Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс. Тест 5 класс past simple present simple

Test "Past Simple" - Английский язык

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The Past Simple (Indefinite) Tense

Употребляется для обозначения действий, которые произошли в прошлом.

Типичные обстоятельства времени: yesterday, last …, … ago, then, once, in …, lоng ago, etc.

+ Подл. V2 (V+ed / 2 форма)

- Подл. didn`t V

? Did подл. V

Исключение: глагол to be в ед.числе – was, во мн.числе – were.

  1. Complete this post card putting these verbs in Past Simple.

Hi, Jenny!

I`m in San Francisco now. We (1) _____ (arrive) here yesterday. Before that, we (2) _____ (be) 10 days in New York. It (3) _____ (be) wonderful. Pat and I (4) _____ (see) a lot of interesting places including the Empire State Building. We (5) _____ (go) to the top – it (6) _____ (be) very high, and we (7) _____ (be) both a bit frightened. We (8) _____ (travel) by boat along the river to see the Statue of Liberty. We (9) _____ (pass) through Greenwich Village and (10) _____ (watch) many artist at work. The paintings (11) _____ (not/be) expensive so I (12) _____ (buy) one. We also (13) _____ (go) to the theatre and (14) _____ (see) a new musical – I (15) _____ (like) it very much. The weather (16) _____ (be) OK – a bit wet sometimes. But now in san Francisco, it`s hot and sunny.

See you soon.

Love, Helen

2. Ask questions using interrogative words in the brackets.

1. I paid a lot of for the computer. (how much)

2. Mrs Robinson taught foreign languages at the university. (what)

3. We often went to the cinema last month. (where)

4.Mike chose several English books. (which books)

5. Jack told something interesting about the accident. (what)

6. Mary made some spelling mistakes in her test. (where)

7. We had dinner very early yesterday. (what time)

8. I came early after my work. (when)

9. She took somebody`s notebook by mistake. (whose)

10. Last time I met Peter in January. (when)

11. I found my umbrella under the table. (where)

12. They went to the British Museum last week. (who)

3. Complete these sentences with the verbs in the negative.

1. It was very warm in the room but it _____ the same outside.

2. I saw Barbara at the party but I _____ her husband there.

3. She had a piece of paper but she _____ any pen to write the note.

4. Usually he stayed there for a long time but that year he _____ much.

5. They worked on Monday but they _____ on Sunday.

6. We went to the museum yesterday but we _____ to the Art Gallery.

7. John _____ football yesterday, he played basketball.

8. Angus _____ trousers for his wedding, he wore a kilt.

9. I _____ a cup last night, I broke a plate.

10. We _____ in Spain last summer, we were in France.


Тест для 5 класса Present Simple , Past Simple


5 Form

I. Расскройте скобки и перепишите предложения употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1.Том (to play) football on Saturday.

2.His father (not to watch) TV in evenings.

3.He (to help) his mother every day?

4.My brother (to play) the guitar every evening.

5.My sister (not to like) coffee.

6.My mother (to work) every day?

II. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке и перепишите предложения.

1.to bed/ you/every day/go/ at 10 p.m./.

2.you/ want/do/juice/?

3. how/do/you/often/tennis/play/?

4.my mum/yesterday/go/not/work/to/did/.

5.went/to/the/my family/summer/south/last/.

III. Перепишите предложения выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

1.My sister has (some,any) good books.

2.(Some,any) of these pictures are very expensive.

3.Have you got (some,any) pens?

4. 1. Jane is (taller ,the tallest) of the 2 girls.

5. Father was (the eldest , elder) of seven sons.

6. Albert is (elder ,older) than John.

7.I got up (at,on,in) 8 o'clock this morning.

8. I like getting up early (at,on,in) the morning.

9. Diana and I first met (at,on,in) 1978.

10.. Do often out (at,on,in) the evening?

IV. Прочитайте текст, вставляя конструкцию there is/there are, запишите ответы.

My room is very light and large. There (1) a sofa on the right. Next to the sofa there (2) a yellow armchair. You can see a vase with flowers on my table. On the left side of the table there (3) two windows. And next to the window there (4) my desk where I do my homework. Along the long wall of my room there (5) a book-case with many shelves for books and CD-disks. There (6) some posters with my favorite pop-singers on the walls. And in the middle of the room there (7) a colorful carpet. I love my room!

V.Составьте и запишите 5 предложений о том, что собираются делать члены вашей семьи на выходных , используя конструкцию “to be going to do something”.


5 Form

I. Расскройте скобки и перепишите предложения употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.

1.They (to visit) their friends every Sunday.

2.What you (to do) last week?

3.We (not to rest) yesterday.

4.You (to watch) TV in the evening?

5.My brother (not to read) a book 2 days ago.

6.He often (to go) to the Zoo .

II. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке и перепишите предложения.



3. a newspaper/not/my father/did/yesterday/read/.

4.he/yesterday/nine/at/o”clock/got up/.


III. Перепишите предложения выбрав правильный вариант ответа.

1.There aren’t (some,any) mistakes in her design.

2.Are there (some,any) ancient buildings here?

3.They had not (some,any) time.

4. I think your plan is (the best, better) of the two.

5. This is (the most large, the largest) power — station, I’ve ever seen.

6. Henry is (the oldest ,the eldest) of the 3 brothers.

7. What do you usually do (at,on,in) the weekend?

8. I'm afraid I can't come to the party (at,on,in) Sunday.

9. I don't like going out alone (at,on,in) night.

10. I'm leaving (at,on,in) Saturday.

IV. Прочитайте текст, вставляя конструкцию there is/there are, запишите ответы.

My house is very big and beautiful. There (1) 5 rooms in my house. There (2) three windows in the kitchen. There (3) a plate and two cups on the table. Next to the sofa there (4) four chairs in my living-room. In the middle of the room there (5) a bright carpet. There (6) a table, four chairs and two lamps in my room. There (7) two bedrooms and a bathroom in my house. I love my house!

V.Составьте и запишите 5 предложений о том, что собираются делать члены вашей семьи на выходных , используя конструкцию “to be going to do something”.


Тест для 5 класса Present Simple , Past Simple

Test 5 Form I. Расскройте скобки и перепишите предложения употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple.1.Том (to play) football on Saturday. 2.His father (not to watch) TV in evenings. 3.He (to help) his mother every day? 4.My brother (to play) the guitar every evening. 5.My sister (not to like) coffee. 6.My mother (to work) every day? II. Расставьте слова в правильном порядке и перепишите предложения. 1.to bed/ you/every day/go/ at 10 p.m./. 2.you/ want/do/juice/? 3. how/do/you/often/tennis/play/? 4.my mum/yesterday/go/not/work/to/did/. 5.went/to/the/my family/summer/south/last/. III. Перепишите предложения выбрав правильный вариант ответа. 1.My sister has (some,any) good books. 2.(Some,any) of these pictures are very expensive. 3.Have you got (some,any) pens? 4. 1. Jane is (taller ,the tallest) of the 2 girls. 5. Father was (the eldest , elder) of seven sons. 6. Albert is (elder ,older) than John. 7.I got up (at,on,in) 8 o'clock this morning. 8. I like getting up early (at,on,in) the morning. 9. Diana and I first met (at,on,in) 1978. 10.. Do often out (at,on,in) the evening? IV. Прочитайте текст, вставляя конструкцию there is/there are, запишите ответы. My room is very light and large. There (1) a sofa on the right. Next to the sofa there (2) a yellow armchair. You can see a vase with flowers on my table. On the left side of the table there (3) two windows. And next to the window there (4) my desk where I do my homework. Along the long wall of my room there (5) a book-case with many shelves for books and CD-disks. There (6) some posters with my favorite pop-singers on the walls. And in the middle of the room there (7) a colorful carpet. I love my room! V.Составьте и запишите 5 предложений о том, что собираются делать члены вашей семьи на выходных , используя конструкцию “to be going to do something”. Test 5 Form I. Расскройте скобки и перепишите предложения употребляя глаголы в Present Simple или Past Simple. 1.They (to visit) their friends every Sunday. 2.What you (to do) last week? 3.We (not to rest) yesterday. 4.You (to watch) TV in the evening? 5.My bro


Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс - VEKOR.RU

Шелгинских Яна Валерьевна, учитель английского языка, Муниципальное Бюджетное Образовательное Учреждение Средней Школы №27 г.Уфа

Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

1.Выберите и вставьте в предложение правильную форму глагола.

1.I usually… my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit

2.There … 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were b) was c) are d) is

3. I can… English very well.

a) spoke b) speaks c) speak d) will speak

4. …they go to the Zoo with us next week?

a) shall b) will c) do d) did

5. I… to my friend’s place yesterday.

a) goed b) went c) goes d) will go

6. He will not… his holidays in America.

a) spent b) spended c) spends d) spend

7. My pencil…on the table yesterday. My mother… it in the box.

a) was not, put b) are not, put c) were not, put d) was not, puts

8. Do you like… to school? Yes, I…

a) to go, did b) go, do c) to go, do d) to go, don’t

9. We learn how to use computers at …lessons.

a) I. T b) Literature c) Drama d) Maths

10. She wanted to… us about her brother.

a) say b) tell c) speak d) show

2. Выбери вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу.

1.Мамин зонтик:

a) mothers umbrella b) mother’s umbrella c) mothers’ umbrella

2.Книги родителей:

a) parent’s books b) parents books c) parents’ books

3. Яблоко сестры:

a) sister’s apple b) sisters’ apple c) sisters apple

4. Конура собак:

a) dogs house b) dogs’ house c) dog’s house

5. Фотоаппарат сына:

a) sons’ camera b) sons camera c) son’s camera

6. Кассеты братьев:

a) brothers’ cassettes b) brother’s cassettes c) brothers cassettes

3. Найди и исправь ошибки в рассказе.

I am Ann. I am from Britain. I study in the fifth form and lern Histori, Rusian, Mafs, Drama and some other subjects. I like to study langviges and Sience.

4. Переведи предложения на русский язык.

  1. I went abroad in June.

  2. I visited Berlin last summer.

  3. I spent a lot of time outdoor swimming, playing and diving.

  4. We took a lot of pictures of our friends.

  5. Did you spend much money?

  6. He missed a football match.

  7. I won’t go to the party.

  8. What is your the most interesting subject?

  9. Any good news? — Yes, I’ll spend a week in Scotland during summer holidays.

5. Поставь глагол в нужную форму. Раскрой скобки.

  1. Last week I (visit) my grandparents

  2. We (not to be) at school yesterday.

  3. My sister often (read) books in the evening.

  4. They (not to do) exercises every morning.

  5. I (spend) my summer holidays in the country.

  1. Задай вопросы, используя вопросы в скобках.

  1. My friends are from Great Britain. (Where?)

  2. They opened the window two hours ago. (What?)

  3. She will start her work tomorrow. (When?)

  4. Sam is in the 5th form. (Who?)

  5. There are 28 children in our class. (How many children?)

  1. Составь по таблице рассказ.



Favourite colour


Favourite subjects

Subjects(he dislikes)


Computer games












Foreign language





  1. Выбери и вставь в предложение правильную форму глагола.

  1. Where…your parents last week?

a) are b) did c) were d) was

2. Nick…to school every day.

a) goes b) went c) go d) will go

3. Jane …not…bread and milk tomorrow.

a) did…buy b) will…buy c) does…buy d) do…buy

4. I usually…my mother and father in the evening.

a) helped b) helps c) help d)will help

5. My friend…at school last week.

a) weren’t b)didn’t be c) isn’t d) wasn’t

6. When…your father…yhe day after tomorrow?

a) will…get up b) did…get up c0 does…get up d) do…get up

7. My balls… in the box yesterday. My brother…them.

a) aren’t, taked b) weren’t, took c) wasn’t, took d) isn’t, taked

8. Who…up in your family? I…

a) wash, will b) will wash, does c0 washes, did d) washes, do

9. They…to the Zoo next week.

a) goes b) will go c) go d) went

10. There… a bookshelf with books in my room.

a) arte b) is c) were d) will be

  1. Составь из данных слов предложения.

  1. My cat have I already fed.

  2. Have justthey cleaned my parrot’s cage.

  3. At the Zoo My brother hasmetjust his best friend.

  4. Our pets eaten their food haven’tyet.

  5. Mickalready his finishedworkhas.

  1. Заполни таблицу.

to teach





to give



to write


to read

to see



Тест для 5 класса Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Progressive

Тест для 5 класса

Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Progressive

Цель: контроль усвоения правил употребления времен «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple, Present Progressive»

1. Their friends seldom….for a walk in the yard.

a) go b) went c) goes

2. The children…cartoons yesterday evening.

a) don’t watch b) didn’t watch c) aren’t watch

3. The cat…across the street now.

a) run b) is running c) are running

4. Polly …in Moscow in a week.

a) will be b) will c)was d) is

5. He …at the post office a minute ago.

a) is b) will be c) was

6. I …afraid of dogs because they have big teeth.

a) am b) shall be c) was

7) The teacher ….at the teachers table now.

a) is sitting b) will sit c) are sitting

8) John is going to work at school.

…he want to be a teacher?

a) did b) does c) do

9) Yesterday evening we….at the theatre?

a) was b)were c) are

10) Last week Sam …in London.

a) is b)was c) will be

11) Kelly …a very hard-working girl.

a) was b) is c) will be

12) My father …now.

a) fishes b) is fishing c) will be fishing

13) ….it rain in winter in England?

a) does b)was c) is

14) I…soup now.

a) am cooking b) is cooking c)cook

15) He …a ticket for a play tomorrow.

a) bought b)will buy c) shall buy

16) Look! His nephew …under a sun-umbrella.

a) is sleeping b) sleep c) sleeps

17) When I’m thirsty I always …juice or milk.

a) am drinking b) drank c) drink

18) Why …you miss school yesterday?

a) do b)does c) did

19) The dog…on the floor now.

a) sleeps b) is sleeping c) slept

20) …you live in Sweden?

a) do b) are c) does

21) Look! My cat …with a ball on the carpet.

a) plays b) is playing c) played

22) Our parents …in the afternoon.

a) didn’t watch TV b) don’t watch TV c) not to watch TV

23) What are you …now?

a) repair b) repairing c) repaired

24) We …like playing leap-frog.

a) don’t b) not to c) are

25) Last month my neighbor …to Paris.

a) went b) goes c) go

26) John often …chess in the evening.

a) is playing b) plays c) play

27) Granny …. a cake now.

a) is making b) made c)makes

28) Next year he …buy a new car.

a) shall b) is going c) will

29) His father …shopping every day.

a) doesn’t go b) don’t go c) not to go

30) They seldom …at eight o’clock.

a) gets up b) get up c) got up

31) She …in the garden when I phoned her.

a) was b) were c) will be

32) Whom …they waiting for now?

a) are b) do c) were


Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

Шелгинских Яна Валерьевна, учитель английского языка, Муниципальное Бюджетное Образовательное Учреждение Средней Школы №27 г.Уфа

Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

1.Выберите и вставьте в предложение правильную форму глагола.

1.I usually… my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit

2.There … 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were b) was c) are d) is

3. I can… English very well.

a) spoke b) speaks c) speak d) will speak

4. …they go to the Zoo with us next week?

a) shall b) will c) do d) did

5. I… to my friend’s place yesterday.

a) goed b) went c) goes d) will go

6. He will not… his holidays in America.

a) spent b) spended c) spends d) spend

7. My pencil…on the table yesterday. My mother… it in the box.

a) was not, put b) are not, put c) were not, put d) was not, puts

8. Do you like… to school? Yes, I…

a) to go, did b) go, do c) to go, do d) to go, don’t

9. We learn how to use computers at …lessons.

a) I. T b) Literature c) Drama d) Maths

10. She wanted to… us about her brother.

a) say b) tell c) speak d) show

2. Выбери вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу.

1.Мамин зонтик:

a) mothers umbrella b) mother’s umbrella c) mothers’ umbrella

2.Книги родителей:

a) parent’s books b) parents books c) parents’ books

3. Яблоко сестры:

a) sister’s apple b) sisters’ apple c) sisters apple

4. Конура собак:

a) dogs house b) dogs’ house c) dog’s house

5. Фотоаппарат сына:

a) sons’ camera b) sons camera c) son’s camera

6. Кассеты братьев:

a) brothers’ cassettes b) brother’s cassettes c) brothers cassettes

3. Найди и исправь ошибки в рассказе.

I am Ann. I am from Britain. I study in the fifth form and lern Histori, Rusian, Mafs, Drama and some other subjects. I like to study langviges and Sience.

4. Переведи предложения на русский язык.

  1. I went abroad in June.

  2. I visited Berlin last summer.

  3. I spent a lot of time outdoor swimming, playing and diving.

  4. We took a lot of pictures of our friends.

  5. Did you spend much money?

  6. He missed a football match.

  7. I won’t go to the party.

  8. What is your the most interesting subject?

  9. Any good news? - Yes, I’ll spend a week in Scotland during summer holidays.

5. Поставь глагол в нужную форму. Раскрой скобки.

  1. Last week I (visit) my grandparents

  2. We (not to be) at school yesterday.

  3. My sister often (read) books in the evening.

  4. They (not to do) exercises every morning.

  5. I (spend) my summer holidays in the country.

  1. Задай вопросы, используя вопросы в скобках.

  1. My friends are from Great Britain. (Where?)

  2. They opened the window two hours ago. (What?)

  3. She will start her work tomorrow. (When?)

  4. Sam is in the 5th form. (Who?)

  5. There are 28 children in our class. (How many children?)

  1. Составь по таблице рассказ.


  1. Выбери и вставь в предложение правильную форму глагола.

  1. Where…your parents last week?

a) are b) did c) were d) was

2. Nick…to school every day.

a) goes b) went c) go d) will go

3. Jane …not…bread and milk tomorrow.

a) did…buy b) will…buy c) does…buy d) do…buy

4. I usually…my mother and father in the evening.

a) helped b) helps c) help d)will help

5. My friend…at school last week.

a) weren’t b)didn’t be c) isn’t d) wasn’t

6. When…your father…yhe day after tomorrow?

a) will…get up b) did…get up c0 does…get up d) do…get up

7. My balls… in the box yesterday. My brother…them.

a) aren’t, taked b) weren’t, took c) wasn’t, took d) isn’t, taked

8. Who…up in your family? I…

a) wash, will b) will wash, does c0 washes, did d) washes, do

9. They…to the Zoo next week.

a) goes b) will go c) go d) went

10. There… a bookshelf with books in my room.

a) arte b) is c) were d) will be

  1. Составь из данных слов предложения.

  1. My cat\ have\ I\ already\ fed.

  2. Have\ just\they\ cleaned\ my parrot’s cage.

  3. At the Zoo\ My brother\ has\met\just\ his best friend.

  4. Our pets\ eaten\ their food\ haven’t\yet.

  5. Mick\already\ his \finished\work\has.

  1. Заполни таблицу.

to teach


Favourite colour


Favourite subjects

Subjects(he dislikes)


Computer games












Foreign language










to give



to write


to read

to see



«Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

Здесь Вы можете скачать Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс для предмета : Английский язык. Данный документ поможет вам подготовить хороший и качественный материал для урока.

Шелгинских Яна Валерьевна, учитель английского языка, Муниципальное Бюджетное Образовательное Учреждение Средней Школы №27 г.Уфа

Тест по теме: «Present Simple, Past Simple, Future Simple», 5 класс

1.Выберите и вставьте в предложение правильную форму глагола.

1.I usually… my Granny on Saturday.

a) visits b) visited c) visit d) will visit

2.There … 30 pupils in our class last year.

a) were b) was c) are d) is

3. I can… English very well.

a) spoke b) speaks c) speak d) will speak

4. …they go to the Zoo with us next week?

a) shall b) will c) do d) did

5. I… to my friend’s place yesterday.

a) goed b) went c) goes d) will go

6. He will not… his holidays in America.

a) spent b) spended c) spends d) spend

7. My pencil…on the table yesterday. My mother… it in the box.

a) was not, put b) are not, put c) were not, put d) was not, puts

8. Do you like… to school? Yes, I…

a) to go, did b) go, do c) to go, do d) to go, don’t

9. We learn how to use computers at …lessons.

a) I. T b) Literature c) Drama d) Maths

10. She wanted to… us about her brother.

a) say b) tell c) speak d) show

2. Выбери вариант, соответствующий русскому переводу.

1.Мамин зонтик:

a) mothers umbrella b) mother’s umbrella c) mothers’ umbrella

2.Книги родителей:

a) parent’s books b) parents books c) parents’ books

3. Яблоко сестры:

a) sister’s apple b) sisters’ apple c) sisters apple

4. Конура собак:

a) dogs house b) dogs’ house c) dog’s house

5. Фотоаппарат сына:

a) sons’ camera b) sons camera c) son’s camera

6. Кассеты братьев:

a) brothers’ cassettes b) brother’s cassettes c) brothers cassettes

3. Найди и исправь ошибки в рассказе.

I am Ann. I am from Britain. I study in the fifth form and lern Histori, Rusian, Mafs, Drama and some other subjects. I like to study langviges and Sience.

4. Переведи предложения на русский язык.

  1. I went abroad in June.

  2. I visited Berlin last summer.

  3. I spent a lot of time outdoor swimming, playing and diving.

  4. We took a lot of pictures of our friends.

  5. Did you spend much money?

  6. He missed a football match.

  7. I won’t go to the party.

  8. What is your the most interesting subject?

  9. Any good news? - Yes, I’ll spend a week in Scotland during summer holidays.

5. Поставь глагол в нужную форму. Раскрой скобки.

  1. Last week I (visit) my grandparents

  2. We (not to be) at school yesterday.

  3. My sister often (read) books in the evening.

  4. They (not to do) exercises every morning.

  5. I (spend) my summer holidays in the country.

  1. Задай вопросы, используя вопросы в скобках.

  1. My friends are from Great Britain. (Where?)

  2. They opened the window two hours ago. (What?)

  3. She will start her work tomorrow. (When?)

  4. Sam is in the 5th form. (Who?)

  5. There are 28 children in our class. (How many children?)

  1. Составь по таблице рассказ.



Favourite colour


Favourite subjects

Subjects(he dislikes)


Computer games












Foreign language





  1. Выбери и вставь в предложение правильную форму глагола.

  1. Where…your parents last week?

a) are b) did c) were d) was

2. Nick…to school every day.

a) goes b) went c) go d) will go

3. Jane …not…bread and milk tomorrow.

a) did…buy b) will…buy c) does…buy d) do…buy

4. I usually…my mother and father in the evening.

a) helped b) helps c) help d)will help

5. My friend…at school last week.

a) weren’t b)didn’t be c) isn’t d) wasn’t

6. When…your father…yhe day after tomorrow?

a) will…get up b) did…get up c0 does…get up d) do…get up

7. My balls… in the box yesterday. My brother…them.

a) aren’t, taked b) weren’t, took c) wasn’t, took d) isn’t, taked

8. Who…up in your family? I…

a) wash, will b) will wash, does c0 washes, did d) washes, do

9. They…to the Zoo next week.

a) goes b) will go c) go d) went

10. There… a bookshelf with books in my room.

a) arte b) is c) were d) will be

  1. Составь из данных слов предложения.

  1. My cat have I already fed.

  2. Have justthey cleaned my parrot’s cage.

  3. At the Zoo My brother hasmetjust his best friend.

  4. Our pets eaten their food haven’tyet.

  5. Mickalready his finishedworkhas.

  1. Заполни таблицу.

to teach






to give



to write


to read

to see

