке, в Ирландии.

Все больше людей понимает, что каждый образованный человек должен знать иностранный язык. Самый популярный язык теперь является английским. Английский язык - мировой язык. Это - язык прогрессивной науки и техники, торговли и культурного отношения, торговли и бизнеса. Это - универсальный язык международной авиации, отправляя и спортивных состязаний. Это - также главный язык дипломатии. Сотни и сотни книг, журналов и газет напечатаны на английском языке и прочитаны во всем мире. 75 % почты в мире и 60 % телефонных звонков в мире находятся на английском языке. Половина научной литературы в мире написана на английском языке также. На английском языке говорят больше чем 350 миллионов человек. Это - официальный язык Великобритании, США, Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Английский язык используется как один из официальных языков в Канаде, Южноафриканской республике и ирландской республике. На этом также говорят как второй язык спикеры во многих частях Азии и Африки. Число вторых языковых спикеров может скоро превысить число носителей языка. В России английский язык очень популярен: это изучено в школах, колледжах, университетах, и иногда даже в школах медсестры. Изучение иностранного языка не является легкой вещью. Это - длинный и медленный процесс, который берет много времени и терпение. Но знать языки сегодня абсолютно необходимо для всех. Я

Все больше и больше людей понимают, что каждый образованный человек должен знать иностранный язык. Наиболее популярным языком сейчас является английский язык. Английский язык является мировым языком. Это язык прогрессивной науки и техники, торговых и культурных отношений, торговли и бизнеса. Это универсальный язык международной авиации, судоходстве и спорта. Это также главный язык дипломатии. Сотни и сотни книг, журналов и газет будут напечатаны на английском языке и читаются во всем мире. 75% почты в мире и 60% телефонных звонков мире на английском языке. Половина научной литературы в мире написана на английском языке. На английском языке говорят более 350 миллионов человек. Это официальный язык Великобритании, США, Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Английский используется в качестве одного из официальных языков в Канаде, ЮАР и Ирландской Республики. Он также говорил, как второй язык выступающими во многих частях Азии и Африки. Число вторых носителей языка может вскоре превысить число носителей языка. В России английский очень популярен: его изучают в школах, колледжах, университетах, а иногда даже на медсестру школы. Изучение иностранного языка не является легким делом. Это долгий и медленный процесс, который занимает много времени и терпения. Но знать языки сегодня абсолютно необходима для всех. Я хочу знать иностранный язык, потому что я всегда был заинтересован в зарубежных странах и их культур. Вы знаете, я думаю, что кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает своего родного языка.
