Environmental Problems – Экологические проблемы. Экология на английском

Ecology - топик на английском

We live on the earth. It is very, very big. There is a lot of water on the earth. It is in rivers, lakes, seas and oceans. There are a lot of forests and fields, hills and mountains on it. The earth is full of wonders. Different animals live on the earth. Different plants grow on it. The earth is beautiful. There are large countries and small countries. There are warm countries and cold countries. There are some countries where there are four seasons in a year and some countries where there are only two. When the sun shines it is day. When the sun does not shine it is night. When it is day in one country it is night in another. You can see the moon and the stars in the sky at night. People live in different countries. They speak different languages.

People have lived on our planet for many years. They lived and live on different continents, in different countries. People depend on their planet, on the sun, on animals and plants around them. People must take care of Earth. Our ecology becomes worse and worse with every new day. Many species of animals and birds are disappearing nowadays. People destruct wildlife, cut down trees to make furniture. They forget that people can't live without trees and plants, because they fill air with oxygen. And, of course, great problems are population and animals destruction. The main reason of pollution is rubbish. Most of our rubbish goes to big holes in the ground, called 'dumps'. But dumps are very dangerous for our life 'cause they are full of rats, which can carry infections away from dumps. Another way to get rid of rubbish is to burn it. But the fires make poisons, which go into the air and pollute it. But pollution isn't the only actual problem. Every day a big number of animals disappears . People kill animals for different aims: e.g. people hunt whales for their meat and oil; elephants for their tusks, crocodiles for their leather and so on. And also animals are used for medical experiments. The most wide – speared from such animals are monkeys. Modern life is bad for animals, birds, fish. The air isn't fresh and the water isn't pure. They don't have good meal and facilities for the life. You can find their names in the Red Book.

The planet Earth is only a tiny part of the universe, but it's the only place where human beings can live. Today, our planet is in serious danger. Acid rains, global warming, air and water pollution, overpopulation are the problems that threaten human life on Earth.

Who is to blame for the disaster? The answer is simple: all of us. Our forests are disappearing because they are cut down or burnt. If this trend continues, one day we won't have enough oxygen to breathe.

The seas are in danger. They are filled with poison: industrial and nuclear waste, chemical fertilisers and pesticides. The Mediterranean is already nearly dead; the North Sea is following. The Aral Sea is on the brink of extinction. If nothing is done about it, one day nothing will be able to live in the seas.Every ten minutes one kind of animal, plant or insect dies out for ever. If nothing is done about it, one million species that are alive today may soon become extinct.

Air pollution is another serious problem. In Cairo just breathing the air is dangerous — equivalent to smoking two packs of cigarettes a day. The same holds true for many Russian cities. Factories emit tons of harmful chemicals. These emissions have disastrous consequences for our planet. They are the main reason for the greenhouse effect and acid rains. An even greater threat are nuclear power stations. We all know how tragic the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster are.

Fortunately, it's not too late to solve these problems. We have the time, the money and even the technology to make our planet a better, cleaner and safer place. We can plant trees and create parks for endangered species. We can recycle litter. We can support green parties and put pressure on those in power. Together we can save the planet and all of us with it.

Of course, people can't stay indifferent to these problems. There are a lot of special organizations, which try to save our nature. The most known are: The Royal Society for the prevention of cruelty to animals (The RSPCA), the World Wildlife Fund (WWF) and Greenpeace. The RSPCA tries to protect animals from bad use. It operates big nation campaigns aimed at lost pets, circus animals. The WWF rescued several species of animals, mammals as well as birds. These organization also helped to create more than 250 National parks. Greenpeace began its work 20 years ago from saving whales. And now Greenpeace is a world-famous organization, which saves plants, animals and people. These organization, want to rescue animals, to help them to survive and to save jungle rain forests, which are in danger of destruction. And they also help animals 'cause many of them have already gone as they have nowhere to live. Their homes, the trees, have disappeared. We must save wild animals. And we must find the right way to save land, people and animals. We must lake care of nature, because we are part of it.

I would advise everyone to think about this problem. Together we can find a solution!


"Экологические проблемы" на английском языке с переводом

Our environment is constantly changing. This is the fact we cannot deny. The way technological progress influences the environment is not the most favourable.

Today humanity is facing numerous environmental problems. If we do not pay attention to these problems right now, we may face even bigger natural disasters in the future.


Pollution is one of the biggest problems. Plants and motor vehicles are number one pollutants. Their harmful emissions pollute the environment. Oil spills and acid rains make the World Ocean dirty.

Global warming

Global warming is the result of human activity. It is characterized by rising temperatures of the oceans and earth’s surface causing rise in sea levels and melting of polar ice cover. Apart from that, floods, desertification and excessive snow are also signs of global warming.

Climate change

Global warming causes the rise of another serious problem, known as climate change. Climate change can lead to the development of other harmful effects in our life, such as occurrence of new diseases and change in seasons.


Today forests cover about 30% of land. Every year this figure decreases more and more. People clear out new territories for residential buildings, new plants and factories. We must realize that deforestation causes the extinction of animals and plants.

Ozone layer depletion

Ozone layer protects our planet from the sun’s harmful rays. Due to atmospheric emissions of the so-called CFC’s, the ozone layer depletes. This results in occurrence of the holes in the ozone layer.

Today CFC’s are banned in many industries. However, we must remember that if this problem is not taken under control, harmful rays of the sun will easily penetrate the atmosphere. The biggest hole in the ozone layer is located above the Antarctic.

Окружающая нас среда постоянно меняется. Мы не можем отрицать этот факт. Технологический прогресс оказывает не самое благоприятное влияние на окружающую среду.

Сегодня человечество сталкивается со множеством экологических проблем. Если вовремя не обратить на них внимания, мы рискуем столкнуться с гораздо более серьезными бедствиями в будущем.


Загрязнение – одна из самых больших проблем. Заводы и автомобили являются самыми злостными загрязняющими факторами. Разливы нефти и кислотные дожди загрязняют Мировой океан.

Глобальное потепление

Глобальное потепление – результат деятельности человека. Оно характеризуется повышением температуры океанов и поверхности земли, что приводит к повышению уровня воды и таянию ледникового покрова. Кроме того, наводнения, опустынивание и чрезмерное выпадение снега, также являются признаками глобального потепления.

Климатические изменения

Глобальное потепление влечет за собой другую серьезную проблему – изменение климата. Изменение климата может стать причиной появления других вредных влияний на нашу жизнь, в том числе появления новых болезней и изменения погодных условий.

Вырубка лесов

На сегодняшний день 30% поверхности земли покрыто лесами. С каждым годом их становится все меньше. Человек вырубает леса, освобождая площадь под строительство новых домов, заводов и предприятий. Мы должны задуматься о том, что вырубка лесов приводит к вымиранию животных и исчезновению растений.

Истощение озонового слоя

Озоновый слой защищает нашу планету от вредных солнечных лучей. Вследствие выброса в атмосферу так называемых фреонов, озоновый слой истончается. Из-за этого в озоновом слое появляются дыры.

В настоящее время, фреоны практически не используются в производстве. Однако стоит помнить, что если эта проблема не будет взята под контроль, вредные солнечные лучи смогут беспрепятственно проникать в атмосферу. Крупнейшая озоновая дыра находится над Антарктидой.


Топик 1 – АНГЛИЙСКИЙ в полном порядке

На этой странице находится первый топик по теме ЭКОЛОГИЯ НА АНГЛИЙСКОМ.

Some people say that we should invest money in ecology projects, while others believe that nature is doing well by itself. Некоторые люди говорят, что нам следует инвестировать деньги в экологические проекты, другие полагают, что природа самостоятельно восстанавливается.
The earth is the only planet that people can live on, but nowadays they seem to be doing everything to make their home unfit for living. Industrialization has brought us into conflict with the natural environment. Our planet is in danger: air, water and land pollution have disastrous consequences which threaten human life on Earth. Земля – это единственная планета, на которой живут люди. Но сегодня, кажется, они делают все, что сделать свой дом непригодным для жизни. Индустриализация привела нас к конфликту с окружающей средой. Наша планета в опасности:загрязнение воздуха, воды и земли имеют катастрофические последствия, которые угрожают жизни человека на земле.
I strongly feel that the more money is invested in ecology projects, the better our lives are going to be. People have technologies to make our planet cleaner: we can control pollution, recycle waste materials, protect rare animals and plants and install antipollution equipment. We need more disaster-prevention programs in order to control environmental pollution, fight the destruction of wildlife and preserve woodlands. There should be more organizations like Greenpeace that will help protect the animal world and stop environmental degradation. Such organizations influence public opinion and help form a correct attitude to nature. There should be more newspaper articles, TV-programs and science-popular films about ecological problems. They help people become environment-educated. Я уверен, что чем больше денег инвестируются в экологические проекты, тем лучше будет наша жизнь. У людей есть технологии, чтобы сделать нашу планету чище: мы можем контролировать загрязнение, перерабатывать отходы, защищать редких животных и растений и устанавливать антизагрязняющее оборудование, бороться с разрушением дикой природы и сохранять леса. Должно быть больше организаций типа Гринписа, которые помогут защитить животный мир и остановить ухудшение экологии. Такие организации влияют на общественное мнение и помогают сформировать правильное отношение к природе. Должно быть больше статей в газетах, тв программ и научно-популярных фильмы об экологических проблемах. Они помогают людям больше знать об окружающей среде.
However, many people still believe that nature is doing well by itself. They use natural resources and pollute the environment, but they don’t think how awful the consequences may be. I’m sure that nature can’t do without our help. If we want to breathe fresh air, to drink clean water and to eat healthy food, we must stop polluting the environment. Однако многие люди все еще считают, что в природе все хорошо. Они используют природные ресурсы и загрязняют окружающую среду, но они не думают, какие ужасные последствия могут возникнуть. Я уверен, что природа не может обойтись без нашей помощи. Если мы хотим дышать свежим воздухом, пить чистую воду и употреблять здоровую пищу, нам нужно остановить загрязнение окружающей среды.
To conclude, ecological problems concern everybody and there are ways to solve them. People must always remember that the earth is our home and it depends on us w’hat it will be like. В заключение хотелось бы сказать, что экологические проблемы касаются всех, и для их решения есть способы. Люди должны всегда помнить, что земля – это наш дом, и от нас зависит, каким он будет.
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Краткое сочинение (топик) "Экология" на английском языке с переводом текста на русский язык

Сочинение на тему «Экология» на английском языке с переводом на русский язык



People and all living organisms are the huge part of the nature. As they react upon each other, the necessity of studying it exists. So in the late 19th century ecology as a science was formed, though particular parts of it were studied in antiquity. The term “ecology” was introduced by German biologist Ernst Haeckel. Nowadays we name with the term “ecology” different fields connected with the environment. Let us start with the describing ecology as a science.

Люди и все живые организмы являются огромной частью природы. Поскольку они взаимодействуют друг с другом, существует необходимость изучения этого взаимодействия. Таким образом, в конце XIX века экология сформировалась как наука, хотя ее отдельные части изучались еще в древности. Термин «экология» был введен немецким биологом Эрнстом Геккелем. В настоящее время мы называем термином «экология» различные области, связанные с окружающей средой. Начнем с описания экологии как науки.

Ecology as a science studies how living organisms react upon each other and the environment. Of course, nowadays the definition of the term “ecology” is quite broader than it was when the science had just been formed. There are many definitions of it. For example, one of them is connected with biology and in that case ecology studies populations and ecological systems. The other term is closer to the original definition and in that case ecology studies relations between living organisms.

Экология как наука изучает, как живые организмы взаимодействуют друг с другом и окружающей средой. Конечно, в настоящее время определение термина «экология» является более широким, чем когда наука только была сформирована. Существует много определений этого понятия. Например, одно из них связано с биологией, и в этом случае экология изучает популяции и экосистемы. Другой термин ближе к первоначальному определению, и в этом случае экология изучает взаимосвязи между живыми организмами.

Many scientists think that people should not mix up ecology and the environmental protection because ecology is a science. Of course, they are closely connected with each other. If people pollute the environment and, consequently, some population of animals extinct, all these things will affect the ecology as science.

Многие ученые считают, что не следует смешивать понятия экологии и защиты окружающей среды, потому что экология – это наука. Конечно, они тесно связаны друг с другом. Если люди загрязняют окружающую среду и, следовательно, некоторое популяция животных вымирает, все это будет влиять на экологию как науку.

Ecology is a very interesting science. When I went to school, it was my favourite subject. In my opinion, it is very important to study it.

Экология – очень интересная наука. Когда я ходила в школу, это был мой любимый предмет. На мой взгляд, очень важно его изучать.


Сочинение на английском языке с переводом Экология

Уровень B. Прочее. 


Some people say that nowadays the problem of ecology is becoming more and more vital. But others consider that it is not important for people with modern technologies. And who is right? I am for the former point o view, and now I will try to explain why.  



Firstly, there are a lot of big cities in the world such as New York, Tokyo, Beijing, and Moscow. These cities pollute a lot. There are some kinds of pollution: water pollution, air pollution, and nuclear pollution. We breathe dirty air, drink dirty water, and eat dirty fruits and vegetables. So it harms our health. Secondly, there are a lot of nuclear stations all over the world such as Chernobyl or Fukushima, which became dangerous objects because of radiation. People who worked at these stations were not careful. So these stations are destroyed now. They are polluting a big territory. Thirdly, our world needs much fuel for various machines, technologies, various branches of science and everyday life. And the extraction of minerals harms nature and changes the landscape around the place of extraction.

But some people think that nowadays we have a lot of brands – new technologies that will help us in future. They say that these technologies will help us with hunger, unemployment, dangerous kinds of diseases such as plague and cancer. With the help of nanotechnologies people will get new materials, which can be useful for the army, medicine, science. With a great technological progress the humanity will conquer space. All in all, people will defeat death.

I absolutely disagree with these people. Of course, it would be a great success for humanity. But these «dreams» need a lot of recourses which are not endless. And it is a long process to invent all these things and spread them all over the world.

In conclusion, I would like to stress that our world is very fragile, and we should take care of it because we are a part of this world. Without beautiful nature, useful plants, and animals humanity will die out. Don’t you agree with me?

Некоторые люди говорят, что в настоящее время проблема экологии становится все более и более важной. Но другие считают, что это не важно для людей с современными технологиями. И кто же прав? Я за первую точку зрения, и теперь я постараюсь объяснить, почему.

Во-первых, есть много больших городов в мире, таких как Нью-Йорк, Токио, Пекин и Москва. Эти города загрязняют много. Есть некоторые виды загрязнения: загрязнение воды, загрязнение воздуха, и ядерное загрязнение. Мы дышим грязным воздухом, пьем грязную воду, и едим грязные фрукты и овощи. Так это вредит нашему здоровью. Во-вторых, есть много атомных станций во всем мире, такие как Чернобыль или Фукусима, которые стали опасными объектами из-за радиации. Люди, которые работали на этих станциях, были не осторожны. Таким образом, эти станции сейчас уничтожены. Они загрязняют большую территорию. В-третьих, наш мир нуждается в большом количестве топлива для различных машин, технологий, различных отраслей науки и повседневной жизни. Добыча полезных ископаемых вредит природе и изменяет ландшафт вокруг места добычи.

Но некоторые люди думают, что в настоящее время у нас есть много новшеств — новые технологии, которые помогут нам в будущем. Говорят, что эти технологии помогут нам с голодом, безработицей, опасными видами заболеваний, такие как чума и рак. С помощью нанотехнологий люди будут получать новые материалы, которые могут быть полезны для армии, медицины, науки. С большим техническим прогрессом человечество освоит космос. В конце концов, люди победят смерть.

Я абсолютно не согласен с этими людьми. Конечно, это было бы большим успехом для человечества. Но эти для этих «мечтаний» нужно много ресурсов, которые не бесконечны. И это длительный процесс -  изобрести все эти вещи и распространить их по всему миру.

В заключение мне хотелось бы подчеркнуть, что наш мир очень хрупок, и мы должны заботиться о нем, потому что мы являемся частью этого мира. Без красивой природы, полезных растений и животных человечество вымрет. Разве вы не согласны со мной?





Ecology — Экология | Тексты на Английском Языке

In the original Greek «oikos» means, «house». So ecology is «the study of the house» the place where you live, or the environment which technically includes all those factors, both nonliving and living, that affect an organism. Ecology then is the study of the interactions of organisms in their environment includes both the living (biotic) and physical (abiotic) factors of the environment. It’s also the science, which formulates and tests hypotheses about environment. Ecology is the relationships, identification and analysis of problems common to all areas. Ecology studies the population and the community, evaluates cause and effects of the responses of populations and communities to environmental change.

POPULATIONSThe population is defined as an assemblage of individuals of a single species that live in the same place at the same time. Also, biologists add an additional condition: the individuals in a population must interact with each other to the point of being able to interbreed.

Population is important to understanding many important ecological and evolutionary phenomena. Ecologists can use information from population ecology to predict the success of a given species or assemblage of species. One attribute of populations that is observed in nature is their dispersion, or the way in which individuals are distributed in a given area. Typically, biologists refer to three types of dispersion: — Clustered (aggregated), Regular (evenly spaced), Random (irregularly spaced) Populations showing a clustered pattern are common in nature and are found among many different types of organisms.

Clustered dispersion patterns are often due to environment heterogeneity. Regular dispersion patterns are relatively rare in nature and occur when a resource is scarce. A good example of regular spacing occurs in animals that exhibit territoriality, a phenomenon in which animals establish an area for themselves and fight off all other individual seeking to invade that area. Regular dispersion patterns can also be observed in plants. Random patterns can be found in a variety of organisms (trout in lake or maple trees in a forest). Regardless of which organisms, the number of births almost always has the potential to be greater than the number of deaths. In other words populations of all species have the capacity to grow. That property is crucial importance to the success of all species.

However, all species will not increase under all circumstance, but instead they can, given appropriate conditions. There are two models of population growth: the exponential model and the logistic model. One of the most basic models of population biology is the exponential growth equation, which is: )N/)t = rmaxN This equation states that, in a growing population, the rate of change in population size is determined by the maximal intrinsic rate of increase (rmax) multiplied by the number of individuals in that population (N). If a population growth very quickly we called that an exponential increase and its growth curve has a J-chaped called J-chaped curve. A population cannot continue to grow indefinitely because this equation contains additional term called the carrying capacity (K) which is not fixed, but carrying capacity is constantly affected by many factors, both biotic (living) and abiotic (non-living).

The logistic population growth predicts that populations will grow rapidly at first. However, as the number of individuals in the population (N) approaches the carrying capacity (K), the population growth rate eventually slows to zero, and the population stabilize at K. The result is a sigmoidal or S-shaped curve which is often divided into three phases: the first is called the lag phase (the period of slow growth that occurs when population numbers are low). The second is the log phase, which occurs when growth rate accelerates and becomes relatively rapid. The third is the saturation phase, during which population growth decelerates as N approaches K. All species have a well-defined life history that involves a beginning of life, a juvenile and reproductive phase and death. There are two important parameters of a population: survivorship (how long one live) and fecundity (how many offspring one leaves). Survivorship is the number still living at the beginning of each age interval. The number of deaths determines the death rate during a given period of time divided by the number still living at the beginning of the time period.

A community is an assemblage of populations that interact with one another and the effects that they have on each other often greatly influence their ability to survive and reproduce. Because they are assemblages of different species, communities have properties that make them unique from individual organisms and populations. Some communities simply blend gradually into others and for this reason are called open comments, forest communities are like that, as different vegetable types blend together. Conversely, closed communities have more definite borders; few organisms pass from one community to another. In these types of communities, fewer organisms move in and out, so they are more isolated in terms of energy and nutrients. Despite the fact that communities can sometimes be difficult to define, ecologists have been able to identify a lot of attributes by which communities can be described and analyzed. These include — Species composition which is the most fundamental attribute of a community. It’s simply a list of species of which the community is comprised. Communities vary tremendously in their composition. — Frequency is a measure of how often we find a species in a community. —

Distribution, or how species are arranged in a community — Diversity is a measure of the variation in a community, has two components. The first is richness, which is the number of species in the community. The second component is called evenness, which is the degree to which the different species are represented in a community. — Stability is the concept of the ability of a community to handle disturbance or to resist being disturbed. It also can refer to resilience of a community (that is, its ability to recover quickly from a disturbance. Certain communities can be called «fragile’ which is used to refer to communities that have low stability when faced with human disturbance. Competition involves a struggle for limited resource. Exploitative competition is the use of the same resources in which one competitor has greater access than the other to the resources is. Interference competition is actual fighting over resources. Intraspecific competition is between members of the same species and interspecific competition is between different species. The competition exclusion principle is that no two species can occupy the same niche at the same time. Because the niche of an organism (the way in which it interacts with its environment) is often dependent on how it fares in competition with its neighbors, both kind of competition is important in the structure of the community.

BIOMESBiome is defined as large, distinct and recognizable associations of life. More precisely, a biome is a particular array of plants and animals within a geographic area brought about by distinctive climatic conditions. Their plant associations than those of animals, not only usually identify biomes more because the first is far more obvious, but also because it determines the second. Ecologists recognize about a dozen major biomes, each one forms under a certain prevailing climate and has a characteristic type of plant and animal life. Some examples of biomes include grassland, deserts, and deciduous forests. Biomes may be subdivided into communities.

CONCLUSIONFor this paper, I read a lot of books and did a lot of research on Internet. I learned a lot about ecology, population, communities and biomes. It’s very hard to write about this subject in only five pages. My first draft was constituted of eight pages so I cut a lot of details. However, I pass a lot of time to do this paper and energy and I really enjoyed it. I hope it will be the same for you.


Полезные слова и выражения – АНГЛИЙСКИЙ в полном порядке

На этой странице находятся самые употребляемые слова и выражения по теме ЭКОЛОГИЯ.

загрязнять воздух – pollute the airзагрязнять атмосферу – pollute the atmosphereразрушать – destructсбрасывать промышленные отходы в реки и моря – to dump industrial waste into rivers and seasзагрязнять воду – pollute waterсливать отходы в… – dump wastes into…угрожать человеческой жизни – threaten human lifeиметь катастрофические последствия – have disastrous consequencesконтролировать загрязнение – control pollutionзащищать редких животных и растений – protect rare animals and plantsустанавливать антизагрязняющее оборудование – install antipollution equipmentстановиться более образованными в сфере экологии – become environment-educatedиспользовать природные ресурсы – use natural resourcesэкономить электроэнергию, выключая свет – save electricity by turning off lightsиспользовать меньше моющих жидкостей для сохранения чистоты воды – use less washing up liquids to keep the water cleanсобирать мусор – collect litterперерабатывать жестяные банки, бутылки, пластиковые пакеты и газеты – recycle cans, bottles, plastic bags and newspapersне загрязнять – to be pollution free, to be nonpollutingзащищать окружающую среду – protect the environmentперерабатывать – recycleсокращать, уменьшать – reduce

загрязнение – pollutionокружающая среда – environmentприрода – natureсреда обитания – habitatсреда обитания человека – human environmentзащитник окружающей среды – environmentalistотбросы, мусор – refuseотходы – wasteбытовые отходы – household wasteтоксичные отходы – toxic wasteмусорный бак – waste bin, waste binфабрика – factoryзавод – plantsвыбросы – emissionsвред, ущерб – damageпереработка – recyclingхимикаты – chemicalsгазы – gasesотработанные газы, выхлопные газы – exhaust fumesтоксичные газы – toxic gasesпочва – soilчеловечество – humanityвырубка леса – deforestationкислотный дождь – acid rainпестициды – pesticidesпарниковый эффект – greenhouse effectглобальное потепление – global warmingозоновый слой – ozone layerрадиация – radiationпункт переработки мусора – recycling pointэкологические проекты – ecology projectsухудшение экологии – environmental degradationecological problems – экологические проблемы

опасный – dangerousтоксичный – toxicпригодный для переработки – recyclableсильно загрязненный – heavily pollutedнепригодный для жилья – uninhabitableэкологичный – environmentally friendlyэкологический, относящийся к окружающей среде – environmentalвозобновляемый – renewable

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