Тест с ответами по английскому языку. Entry test по английскому ответы

Test Booklet Spotlight 10 класс Ваулина

На этой странице вы найдете и сможете списывать онлайн с ответов на контрольные задания по английскому языку за 10 класс к учебнику "Английский в Фокусе" Spotlight Ваулина. Здесь собраны все ключи к тестам Test Booklet. Для того чтобы ваши дети хорошо знали английский язык, постарайтесь приучить его относиться к изучению иностранного языка со всей серьезностью. В идеале, вам стоит организовать своим наследникам дополнительные занятия по английскому языку. Естественно, такие уроки всегда проводятся на платной основе. Заметим, выкладывать репетитору придется немалые деньги. К огромному сожалению, не все семьи в состоянии выделять регулярно из семейного бюджета такие суммы. Но, просто так оставлять подобные вопросы не стоит. Ведь в современной жизни просто невозможно, особенно молодому поколению, прожить без знания английского. Ведь, зная его, люди могут без особых проблем общаться во многих странах мира. Ведь английский язык является языком международного общения. Если вы, как самые близкие люди для своего ребенка не поможете ему в подобном вопросе, то он попросту будет заниматься в школе списыванием. А регулярное списывание приведет к тому, что десятиклассник попросту не будет знать иностранный язык. В помощь вам и вашим детям мы предлагаем очень хорошее пособие, которое называется Test Booklet Spotlight 10 класс Ваулина. Автор собрала в решебнике весь курс заданий, который предстоит освоить вашим детям в десятом классе. Test Booklet Spotlight 10 класс Ваулина имеет много рисунков, которые значительно облегчают усваивание материала. Самое основное в пособии выделено крупным шрифтом. Материал предлагается школьникам в очень доступной форме. В Test Booklet Spotlight 10 класс Ваулина также есть правильные ответы к каждому заданию. Регулярное использование такого решебника в подготовке к урокам английского языка, позволит детям легко писать самостоятельные и контрольные задания в школе. Для удобства скачайте электронную версию Test Booklet Spotlight 10 класс Ваулина на планшет или смартфон своего десятиклассника. Теперь у него есть возможность всегда иметь под рукой хорошего помощника по английскому языку.


Spotlight 8 Entry Test (входной тест) ОТВЕТЫ

Spotlight 8 Entry Test (входной тест) ОТВЕТЫ

Spotlight 8 Entry Test (входной тест + ответы) — цитаты из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др./ М.: Просвещение, 2016.

Choose the correct item.

1 Hurry up! Our train ….. in half an hour!A) left                   B) leaves             C) will leave

2 Can you be a little quiet, please? The babyA) sleeps             B) is sleeping     C) will sleep

3 Susan doesn’t think books about pirate ships are very ………. She prefers romantic novels.A) interested      B) interest           C) interesting

4 The Nelsons looked very surprised when they …. that their next-door neighbour was a famous writer.A) hear  B) were hearing               C) heard

5 Mark…….. his tooth yesterday, when he fell off his bike.A) twisted           B) sprained         C) chipped

6 That is the girl ……. father works in the armed forces with my dad.A) who                B) that                 C) whose

7 Let’s go on a…….this year. I’d love to see wild animals in their natural habitat.A) safari              B) jungle              C) ride

8 If Jim……to Spain on business next month, he will stay three extra days to visit the sights.A) is going to travel         B) will travel      C) travels

9 Hugh Grant is a(n)……..actor.A) young, excellent, English         B) excellent, young, English       C) English, excellent, young

10 Martha tells wonderful jokes. She is the…… girl in our class.A) funny              B) funnier            C) funniest

11 My brother didn’t become a songwriter ……… he finished his music studies at university.A) while               B) until C) then

12 Mary bought new skating gear ……..?A) didn’t she      B) she didn’t       C) she did

13 Lin …… in her tree house, when her mum called her for lunch.A) played             B) used to play                 C) was playing

14 I have a doctor’s appointment. Could you please look ….. the children while I’m out?A) up                    B) after               C) for

15 We …….. chess all morning. Can we do something else now?A) has played     B) have been playing     C) will play

16 Mary lives in Hollywood, but she…..a famous celebrity.A) has never meet           B) never has met             C) has never met

17 Tom ……that the house down the street is haunted.A) is believing    B) believes         C) believe

18 When you freeze water, it………into ice.A) is turning        B) turns               C) is going to turn19 I don’t really think there’ll be flying cars someday, but I guess anything is……A) responsible                  B) typical             C) possible

20 Christopher goes to the university…..foot every day, as he enjoys the exercise.A) by                     B) on                    C) with

21 Everyone at the wedding danced and sang, to celebrate the happy…….A) occasion        B) incident          C) accident

22 If Teddy is sick, he should stay in bed and drink lots of…….A) ice cream       B) chocolate      C) fluids

23 Julie always ….. her eyes when she gets sleepy in the evening.A) rub                   B) rubs                 C) is rubbing

24 When Sue was young, she…….hide-and-seek with her friends. Now, she prefers playing board games.A) was playing                  B) used to played            C) used to play

25 Mum exchanged the green slippers Liz gave her, because they didn’t …… her pink dressing gown.A) fit                     B) match             C) suit

26 I’m thinking of buying a new car. The one I have is falling …..A) down              B) out                   C) apart

27 Madonna’s new pop song is really ……. I’ve been singing the tune all day.A) noisy               B) catchy            C) creepy

28 Joe …… to finish his homework before he goes to the cinema with his friends.A) will                   B) has                  C) should

29 Cindy took us ……. for a lovely dinner to celebrate her new acting job.A) out                  B) away                C) off

30 If Dan …. to go to the film festival with me, then I can go with Amy.A) won’t want   B) doesn’t want              C isn’t wanting

31 There is …… of chocolate in the fridge. Maybe I’ll make a chocolate cake today.A) some              B) a lot                C) a little

32 Mike’s risky decision to set up his own company at such a young age was quite…….I really admire him.A) realistic          B) daring             C) determined

33 Timmy is always late for work, as he never wakes up when the alarm clock goes……….A) off    B) on     C) out

34 Let’s take some sandwiches and a ……… of biscuits with us to the beach. We might get hungry after our swim.A) packet            B) carton             C) can

35 Unless you…….me with the cooking, I won’t have dinner ready on time.A) help                B) will help         C) don’t help

36 Dad…….the weather report last night, when Mum asked him to help her in the kitchen.A) watched         B) has been watching     C) was watching

37 The roller coaster ride was the most spectacular …… at the theme park.A) area                B) attraction      C) sight

38 Ted and Lisa are really looking…..to their trip to Legoland this summer.A) for                   B) up                    C) forward

39 I’m afraid Mr Brown’s not in. He’s ……. to Moscow on business.A) gone               B) went               C) been

40 Jenny loved the pet parrot her sister …… her for her birthday last month.A) was giving     B) gave                C) has given

Spotlight 8 Entry Test

41 While she was ice-skating, Eva ……. on the icy surface and broke her leg.A) splashed         B) slipped           C) swapped

42 If Mary is too busy to help Paul and Linda move house, they’ll do it……..A) theirselfs        B) themselves   C) theirselves

43 This is the beach…….my brother works as a lifeguard.A) where             B) which              C) who

44 As I was looking through some old photos, I came…….a picture of my grandfather in hisarmy uniform.A) round              B) out                  C) across

45 Tom’s laptop……him to go online and do his work even when he’s not in the office.A) succeeds        B) achieves         C) enables

46 Larry is a very good athlete. He runs ……. than anyone else on the school team.A) more quickly              B) most quickly                C as quickly

47 Juan loves listening to English pop songs, even though he doesn’t understand all the ………A) melodies        B) lyrics               C) scripts

48 If we don’t reduce air pollution, acid rain will continue to ……. the trees and plants we need for oxygen.A) burn                B) emit                C) poison

49 …. Maria got to work yesterday, she checked all her emails.A) As soon as    B) Just                 C) Until

50 If you simply sit around and do nothing all day, you’re going to fall …….with your schoolwork.A) out                  B) apart               C) behind

51 It’s snowing today; wear a ……. jumper over your shirt.A) woollen         B) leather            C) cotton

52 John could not see in the heavy fog, and lost control ……. his car. Fortunately, he wasn’t hurt.A) of                    B) from                C) with

53 Some birds, like turkeys or pheasants, build their ……. on the ground, and not in trees.A) nests               B) cliffs                C) caves

54 I think surfing is very difficult, but Mike thinks it’s easy as…….A) cake                B) beans              C) pie

55 Sue can’t play the accordion ……..?A) cannot she    B) can she          C) she can’t

56 We love living in the city. Everything is so ….. at hand.A) near                B) far                   C) close

57 We didn’t find any unusual art works at the exhibition. In fact, all the paintings were quiteA) unique            B) strange           C) ordinary

58 It’s late and I have to get up early tomorrow. I think I’ll turn…now.A) into                 B) on                    C) in

59 If you study hard at school this year, you ….. high marks.A) going to get  B) will get           C) are getting

60 Harrison Ford is probably best-known for his …… in Indiana Jones.A) plot                 B) rating              C) role

61 The famous actress got angry during the interview, when the ……. started asking her personal questions.A) journalist       B) engineer         C) mayor

62 While Jill was painting her room last week, she fell off the …… and sprained her wrist.A) rake                B) hammer         C) ladder

63 Professor Johnson’s fun and loving ……. is what makes her popular with her students.A) character       B) appearance   C) built

64 Susie can tell you where the restaurant is, as she has been there …….A) yet                  B) before            C) just

65 Thomas doesn’t like romantic comedies. Thrillers are his cup of …….A) milk                 B) tea                  C) broth

66 Johnny can’t swim as …… Mark, because he has hurt his back.A) fast than        B) fast as            C) fast from

67 During our walk through the wildlife …….. we saw many interesting species of birds.A) reserve           B) campus           C) atmosphere

68 If you’re thirsty, you may have a ….. of cola or a glass of juice.A) jar     B) box   C) can

69 Alex and Cathy…..toffee apples all morning, and the kitchen is a mess.A) has made       B) have been making    C) have made

70 My brother is an excellent science fiction writer. The stories he makes…..are very imaginative.A) up     B) out    C) in

71 Tom has been feeling ……… all day today. Maybe he’s coming down with the flu.A) cheerful          B) miserable      C) refreshed

72 Henry…….in his father’s toy store since he was 17 years old, and he’s very happy there.A) worked           B) has worked   C) was working

73 Tom and his family feel very ……… in the countryside, as the nearest house to them is 40 kilometres away.A) homesick       B) isolated          C) crowded

74 Georgia got her driving licence ……. than her brother Phillip.A) earlier             B) more early     C) earliest

75 We haven’t got …….. sugar. Would you like honey in your tea?A) some               B) many               C) any

76 Mike still lives with his parents ……. he?A) hasn’t             B) isn’t                 C) doesn’t

77 Storytelling on cold winter nights has been a(n)……in my family for over 40 years.A) location          B) tradition        C) investigation

78 I don’t know …… operates the non-profit organisation, but you can go online and find out their name.A) who                B) which              C) what

79 Julie wore a different costume for every …… in our school play.A) spot                B) score               C) scene

80 Jane has been trying to find her lost cat ….. Monday.A) for    B) on     C) since


Вы смотрели: Spotlight 8 Entry Test (входной тест + ответы) — цитаты из сборника контрольных заданий УМК по английскому языку серии «Английский в фокусе» для учащихся 8 класса общеобразовательных организаций. Авторы: Ю.Е. Ваулина и др. Вернуться на страницу «Английский язык 6-9 классы».


Маленький тест на знание английского

Маленький тест на знание английского

Предварительный тест на знание английского

Этот предварительный тест составлен на основе международной, общепринятой классификации уровней английского языка. Он определит, насколько хорошо вы говорите по-английски, если ваш уровень находится между Beginners ("нулевым") и Pre-Intermediate ("Средним"). Как правило, знания большинства выпускников московских средних школ и технических вузов находятся именно в этом интервале.

Заполнить тест очень просто - в нем всего 30 вопросов, и все, что от вас требуется, это выбрать правильный вариант ответа среди предложенных. Если вы не знаете правильного ответа на поставленный вопрос, выберите наиболее, на ваш взгляд, вероятный. После того, как вы ответите на все вопросы, нажмите кнопку "Результат тестирования", и вы узнаете свой уровень знаний и количество данных вами правильных ответов, которые появятся в таблице под тестом.

Желаем удачи!

1. “My name’s Tamara. I __________ twenty-one years old.”

2. “Is Igor a teacher?” “ No, __________ .”

3. Igor and Tamara are __________ people.

4. My brother  __________ like to go to school.

5. My friend and me __________.

6. I __________ the Beatles last year, but now I do.

7. __________ milk in the bottle.

8. My mother  __________ me to buy some bread from the shop.

9. Have you __________ been to Paris?

10. Tamara didn't meet  __________ friends in the street.

11. “__________ you speak English Igor?” “Yes, a little.”

12. “We can see an English film __________ Thursday night.”

13. “Oh, I __________ this Thursday.”

14. “5th Element __________ to be shown at the weekend.”

15. “Oh I __________ 5th Element. It’s a good film".

16. “Yes, it is but Titanic is __________.”

17. “We __________ go to the cinema a lot but we don’t go very often now.”

18. “We __________ too much since Christmas.”

19. “I have exams in June so I __________ study every day".

20. “If you __________ the exams, we’ll take a long holiday.”

21. Igor __________ in a bank when he met Tamara.

22. There was a robbery at the bank and all the money __________.

23. Ivan had to do more work. Vika thinks he __________ take it easy and relax.

24. If Igor __________ time, he would go out more often.

25. As soon as Ivan has more money, __________ a car.

26. The Titanic__________ 11 Oscars.

27. Tamara said she  __________ Coca Cola.

28. By next year Igor __________ from the University.

29. Yesterday Tamara said that she __________ in three months.

30. It's cold today,  __________?

Если вы закончили работу с тестом, нажмите на кнопку "Результат тестирования", и вы узнаете свой уровень знаний и количество правильных ответов.

You have no rights to post comments


Тест с ответами по английскому языку

Тест на знание английского языка:

1. How many books did you buy? – I bought _____ .

o​ fifteenth

o​ fifth

o​ five

o​ fiftieth

Вы отвeтили fifteenth — это неправильный ответ, правильный ответ five.

2. Only _____ students were present at the lecture.

o​ sixth

o​ sixteen

o​ sixtieth

o​ sixteenth

Вы отвeтили sixth — это неправильный ответ, правильный ответ sixteen.

3. Show me _____ page, please.

o​ twoth

o​ the second

o​ two

o​ the twoth

Вы отвeтили the second — это правильный ответ!

4. His second work is better than _____ .

o​ the first

o​ the one

o​ the oneth

o​ oneth

Вы отвeтили the first — это правильный ответ!

5. Open chapter _____ please.

o​ fifth

o​ fifteenth

o​ fiftieth

o​ five

Вы отвeтили five — это правильный ответ!

6. December is _____ month of the year.

o​ twelve

o​ eleven

o​ the twelfth

o​ the eleventh

Вы отвeтили the twelfth — это правильный ответ!

7. 3,147

o​ three thousand one hundred and forty-seven

o​ third thousand one hundred and forty-seven

o​ three thousand a hundred and forty-seven

o​ three thousand one hundred and four-seven

Вы отвeтили three thousand one hundred and forty-seven — это правильный ответ!

8. Read _____ paragraph at home.

o​ nine

o​ the ninth

o​ ninety

o​ the nine

Вы отвeтили the nine — это неправильный ответ, правильный ответ the ninth.

9. Four times four is _____ .

o​ sixty

o​ six

o​ sixteenth

o​ sixteen

Вы отвeтили sixteen — это правильный ответ!

10. There are _____ pupils in our class.

o​ twentieth eight

o​ twenty eight

o​ twenty eighth

o​ twentieth eighth

Вы отвeтили twenty eight — это правильный ответ!

Результаты прохождния тестаВы ответили правильно на 10 из 10 вопросов, что составляет 100% от общего количества.1. Take these (book) please.

o​ book

o​ books

o​ bookes

o​ bookz

Вы отвeтили books — это правильный ответ!

2. This (song) is wonderful.

o​ songs

o​ songes

o​ song

o​ songz

Вы отвeтили song — это правильный ответ!

3. Moscow and London are big (city).

o​ city

o​ citis

o​ citys

o​ cities

Вы отвeтили cities — это правильный ответ!

4. They are good (boy).

o​ boy

o​ boyz

o​ boies

o​ boys

Вы отвeтили boys — это правильный ответ!

5. Did you buy (tomato) yesterday?

o​ tomatos

o​ tomats

o​ tomatoes

o​ tomatoz

Вы отвeтили tomatoes — это правильный ответ!

6. These (knife) are very sharp.

o​ knives

o​ knifes

o​ knife

o​ knifies

Вы отвeтили knives — это правильный ответ!

7. The (roof) of these houses are unsafe.

o​ rooves

o​ roofes

o​ roofs

o​ roof

Вы отвeтили roofs — это правильный ответ!

8. Three (man) of our group are football players.

o​ man

o​ mans

o​ men

o​ mens

Вы отвeтили men — это правильный ответ!

9. Our winter (vacation) lasts two (week).

o​ vacation, weeks

o​ vacations, weeks

o​ vacation, week

o​ vacations, week

Вы отвeтили vacation, weeks — это правильный ответ!

​ 10. The height of this plant is four (inch).

o​ inch

o​ inchs

o​ inches

o​ inchez

Вы отвeтили inches — это правильный ответ!

Результаты прохождния тестаВы ответили правильно на 7 из 10 вопросов, что составляет 70% от общего количества.1. Have you a ball? Yes, I ________ .

o​ do

o​ am

o​ have

o​ ball

Вы отвeтили do — это неправильный ответ, правильный ответ have.

2. My room is very ________ .

o​ green

o​ deep

o​ far

o​ good

Вы отвeтили good — это правильный ответ!

3. ________ colour is my dress?

o​ What

o​ Where

o​ Who

o​ When

Вы отвeтили What — это правильный ответ!

4. Is your umbrella new or ________ ?

o​ red

o​ old

o​ long

o​ wide

Вы отвeтили old — это правильный ответ!

5. We are going to a party at the Shen’s house. ______ house is on Fifth Street.

o​ Their

o​ Theirs

o​ This

o​ Our

Вы отвeтили This — это неправильный ответ, правильный ответ Their.

6. Is ________ a zebra ora tiger?

o​ that

o​ these

o​ this

o​ their

Вы отвeтили this — это правильный ответ!

7. Have you many violets in your ________?

o​ garden

o​ school

o​ store

o​ office

Вы отвeтили garden — это правильный ответ!

8. What bird ________ this? It is an eagle.

o​ at

o​ is

o​ do

o​ on

Вы отвeтили is — это правильный ответ!

9. My pencils are ________ the box.

o​ to

o​ at

o​ in

o​ with

Вы отвeтили at — это неправильный ответ, правильный ответ in.

10. Jimmy can run very ________ .

o​ tall

o​ many

o​ hard

o​ fast

Вы отвeтили fast — это правильный ответ!


Тесты по английскому языку с ответами 301

Вопросы 300-400.

301. We’ll discuss all the problems … at the last meeting.

D. raised

302. Be reasonable and don’t go out … this rainy weather

B. in

303. The sun was slowly disappearing … the mountains.

A. behind

304. Have you travelled … ?

E. much

305. This island … two hundred years ago.

C. was discovered

306. Are you going to have … work to do tomorrow?

D. much

307. If you have got the flu you … go to see a doctor.

B. must

308. Let me … you.

e. help

309. They didn’t have time to come to see you, …?

C. did they

310. I … hardly recognize him when I saw him.

d. could

311. What will you do if he …?

B. is late

312. I wonder if he … in time or not.

A. will come

313. He was asked what TV shows he … watching.

E. liked

314. They asked my friend how well he … his winter holiday.

C. had spent

315. What … do you want to pack?

A. else

316. If you want to pack many things, take … suitcase.

d. another

317. They … at the table when I began to tell this story.

b. were sitting

318. He asked me … his mother about it.

E. not to tell

319. It was … a comfortable flat.

D. such

320. The article is … difficult.

A. so

321. Yesterday was the … day in my life.

A. happiest

322. This room is much … than that one.

A. comfortable

323. If you get off at the next stop you’ll get to the University … .

B. quicker

324. It often … here.

A. rains

325. I hope it … for you to listen to him.

C. will be interesting

326. … of them told me to come.

E. None

327. Could you tell me … about this writer’s life?

E. anything

328. What’s the name of the student … a report now.

E. making

329. … the language I couldn’t understand anything

A. not knowing

330. Nobody wanted to go … .

B. anywhere

331. Nothing could make him … this advice.

E. follow

332. I don’t know how important the news … .

A. is

333. … she nor her sister came to the party.

D. neither

334. I go to the college. – …

D. so does he

335. We’ll be glad to see you. – … .

A. so am I

336. We haven’t finished our work yet. – … .

D. neither has he

337. They aren’t going to work tomorrow. – … .

B. nor are we

338. Don’t worry. … Nick or Peter knows his address.

C. either

339. What is the name of the man … on the phone now.

E. speaking

340. … in London for about a week, I could tell them many interesting things.

E. staying

341. The news … yesterday impressed everybody.

b. received

342. I think he … many questions when he stops speaking.

A. will be asked

343. All the letters … by 5 o’clock.

D. will have been written

344. What … on the other side of the river now.

C. is being built

345. Here is … man you wanted to talk to.

B. the

346. … Browns haven’t come yet.

E. The

347. When we met on … Friday, Peter told me everything.

A. –

348. I wondered what … .

D. they were laughing at

349. Do you feel … now?

B. better

350. I’ll let you … when he will come.

C. know

351. I don’t mind … helping you.

A. –

352. In this season there is only one way of getting there – … plane.

E. by

353. After looking … all the magazines, he came across a very interesting article about England.

B. through

354. He sat in the hall … taking off his coat.

D. without

355. I’ll go there … two days.

E. in

356. What is the reason … your being so upset.

C. –

357. I invited him … my place.

B. to

358. I am very much pleased … the progress you have made lately.

C. with

359. Why didn’t you mention the fact then? I … come and helped you.

E. would have

360. If he … more, he would succeed in setting a record.

E. trained

361. A new town … to be built in this area.

A. is supposed

362. Zhukovskiy … to have been a wonderful lecturer and teacher.

C. is known

363. We saw him … along the opposite side of the street.

D. walking

364. Children … go to bed early.

B. must

365. I … to be there at 5 o’clock

E. am

366. You (не должен был) do it yesterday.

B. didn’t have to

367. You (не следует) tell her about it.

A. shouldn’t

368. He hasn’t done the work … .

A. yet

369. What … books by Jack London did you read?

C. other

370. I thought you … busy now.

B. were

371. He will work at the plant after he … school.

C. leaves

372. I didn’t know that your friend … for a holiday without you.

E. would go

373. he told me … this work today.

A. not to do

374. Let’s go to the theatre together, … ?

D. shall we

375. I … the house in ten minutes.

d. am leaving

376. The girl … usually works at this desk is on holiday now.

B. who

377. The cable … has just arrived is very important.

D. which

378. … of you has seen a TV interview today?

C. which

379. What’s the … way to the station?

E. shortest

380. Do you feel … today? No, doctor! I feel better.

A. worse

381. Which design is …?

D. most more modern

382. Let’s go by air. It’s … .

D. much more convenient

383. The problem is … than you think.

B. more important

384. We … tennis from five till seven yesterday.

E. were playing

385. I hope we … to settle everything in the near future.

A. will be able

386. How long … it take you to do this work.

D. does

387. Will you come back soon? – … 10 minutes.

B. in

388. We didn’t find … there.

D. anybody

389. … of us will help you to adjust the machine.

A. some

390. It never … here.

E. snows

391. Go straight until you … to the traffic lights.

C. get

392. If it … dry and sunny, we’ll go to the country.

D. keeps

393. Do you agree that twenty-four hours isn’t … to do we all have to do.

A. enough

394. If it … , we’ll go to the country.

B. doesn’t rain

395. If I … you I wouldn’t waste so much time on it.

E. were

396. You would make better progress if you … harder.

D. worked

397. We … so much time yesterday if everybody had come in time.

C. wouldn’t have wasted

398. If I had known he was ill, I … him.

E. would have visited

399. All the documents always … in order.

B. are kept

400. The house … now.

A. is being built now


Тест по английскому языку с ответами

Итоговый контроль по грамматике

This is … doctor.a) we

b) our

c) ours

I promise I … you a new sweater.

a) buy

b) is buying

c) will buy

These are … books.

a) of Ann`s

b) Anns`

c) Ann`s

… left first? Peter.a) what

b) who

c) which

The children … in the garden.

a) is

b) are

c) am

Those shoes are … brother`s.

a) mine

b) my

c) me

There is … man at the door.

a) the

b) some

c) a

Look at …! She is a dancer.

a) hers

b) she

c) her

I can see three …

a) baby

b) babys

c) babies

This is the … bag.

a) lady`s

b) ladies`s

c) ladys`

Bob is … brother.a) their`s

b) their

c) them

Mark is from … London.

a) —

b) the

c) a

He always … at 8 o`clock.

a) is getting up

b) has got up

c) gets up

He … to work since Monday.

a) came

b) didn`t come

c) hasn`t come

Maria … to Moskow in 1991.

a) has moved

b) moved

c) moves

We haven`t heard from him … months.

a) since

b) yet

c) for

He goes to work … bus.

a) on

b) by

c) in

… we go tonight?

a) shall

b) will

c) have

You … cross the street when the light is red.

a) mustn`t

b) needn`t

c) can`t

He is wearing … uniform.

a) —

b) an

c) a

Jack is as … as Eduard.a) taller

b) tall

c) the tallest

He … his car a month ago.

a) bought

b) buys

c) has bought

Merry dances … than Sue.

a) better

b) well

c) the best

These are stars in … sky.

a) a

b) an

c) the

… is Tony? In his study.

a) where

b) what

c) who

Rick is the … student in the class.

a) good

b) better

c) best

… you give me your pen, please?

a) shall

b) could

c) must

Look at him. He … across the street.

a) is running

b) runs

c) ran

This is … umbrella.

a) Mary

b) Mary`s

c) Marys`

There aren`t … flowers in the vase.

a) some

b) no

c) any

I haven`t got … bread.

a) many

b) much

c) someОтветы:

































ГДЗ тесты по английскому языку Spotlight 9 класс Эванс, Дули, Подоляко, Ваулина

ГДЗ и решебники.

  • 1 класс
    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык
  • 2 класс
    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык
  • 3 класс
    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык
  • 4 класс
    • Английский язык
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык
  • 5 класс
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Окружающий мир
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
  • 6 класс
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Математика
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия
  • 7 класс
    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия
  • 8 класс
    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Информатика
    • История
    • Литература
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия
  • 9 класс
    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • История
    • Литература
    • Немецкий язык
    • Обществознание
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия
  • 10 класс
    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Немецкий язык
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия
  • 11 класс
    • Алгебра
    • Английский язык
    • Биология
    • География
    • Геометрия
    • Немецкий язык
    • Русский язык
    • Физика
    • Химия
