Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса. Тесты по английскому языку для 4 класса с ответами

Тесты по Английскому языку для 4 класса

Тесты по "Английскому языку" для 4 класса

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 13.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 11.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 11.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 11.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 7.9.2018

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences

Английский язык 4 класс  |  Дата: 7.9.2018

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Тесты по английскому языку 4 класс

Представляем Вашему вниманию тест по английскому языку – 4 класс. Современная образовательная программа для школьников, по предмету английский язык, постоянно осуществляет контроль над успеваемостью учеников. Для такого контроля используют тесты, так как это самый продвинутый метод контроля знаний и усвоения полученного материала школьником на протяжении определенного периода.

Тесты по английскому для 4-го класса, могут использоваться не только учителями во время контрольных и самостоятельных работ. Это отличный помощник для каждого родителя. С помощью тестов, вы поможете ребенку подтянуть все его недочеты.

Тест по английскому языку 4-й класс

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“Хорошо” Поздравляем! Вы не плохо владеете английским языком в рамках выбранного уровня. Начинайте учить английский язык с онлайн самоучителем Lim-English по уникальной методике Олега Лиманского. С ним Вы гарантированно улучшите свои знания.

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Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса

Итоговый тест для4 класса по английскому языку

I вариант

  1. Вставь is или are:

  1. There ….a cat under the tree.

  2. There ….a lot of flowers next to the house.

  3. There…a long new road in the country.

  4. …. there a small field next to the house? No, there ….n’t.

  5. ….there many crocodiles in Africa? Yes, there….

  1. Выбери правильную степень сравнения прилагательных:

  1. Ann is ….than Mary.

  1. tall b) tallest c) taller

  1. January is the …… month.

  1. coldest b) cold c) colder

  1. New-York is one of the …… cities in the world.

  1. beautiful b) more beautiful c) most beautiful

  1. He is the…… teacher in our school.

  1. good b) better c) best

  1. My hair is ……than your hair.

  1. longer b) long c) longest

3. Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

1. There_____two tables in the bedroom.

2. Mary ______ tall and slim.

3. The dog______sad and angry.

4. The week______stormy and cloudy.

4. Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1._____old are you?(What , How,When)

2.____ do you live?( Who,Why, Where)

3.____ is your cat? It’s black. ( Why ,What colour, Where)

4. ___do you go to school? (Who,When,What)

5. _______do you have ?(How many, How much,How)

5. Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

  1. I … (go) to Moscow last year.

  2. We … (see) Sveta last month.

  3. My brother … (have) a cake.

  1. My dad … (say) “Hello”.

  2. Misha … (visit ) his friend yesterday.

  3. They … (read) an interesting story a month ago.

ReadingTask (Задание по чтению)

We Go Shopping

My name is Helen. I am eight. My brother Peter is ten. It is Saturday. We would like to help mum. On Saturdays we go shopping. We are not lazy. We say. «Let's work together».

I think we can buy some cabbage, carrots, tomatoes and apples in «The Green Shop» for mum. Then we go to «The White Shop». I have got a nicecat. His name is Tim. He would like to drink a lot of milk. And we buy milk. Then Peter buys some meat and bones for his dog Jack. Jack doesn't like milk.

We go to «The Sweet Shop». We would like to buy a lot of sweets and cakes. But it is not healthy. So we buy a cake and two ice creams. The cake is nice. It is for mum. It's her birthday.

Words to the text

to go shopping — отправляться за покупками

bones — кости

healthy — здоровый

for — для

birthday — день рождения

Задание 1

Mark the statements as true (T) or false (F). (Отметь утверждения как верные (Т) или неверные (F).)

1. Jack likes to drink a lot of milk. T F

2. The cake is for mum. T F

3. Peter and Helen buy a big cake for mum. T F

4. Peter and Helen are not lazy. T F

5. We go shopping on Sunday T F

Задание 2

Fill in the gaps according to the text. (Заполни пробелы согласно содержанию текста.)

1. Helen and Peter buy some milk in the _________ Shop.

2. Helen and Peter go shopping on ________ .

3. Helen buys some ________ for her cat.

4. Peter and Helen would like to buy __________.

5. Peter buys some _______ and _________ for his dog.

Итоговый тест по английскому языку для 4 класса

вариант 2

1. Вставь is или are:

  1. There ….a dog at the street.

  2. There ….a lot of apple trees in the garden next to my house.

  3. There…a horse on the farm in the country.

  4. …. there a mountain in your country? No, there ….n’t.

  5. ….there many monkeys in Africa? Yes, there….

2. Выбери правильную степень сравнения прилагательных:

  1. Ann is ….than Mary.

  1. short b) shorter c) shortest

  1. June is the …… month.

  1. hot b) hottest c) hotest

  1. This book is the……..

  1. interesting b) more interesting c) most interesting

  1. He is the…… teacher in our school.

  1. worse b)bad c) worst

  1. My dog is ……than your dog.

  1. cleverer b)clever c) cleverest

3.Выбери правильную форму глагола was или were.

  1. The weather______stormy and cloudy.

  2. There_______two chairs in the bedroom.

  3. His eyes________big and kind

4.Mary _________slim three days ago.

4.Вставьте подходящее вопросительное слово и ответьте на вопросы

1. ______is your favourite season? (What, Why,Who)

2._____is your birthday? (How, Where,When)

3.________ is your dog? (What colour, Why, How many)

4._____do you get up? (Why, When, What?)

5._____do you like to do? (How much, When,What?)

5.Раскройте скобки. Употребите глаголы в скобках в Past Simple.

  1. I … (go) to the museum last year.

  2. We … (see) Mary last month.

  3. My mum … (have) a cake.

  1. My dad … (say) “Hello”.

  2. Misha … (be) in the park yesterday.

  3. They … (fly) to London a month ago.

6.Read the text.

Three bears

A little girl lives with her mother in a nice house. The house is near a big green forest. The girl’s mother always says: “My dear, don’t go into the forest! Big bears live there.” “I’m not afraid, I’m brave”, says the girl “I want to go into the forest!” and one day she ran into the forest.

She ran and ran and ran. She saw a big house in the forest and came up to it. “Who lives here?” she said and came into the house. In one room she saw a big table with three chairs. On the table she saw three plates (тарелки). She was very hungry and dinner was ready. She ate the dinner.

The dinner was very nice and the girl wanted to sleep. She saw a bedroom with three beds in it. She got into the little bed and fell asleep (заснуть). When the girl opened her eyes she saw three bears near the bed. She jumped out of the window and ran home. “Oh, Mummy! How silly I am!” the girl said. Now she is at home, she is happy.


  1. Choose “T” or “F”

  1. A little girl lives with her mother in a nice house. T F

  2. The girl wants to go to the park very much. T F

  3. The girl saw a big house in the forest and comes into it. T F

  4. The girl wasn’t hungry. T F

  5. After dinner the girl wanted to sleep. T F

  1. Choose the right answer.

  1. It is a tale about a little ….

a. Father Bear b. Bear’s house c. little girl

2. One day the girl went to the …

a. forest b. Zoo c. school

3. In the house the girl saw a big table with three … on it.

a. beds b. bears c. plates

4. The little girl got into the little … and fell asleep.

a. tree b. plate c. bed

5. The little girl opened her eyes and saw … near her.

a. her mother b. three bears c. a table


Итоговый тест по английскому языку (4 класс)





Class _____________________

Mark _________________________

1) Выбери правильный вариант ответа. Обведи соответствующую букву.

1.Tom ______a student. A. am b. is c. are

2. I_____his sister. A. am b. is c. are

3. They_____nice children. A. am b.is c. are

4. Bob_____to school A. go b. goes c. don’t go

5. My mother_____to ski. A. don’t b. like c. doesn’t like

6._____Bob play chess? A. Do b. Does c. Is

7. They ______ to the cinema yesterday. A are going b. went c. go

8. We have holidays_____summer. A. on b.in c. at

9. Bob plays football_____Friday. A. on b. in c. at

10. Let’s go_____the Zoo. A. into b. in c. to

11._____sisters has he got? A. many b. how many c. how much

12.How_____juice do you want? A. many b. much c. a

13. School starts on the____of September. A. one b. first c. twenty-one 14.Yesterday I bought____eggs. A. some b. any c. no

15. Ted is hungry. Is there_____to eat? A. something b. anything c. nothing

16. I’ve got a problem. I’m afraid___can help me. A. somebody b. anybody c. nobody

2) Вставь пропущенные слова.

17. big, _____________, the biggest.

18. funny, ___________, the funniest.

19. beautiful, more beautiful, ____________.

20. bad, ______________, the worst.

21. ________, better, the best.

3) Напиши общее слово.

22. winter, spring, summer, autumn___________

23. December, March, June, October__________

24. jeans, blouse, coat, shirt, trousers__________

25. salad, meat, cheese, soup, potato__________

26. dog, crocodile, lion, sheep, fox____________

4) Прочитай предложения. Подбери нужное слово из рамки к его описанию и впиши его в отведенный пропуск. Слов больше, чем описаний.

camp bag believe

poster belt

rucksack watch

27. A container you use for carrying things.___________________

28. The picture you usually put on the wall.___________________

29. A place with tents where people go for a holiday.____________

30. To think that a fact is true. ______________________________

31. The bag you carry on your back. _________________________

5. Прочти текст, постарайся определить, какие слова пропущены. Заполни пропуски в тексте, используя слова, приведенные в рамке

looked come next was kitchen there ran noise

Sally couldn’t find her cat, Martha. She 32).______________ for Martha everywhere: in the bedroom, in the living room and in the 33). ____________. “Isn’t Martha in your room?” Sally’s mother asked her. “No, Martha’s not 34).______________.” Sally said. “Well, you have to be patient, Sally. Martha will 35). ____________ home soon.” “But it’s three days now,” said Sally and walked to the living room. Her father was 36). _______________ to the fireplace. “Sally,” he said. “Can you bring my glasses from the garden?” sally walked to the garden. She 37). _____________ so sad. She opened the big door. Then she stopped. What was that 38). __________________? Was it a mouse? Sally looked. There in a box was Martha, and next to her there were three small kittens. Sally 39)._______________ back to her father, “Come and see, Daddy Martha’s got three babies.” What a wonderful surprise it was for everyone – especially for Sally!

6. Прочитай текст. Закончи предложения, выбрав из предложенных вариантов тот, который соответствует содержанию текста. Обведи соответствующую букву.

Shoemaker and the Elves.

Once there lived a poor shoemaker (сапожник). He was old and could not work well. One night he could not finish his work – the boots for the King! But next morning he saw nice boots on the table! The King gave him a lot of money and asked him to make shoes for his daughter.

The shoemaker was very ill and could not work. But next morning he saw the most beautiful shoes on the table! The old man thought: “Who helped me?”

At night, the shoemaker saw two elves (эльфы)! They were very little but looked like boys. They were very cold because they had little clothes on. Their shoes were very old and dirty. “They haven’t got warm clothes! They help me and I must help them too. I’ll make new jackets and shoes for them!”

At night the two elves saw two red jackets and new shoes. They put them on. They were so happy that they didn’t want to work. They went away from the shoemaker’s house and never be back again.

40. The shoemaker was______

a. young and could work b. strong and old c. old and couldn’t work.

41. ________ made boots for the King.

a. The elves b. The shoemaker c. King’s daughter

42. The elves were _____________.

a. ill b. old c. cold

43. The shoemaker made ___________ for the elves.

a. jackets and shoes b. boots and jeans c. hats and coats

44. The elves ________ new clothes.

a. didn’t like b. liked c. like

45. The happy elves _________ again.

a. didn’t want to work b. wanted to work c. wanted to help the shoemaker

Задание 7 : Ответь на письмо.

Прочитай письмо Джона. Ответь на его письмо. Используй письмо Джона как образец для твоего письма. В твоем письме должна быть следующая информация: your name; your age; where you live; your brothers, sisters or cousins; things you do after school.


ВНИМАНИЕ! Не забудь о приветствии заключении и необходимых знаках препинания. Подпиши письмо.

Dear friend,

My name is John. I am eleven years old. I live in London with my mother Helen and a three-year-old sister Molly. She doesn’t speak very well yet, but she likes playing with a ball and dancing to my CDs. She is very funny and nice. I often babysit with my sister, when my Mum goes shopping. Sometimes my friend Jack and Jane come to help me with Molly and then we do our homework together.

What is your name? How old are you? Do you live in a big city or in a small town or a village? Do you spend much time with your brothers, sisters or cousins? What do you usually do with your friends after school?

Best wishes,







Тест с ответами по английскому языку для 4 класса

1. What is your name?1) I am Mary +2) I is Mary3) I are Mary4) He is Mary

2. Where are you from?1) I am from Russian2) I is from Russia3) I am from Russia+4) I am Russia

3. What are you doing now?1) I watch TV2) He watch TV3) I am watch TV4) I am watching TV+

4. Can you run?1) Yes, I can run+2) Yes, I run3) Yes, I will run4) Yes, I must run

5. Did you go to the cinema yesterday?1) Yes, I went to the cinema yesterday+2) Yes, I go to the cinema yesterday3) Yes, I will go to the cinema yesterday4) Yes, I can go to the cinema

6. Are you going to visit your grandfather?1) No, I am not going to visit my grandfather+2) No, I am not go to visit my grandfather3) No, I don’t go to visit my grandfather4) No, I don’t visit my grandfather+

7. Is there a bathroom in your flat?

1) No, there aren’t2) No, there am3) No, there do4) No, there isn’t+

8. Are there three pens in your pencil case?

1) Yes, there is2) Yes, there are+3) Yes, there do4) Yes, there am

9. Выберите отрицательную форму для “I play basketball every day”1) I play not basketball every day2) I not play basketball every day3) I don’t play basketball every day+4) I doesn’t play basketball every day

10. Выберите отрицательную форму для “I am a teacher”1) I not am a teacher2) I am not a teacher+3) I not be a teacher4) I don’t a teacher

11. Какое слово относится к теме Clothes1) A bedroom2) A school3) A park4) A dress+

12. Какое из слов относится к теме Actions1) An apple2) A rabbit3) Jump+4) A house

13. Выберите слово, которое относится к теме Parts of the face1) A foot2) Eyes+3) Toes4) Hands

14. Какое слово относится к теме Animals1) Hot2) Plastic3) A train4) A horse+

15. We travel _________________.1) by car +2) under airplane3) with bus4) at car

16. Как по-английски будет 1965 год?1) nineteen thousand sixty-five2) nineteen hundred fifty-six3) nineteen sixty-five+4) one nine six five

17. Выберите вариант, в котором верно указаны 3 степени образования сравнения прилагательных1) long — longer — the longest+2) interesting —interestinger — the most interesting3) good — better — goodest4) hot — more hot — the most hot

18.Поставьте глаголы в скобках в прошедшее время:1) I …..(decide) to visit my old friend.2) Daniel Brown …..(write) a book.3) Maria ….. (clean) her house.4) The teacher….. (begin) the lesson.5) When my cat …..( to be) younger it …..( catch) mice.Ответ: 1) decided 2) wrote 3) cleaned 4)began 5) was/ caught

19.Поставьте плюс там, где артикль употреблен правильно.1) Cold – the coldest+2) Good — the better3) Warm – the warmer4) Nice — the nicest+5) Poor – the poorest+

20.Составьте предложения из слов, расположенных ниже. В каком времени употреблены глаголы?1) Some, the, are, climbing, mountain, tourists-……………………………………….2) The teacher, explaining, is, now, lesson, the-……………………………………….3) in, shining, sky, the sun, the, is- ……………………………………………………4) Nelly, of, taking, the bird, is, the photo-………………………………………………5) We, the road, at, crossing, are, the moment- …………………………………………..Ответ: 1) Some tourists are climbing the mountain. 2) The teacher is explaining the lesson now. 3) The sun is shining in the sky. 4) Nelly is taking the photo of the bird. 5) We are crossing the road at the moment.


Тест по английскому языку для 4 класса

Английский язык. 4 класс. Тест к учебнику И.Н. Верещагиной “English 4”

Test (lessons 1-4)


1. Complete the sentences with am, is, are.

    1. 1) There … pears in the basket.

      2) He … not a teacher. He works in the shop.

      3) It’s raining in the street. I … all wet.

      4) There … not any chocolate in the fridge.

      5) … they Americans? – No, but their mother is American.


      2. Answer the questions.

      1. 1) What season is the coldest? –

        2) What season is it now? –

        3) What’s your favorite food? –

        4) Why do people wear light clothes in summer? –

        5) When do you have dinner with your family? –


        3. Choose the correct variant.

        1. 1) Listen! The bird … in the tree. (sings/is singing)

          2) I usually … books in the evening. (read/am reading)

          3) David … to work; he is a pupil. (doesn’t go; isn’t working)

          4) They … in the yard at the moment. (play; are playing)

          5) … you often … trousers? (Do ... wear; Are … wearing)


          4. Complete the sentences with some, any.

          1. 1) There is … milk in the bottle.

            2) Are there … oranges in the bag?

            3) There isn’t … porridge in the plate.

            4) There are … carrots on the table.

            5) Is there … water at the front door?


            5. Agree or disagree.


              I agree

              I disagree

              0) Sandra is a girl.



                1) Jack lives in a flat.


                  2) Sandra’s grandmother is good at painting.


                    3) Sandra is older than her cousin.


                      4) Jack’s parents are engineers.


                        5) Sandra’s aunt is her mother’s sister.


                          Hi, my name is Sandra. I am twelve years old and I live in New York, in a small house. I have an amazing family which I love very much. There are seven members in my family. They are my grandparents, my mother, my aunt and uncle, me and my cousin. My grandfather is a vet who takes care of different pets and animals. My grandmother is a talented artist and a kind person. My mother is a lawyer and a great cook. My aunt and uncle are engineers who work together on big projects. My cousin, Jack, is fifteen years old and he wants to become an artist. I love my family very much and we all get along very well.

                          6. Fill in the words from the table.



                            ice cream













                            In … school finishes and holidays begin. People go to the beach to … and sunbathe. Children like to eat … in hot weather.

                            In … snow melts. … start to grow – snowdrops, roses, tulips, violets. They are of different … : white, red, yellow, pink. Some … come back from warmer countries.

                            In … days get shorter and nights get … . It often … a lot. Leaves fall from the trees and birds … to other countries.

                            In … lakes and rivers are frozen and roads are … and slippery. Children go outside to make a … with a carrot for a nose. People like to … in the hills and mountains.


                            7. Write the things.

                              8. Listen twice to people in the street1. Answer the questions. Fill in the table.

                                Do you have brothers and sisters?








                                1 brother and

                                1 sister


                                How old are they?






                                9. Complete the dialogue. Use the words you know.

                                  AGood ……………………………….., David! How are ……………………?

                                  B Morning, Carol! I’m fine. And …………………………….?

                                  A I’m ………………………….., too. Thank ………………………..

                                  B The weather is not rainy, it’s …………………………. today. Let’s have a picnic!

                                  A With pleasure! I’ll bring some ……………………………… and jam.

                                  B And I’ll bring ………………………………. juice and sausage.

                                  A Wonderful! Let’s meet ……………………………….. 1:15 p.m.

                                  B OK. Good-………………………….!

                                  A See you later!


                                  Итоговый тест по английскому, 4 класс, с ответами

                                  Страница 1 из 2

                                  Итоговый тест по английскому языку с ответами, 4-й класс


                                  1.Choose the correct sentence:

                                  • a. There is a sofa and two armchairs near the wall.
                                  • b. There is three books on the table.
                                  • c. There are a pen, a book and two lamps on the shelf.
                                  • d. There are one table in the room.

                                  Правильный ответ: There is a sofa and two armchairs near the wall.


                                  2. Choose the correct item: He … watch videos at night.

                                  • a. doesn’t
                                  • b. isn’t
                                  • c. don’t
                                  • d. didn’t

                                  Правильный ответ: doesn’t


                                  3. Find one correct sentence:

                                  • a. When does you go to the theatre?
                                  • b. When did he gone two days ago?
                                  • c. What did you do yesterday?
                                  • d. What do he do at weekend?

                                  Правильный ответ: What did you do yesterday?


                                  4. Find one correct sentence:

                                  • a. Will you go to the park next Saturday?
                                  • b. Did you went to museum two days ago?
                                  • c. Does they like music?
                                  • d. Does you go to the cinema on Monday?

                                  Правильный ответ: Will you go to the park next Saturday?


                                  5. Write the letters in the correct order, then find translation. Choose the right answer. Only one answer is correct.

                                  • 1) mumsre a) гулять
                                  • 2) uspo b) вечер
                                  • 3) walk c) лето
                                  • 4) vineneg d) вчера
                                  • 5) deysatery e) суп

                                  Правильный ответ: 1-c 2-e 3-a 4-b 5-d


                                  6. Choose the correct item:

                                  Tom is _________child in this group.

                                  • a. the cleverest
                                  • b. the most clever
                                  • c. the more clever
                                  • d. the clevest

                                  Правильный ответ: the cleverest


                                  7.  Choose the correct item:

                                  Is this _______ book?

                                  • a. Bens
                                  • b. Bens’
                                  • c. Ben
                                  • d. Ben’s

                                  Правильный ответ: Ben’s


                                  8.  Find one correct sentence:

                                  • a. Yesterday my Grandma did not feel well.
                                  • b. We readed this book last time.
                                  • c. The cat did jump out of the window.
                                  • d. I visit my uncle last week.

                                  Правильный ответ: Yesterday my Grandma did not feel well.


                                  9. Choose the correct sentence:

                                  • a. There is two bathrooms in my house.
                                  • b. There were three rooms in my previous flat.
                                  • c. There was two bedrooms in my previous flat.
                                  • d. There are a kitchen in my flat.

                                  Правильный ответ: There were three rooms in my previous flat.


                                  10. Find one correct sentence:

                                  • a. They are cleverer that him.
                                  • b. She is gooder than Mary.
                                  • c. The butterfly is more beautiful than the caterpillar.
                                  • d. Mike is more funnier than his brother.

                                  Правильный ответ: The butterfly is more beautiful than the caterpillar. 

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