Вопрос: оксана карпюк 5 класс английский перевести текст IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW A FOREIGN LANGUAGE. It is important to know a foreign language текст 5 класс переклад
LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” | LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” LISTEN TO THE TEXT “It’s important to know a foreign language” and match the sentences “True” or “False”. 1. The mother cat is wise. 2. The mother cat and her kittens live downstairs. 3. The kittens eat meat and milk for breakfast. 4. Every morning the cat goes to a primary school. 5. The kittens don’t like many subjects. 6. They like the foreign language they study at school. 7. In the park they saw a big dog. 8. The kittens are afraid of the dog. 9. Cats and dogs speak the same language. 10. The mother cat says , “It’s important to know a foreign language. ” |
оксана карпюк 5 класс английский перевести текст IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW A FOREIGN LANGUAGE
оксана карпюк 5 класс английский перевести текст IT IS IMPORTANT TO KNOW A FOREIGN LANGUAGE
я не отвечу поскольку только в 4классе , но совет скачай приложение гуг переводчик он реально помогает и произносит
A. English is very difficult to learn. English grammar is terrible and English spelling is a problem for me. B. Though English is not a very easy language, I like it a lot. It's like a challenge for me. I like the history of the UK and I also like British music. I find the lyrics of songs in the Internet and then sing along with the music. C. English is very useful in life. It's very helpful when you travel - it makes travelling more enjoyable. You can read local newspapers and menus at restaurants. If you learn English really well, you'll be able to understand books and films in English. You'll be able to read Harry Potter or Lord of the Rings in English!!! D. English doubles your chances in life. If you learn it, your boss will send you to an English-speaking country on a business trip and you will get more money in your job. E. It's important to know English very well. You can use the Internet then and chat with people from other countries. And English is a world language. Everyone must know it. F. If you learn English at school, you'll have good test results and be able to go to University. G. English has always been my favourite subject at school. It's so enjoyable to be able to speak English with your classmates and your teacher, to listen to songs, recite poems, watch the news in English! I think, I'll learn French or German later. 5. Write a composition 'English in my life!' Use your imagination and as many new words and ideas from this unit as you can.
диагностическая работа 4 класс
Для учителя;
Текст для аудирования
It Is Important to Know a Foreign Language
A wise mother-cat and her two little kittens live in an old grey house. They live upstairs in an old bedroom and sleep on a warm comfortable carpet that is in the middle of the room. Every morning the two kittens get up, brush their tails, wash their faces and go downstairs to the kitchen to have breakfast. They usually have milk and porridge for breakfast. After breakfast they wash their cups, glasses and plates and go to the Cats’ primary school. They take their schoolbags with pens, pencils, rules, rubbers and books with them. But they don’t like to go to school. They are a bit lazy, though they are rather clever. They don’t like many school subjects but most of all they dislike the foreign languages they are learning. Now the mother-cat and her kittens are walking in the park. Suddenly they see a big dog. The dog is standing in front of them. She looks very dangerous. The kittens are afraid of the dog and cry: “Mew, mew, mew, mew.” The dog looks at them and answers loudly: “Grrrrrr! Grrrrrr! Grrrrrr!” At this moment the mother-cat opens her mouth and says: “Grrrrrr! Grrrrrr!” The dog can hardly believe her ears. “Grrrr! Grrrr!” she answers and quickly runs away. Then the wise old cat turns to her kittens and says: “Now, I hope you understand how important it is to know a foreign language.”
Вариант А
Грамматика и лексика
Вариант В
Грамматика и лексика
Will go
Всего баллов – 31 балла (1 балл за каждый правильный ответ)
В том числе:
Аудирование-6 баллов
Чтение-4 балла
Грамматика и лексика – 16 баллов
Письмо – 5 баллов
Критерии оценки:
100-85%- 5 (31-27 балла)
70-84% - 4 (26-22 балла)
50-69 %- 3 (21- 16 баллов)
Менее 50% - 2 (15 баллов)
Время выполнения: 40-45 минут
Чтение-13 минут
Грамматика и лексика – 13 минут
Письмо – 7 минут
Сводный анализ
контрольных тестов в 4 классах в 2011-2012 уч.г.
от МОУ ______________________
по английскому языку
Вписывается средний % выполнения задания по каждому классу
Таблица для заполнения.
4 «А»
4 «Б»
4 «В»
4 «Г»
Итого: средний
% выполнения каждого задания по параллели
((%4«4А»+%4«Б»++%4 «В»+%4»Г») : 4)
1.Средний процент выполнения теста по параллели ______ % (сложить проценты выполнения всех заданий по параллели и разделить на количество заданий, т.е.20).
2. По списку всего учащихся 4-х классов ______ чел.
3. Выполняли работу ______ учащихся.
«4» - _____ чел.
«3» - _____ чел.
«2» - _____ чел.
Сосчитать средний % успеваемости по параллели ______
средний % качества знаний по параллели _______
Подготовил ____________ (ФИО педагога)
Приложение 3
Анализ контрольных тестов по английскому языку в 4 «____» классе МОУ ________________________________ (Сдать в ИДК) Учитель ________________________________
ФИО учащегося
Выполнение теста (баллы 1 или 0)
. аудирование
кол. баллов
Анализ контрольных тестов по английскому языку в 2011-2012 уч.г.
Средний процент выполнения теста по классу …. % (Сложить проценты выполнения каждого задания и разделить на количество заданий, т.е.20.)
Результаты контрольного теста.
По списку _____ учащихся.
Выполняли работу ____ учащихся.
Получили «5» - _____
«4» - _____
«3» - _____
«2» - _____
Сосчитать % успеваемости ______
% качества знаний ______
Оценка выполнения работы:
Каждое верно выполненное задание оценивается в 1 балл.
Максимальное количество баллов за выполненный тест – 20.
Для получения отметки «5» - необходимо набрать не менее 18 баллов,
«4» - не менее 15 баллов,
«3» - не менее 11 баллов.
Директор школы _______________/________________/
Foreign Languages in Our Life. Иностранный язык в нашей жизни
[21.04.2010] olga Посмотрели: 72000 Рейтинг: 70 Коментариев: 1
70Foreign Languages in Our Life
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign writers in the original, which makes your outlook wider.
It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people are polyglots. I study English. Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology.
To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. The English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one”. That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.
Иностранный язык в нашей жизни
Изучение иностранного языка не является легким делом. Это долгий и медленный процесс, который занимает много времени и усилий. Сегодня особенно важно знать иностранные языки. Некоторые люди изучают языки, потому что они нужны для работы, другие путешествуют за границей, для третьих, изучение языков является хобби. Каждый, кто знает иностранные языки может общаться с людьми из других стран, читать иностранных писателей в оригинале, что делает ваш кругозор гораздо шире.
Это не удивительно, что многие представители интеллигенции и хорошо образованные люди - полиглоты. Я изучаю английский. В настоящее время английский язык стал самым важным языком в мире политики, науки, торговли и культурных связей. Более 300 миллионов людей говорят на нем как на родном языке. Носители английского языка живут в Великобритании, Соединенных Штатах Америки, в Австралии и Новой Зеландии. Английский является одним из официальных языков в Ирландской Республике, Канаде, Южной Африканской Республике. Английский является одним из официальных языков Организации Объединенных Наций и других политических организаций. Половина научной литературы в мире на английском языке. Это язык компьютерных технологий.
Знать английский язык сегодня абсолютно необходимо для каждого образованного человека, для каждого хорошего специалиста. Английский язык является прекрасным языком. Это язык великой литературы. Это язык Вильяма Шекспира, Джонатана Свифта, Вальтера Скотта, Чарльза Диккенса. Великий немецкий поэт Гете однажды сказал: "Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка, не знает своего собственного". Вот почему для того, чтобы понять самого себя и окружающую среду надо изучать иностранные языки.
Сочинение - Why it`s so important to know foreign languages?
Why it`s so important to know foreign languages?
Кузнецова Милена. Школа №7, Смела, Черкасская область, Украина
I think, nowadays it is very important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages, because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third it`s just a hobby. People want to know languages, to write to their pen-friends or to communicate with people from different countries, to meet more people and make new friends. Also, they want to read books of famous writers in original, to read newspapers and magazines. It helps them to know more about different events, people`s life, customs and traditions.
Learning foreign languages broadens our minds, people become educated. In my opinion, languages are especially important for those who work in different fields of science and technology, in politics. A foreign language helps to know the native language better. People, who know many languages are called polyglots. We know the names of some of them: German professor Shlimman, famous writer Shakespeare, philosopher Socrates and many others.
Nowadays, English has become an international language. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. As for me, I learn English from 7 years age. This language helps me very much, to speak free with people from all over the world, make new friends and participate in international contests.
I like one proverb of Johann Goethe:" He who does not know foreign languages does not know anything about his own." I speak Ukranian, Russian, English, a little Italian and Spanish. And I`m very proud of it, because languages-it`s my second life. Also, I would like to learn Germany, French and Serbian, but this year I dedicate myself to learning Italian. You know, dream from my childhood — to be an an interpreter and I`m sure, I get it.
Personally, I think that to know foreign languages today is absolutely necessary for every educated man, for every good specialist. So let`s to learn foreign languages and discover with them many interesting things in our life!
Почему я учу английский язык?
Я думаю, в наше время, это очень важно знать иностранные языки. Некоторые люди учат языки, потому что они им нужны для роботы, другим путешествовать за границу, и для третьих это просто хобби. Люди хотят знать языки, писать друзьям по переписке или общаться с людьми с разных стран, встретить больше новых людей и завести друзей. К тому же, они хотят читать книги известных писателей в оригинале, читать газеты и журналы. Это помогает им узнавать больше о разных событиях, жизни людей, обычаях и традиций.
Изучение иностранных языков расширяет наш кругозор, люди становятся более образованными. На мой взгляд, языки особенно важны для тех, кто работает в разных сферах науки и технологии, политики. Иностранный язык помогает узнать родной язык лучше. Люди, которые знают много языков — полиглоты. Мы знаем некоторые имена полиглотов: немецкий профессор Шлимман, известный писатель Шекспир, философ Сократ и много других.
В наши дни, английский стал международным языком. Около 300 миллионов людей говорят на нем, как на родном языке. Что касается меня, я учу английский с 7 лет. Этот язык очень мне помогает, говорить свободно с людьми со всего мира, заводить новых друзей и принимать участие в международных конкурсах.
Мне нравиться одна пословица Йогана Гете: «Тот, кто не знает иностранных языков, не знает ничего про свой родной язык». Я разговариваю на украинском, русском, английском, немного на итальянском и испанском. И я очень горжусь этим, потому что языки — это моя вторая жизнь. Также, я бы хотела выучить немецкий, французский и сербский, но в этом году я посвящаю себя изучению итальянского. Вы знаете, мечта моего детства — быть переводчиком и я уверенна я буду.
Лично я думаю, что знать иностранные языки сегодня это абсолютно необходимо для каждого образованного человека, для каждого хорошого специалиста. Поэтому, давайте учить иностранные языки и открывать с ними много интересных вещей в нашей жизни!
Дополнительные упражнения к текстам по аудированию к УМК English для 5-го класса И.Н. Верещагиной и О.В. Афанасьевой
Разделы: Иностранные языки
Материал предназначен для учителей английского языка, работающих по УМК English для 5 класса школ с углубленным изучением английского языка авторов И.Н.Верещагиной и О.В.Афанасьевой, и содержит дополнительные упражнения ко всем текстам раздела Listening Comprehension.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 1 "Tom's Dream" (#6)
Match the beginning of the sentence with the right ending:
1) Tom Brown was 2) He lived at 3) There was 4) It was 5) Tom’s Mother was 6) He was 7) She was 8) Tom’s Mother loved 9) Tom loved 10) Tom dreamed about | a) a secretary and a typist b) a tall slim woman fair-haired with large brown eyes and a kind smile c) 27, Green Square in a little town in the South of England d) about thirty e) dark-haired with a funny round face and a kind smile f) her son very much g) the zoo h) wild animals i) a telephone in their flat j) a nice little boy of 6 |
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 2 “Why is It Important to Know a Foreign Language” (#10)
Answer the questions:
1) Who is the story about? 2) What is the story about? 3) Where do they live? 4) Do the cats go to school? Which school? 5) How well do they study? 6) What happened in the park? 7) Why is it important to learn a foreign language?
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 3 “The British Museum” (#15)
1. Complete the sentences with the information from the text:
1) London is a city of ________ and ________. 2) The British Museum is one of the most _________ museums in the world and the ________ museum in London. 3) Many things came to the British Museum from _____________. 4) A Manuscript Room is the room where the most important English ______________ are. 5) There are more than _________________ books in the library of the British Museum. 6) Dickens, Thackeray, Bernard Shaw, Karl Marx worked in the ________ of the British Museum.
2. Choose the correct statement:
1) London is a city of
a) famous people b) history and culture c) high buildings;
2) The British Museum is in
a) Trafalgar Square b) the City c) Russell Street
3) It is famous for
a) its library b) musical instruments c) documents;
4) Many things came to the Museum from
a) Greece b) Italy c) Germany.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 4 “Denis Cook Is Travelling” (#20)
Say if the statements are “True” or “False”. If they are false – correct them.
1) Today Denis Cook is going to the railway station. 2) He is going to catch a 9 o’clock plane. 3) Denis can’t find his luggage. 4) Denis finds his passport in the living room. 5) Denis goes to the airport by taxi. 6) Denis flies to London. 7) In England people are usually polite in queues.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 5 “Blue Jeans” (#23)
1. Listen to the text and say who made jeans (1) and what material they are usually made of (2).
1) ________________________. 2) ________________________.
2. Answer the questions:
1) When did Levi Strauss come to San Francisco? 2) Where exactly is San Francisco situated? 3) Why did many people come to California? 4) Why did people need strong trousers? 5) Why did people like Levi Strauss’s jeans? 6) What are Levi Strauss’s jeans good for?
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 6 “Things Used to be Different Many Years Ago” (#27)
Say if the statements are “True” or “False”. If they are false – correct them.
1) I am a typist. 2) I have written 10 books in the past 15 years. 3) I used to write poems about flowers. 4) I used to be a nurse and worked at a men’s hospital in London. 5) I live in a small village in the country now. 6) I write adventure stories now. 7) I have always been curious about the past. 8) People used to travel in cars and planes.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 7 "A Quickly-minded Explorer" (#30)
1. Put the sentences a-g in the logical order according to the text:
a) “By the way, don’t you know what am I? – I am a policeman.” b) “When I understood we were on fire I didn’t move and continued to sit in the armchair reading a book for some time.” c) “People don’t think about money when they are in panic nowadays.” d) One night before the sunset a hotel in the centre of the city was on fire. e) “Then I rose and before I came out I ran into some of the rooms.” f) The people stood near the hotel looking at the fire and talking. g) “And do you know who I am? – I’m an explorer and a writer. I always tell stories about things that never took place.”
2. Choose the correct answer:
1) The fire took place
a) before sunrise b) before sunset c) in the afternoon
2) The hotel was situated
a) in the City b) in the country c) in the centre of the city
3) One man from the hotel
a) was writing a book b) was curious about money c) was in panic
4) The man took the money because
a) it was his money b) he was a policeman c) he wanted to visit foreign countries
5) The man who took the money was really
a) a thief b) a policeman c) a quickly-minded explorer
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 8 "The Day I Came Face to Face with a Tiger" (#34)
1. Finish the statements with the information according to the text (a word or a phrase):
1) My name is _______ Russel. 2) Last year I went to ________. 3) The hospital was situated ___________________________. 4) It is important to ________ as much of the foreign country as you can. 5) Once Tony decided to go ____________________. 6) Tony and Kamal left the camp with _________________. 7) Tony and Kamal were wearing ________ and _________ to protect them from __________. 8) The tigers liked to ________ in the daytime hiding in the _________. 9) When they saw a tiger Kamal told Tony to be _________.
2. Choose the right variant:
1) Tony went to Nepal:
a) for three weeks b) for three months c) for three years
2) Tony went to Nepal to:
a) study b) to swim in the lake c) work in a hospital
3) Tony used to swim in the lake
a) early at night b) early in the morning c) early in the evening
4) Tony’s friend Kamal Rai
a) was fond of travelling b) knew a lot about Tony c) was dangerous
5) In the jungle they were trying to find
a) snakes b) wildlife c) big cats especially tigers
6) When they were coming nearer to the tiger they saw
a) another tiger b) an elephant c) a dead sheep in the grass
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 9 “Two Trips” (#37)
1. Answer the following questions:
1) What was George Brown? 2) How old was he? 3) What did he use to do when he was young? 4) What did George invite Mark to do? 5) What did George do in the air? 6) How long did George fly? 7) Why did Mark say that there were two trips: the first and the last?
2. Say if the statements are “True” or “False”. If they are false – correct them.
1) George Brown was a poor businessman. 2) When he was young he didn't like to travel. 3) He often spent his weekend at home. 4) He loved nature. 5) George had a friend. 6) His friend's name was Billy. 7) He could do all kinds of tricks in the air. 8) Mark didn't agree to fly in George's plane. 9) His first and his last trip were for George Brown. 10) When they came down Mark thanked George for the trip.
3. Put the sentences in the logical order:
1) When George was 35 he bought a small plane. 2) When they came down again Mark was very glad to be back. 3) When he was young he used to travel a lot. 4) One day George invited Mark to have a trip in his plane. 5) “My first and my last”, was the answer.
4. Complete the sentences:
1) George Brown was a _____________ businessman. 2) He liked to climb____________________. 3) When George was ________________ he bought a small plane. 4) George had a _______________. 5) George did all kinds of tricks in the____________________.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 10 "Bobby's Answer" (#40)
Say if the statements are “True” or “False”. If they are false – correct them.
1) Mr. and Mrs. Davis have a daughter. 2) It was Mrs. Davis’s birthday a few days ago. 3) Last Sunday Bobby’s grandfather came to visit him. 4) Grandfather brought Bobby a nice toy train. 5) Bobby asked his Grandfather how old he was. 6) Grandfather thought Bobby was a big boy.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 12 "I Hit Him Back First" (#43)
Fill in with the necessary information according to the text (a word or a phrase):
1) Once upon a time there lived _________________. 2) Their names were __________________. 3) They lived with their ________ in a small industrial _______ in the north of __________. 4) Their house consisted of _______________. 5) Allan and Ted were good ___________ and good ____________ as well. 6) Allan was _________ and Ted was _________. 7) The brothers went to the same __________________________. 8) The brothers ________ a lot, and played many ___________________. 9) The boys were not saints and liked ___________________ very much too. 10) Their mother was against their ________________. 11) One day Allan came home and went to the room where Ted way playing _______________. 12) Ted was surprised when he saw Allan __________________. 13) Allan was crying because William ________ him. 14) Allan said that he _______ William back first and then he _______ him.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 13 "A Tragedy in the Air" (#46)
1. Say if the statements are “True”, “False” or “Don't know”:
1) The author of the story is one of the passengers of the plane. 2) The plane flew to London. 3) There were 150 people on board. 4) The plane was delayed and they started at 10 o'clock. 5) The pilot's name was Michel. 6) Michel was a permanent companion. 7) Michel knew a lot about plane's engine. 8) Suddenly all engines broke. 9) The plane fell down and wild animals ate people. 10) The captain told bad news.
2. Choose the correct answer:
1) The plane belonged to:
a) "The Russian Airlines" b) "The American Airways" c) “The British Airways"
2) The flight was:
a) from London to North Africa b) from London to South Africa c) from America to London
3) The plane had to take off (взлететь):
a) at 9 o'clock b) at 10 o'clock c) at 11 o'clock
4) Michel was:
a) a pilot b) a lawyer c) a worker
5) After the 2nd and 3rd engines stopped working people
a) wanted to leave the plane b) felt bad and thought about death c) asked stewardess to help them
6) The captain's bad news was about:
a) people's death b) hungry wild animals c) football match
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 14 "She Wanted to Show Off" (#49)
1. Answer the following questions:
1) What was called the New World? 2) Why was a young lady invited to the King’s palace? 3) Why did important political people often talk to the young lady? 4) Why was one of the guests, a professor of history, late? 5) Why do you think the young lady had very poor knowledge of history and geography?
2. Choose the right variant:
1) In the 18th century young ladies had very poor knowledge of history and geography:
a) in the New World b) In Italy c) in Mexico
2) A young lady was once invited:
a) to the King’s palace b) to the New World c) to Christopher Columbus
3) The ministers and lawyers knew that the young lady was:
a) a professor of history b) a very important political person c) neither clever nor bright
4) The young lady knew the professor’s name because:
a) he discovered America b) he had a good sense of humour c) his political ideas were very famous
5) The story is
a) humorous and teaching b) historical c) told by a young lady
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 15 “Tim Takes Medicine” (#51)
Make the right choice: ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Don't Know’.
1) It is winter now. 2) Tim is ill. 3) John isn't coughing. 4) The doctor told John to stay in bed, 5) The doctor told John to go for a walk. 6) John didn't want to take medicine. 7) John has many pets at home. 8) The boy gives the cat his medicine. 9) Tim doesn't like the medicine. 10) John's mother told him to take the medicine.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 16 "The Doctor’s Advice" (#54)
Choose the right variant:
1) The gentleman who came to the doctor was:
a) old b) young
2) The doctor found his illness:
a) not serious b) painful
3) The doctor prescribed his patient:
a) medicine b) rest
4) At the end of the story the gentleman told the doctor that:
a) he had killed someone b) he had started to smoke
5) The story is:
a) teaching b) humorous
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 17 "An Ill Turn" (#57)
Answer the following questions:
1) What did Miss Martha Marple have? 2) How often did the man come to Miss Martha Marple’s place? 3) Why did Miss Martha Marple think the man was not healthy? 4) Why was the man angry?
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 19 “You’ve Won!” (#59)
1. Answer the following questions:
1) Why was an old gentleman unhappy? 2) What did the old gentleman think about the boys? 3) What did the man see when he was taking a walk in the park? 4) What were the boys doing? 5) What did the old man decide to do? 6) What did he tell the boys? 7) What was the boys’ reaction?
2. Fill in with the correct information according to the text:
1) The boys were always ________ and sang ________ songs. 2) The boys didn’t know the ____________ between right and wrong. 3) Some boys were standing around ____________________. 4) The boys said to him: “We are having a ________________.” 5) The man saw a good opportunity to teach the boys ___________________.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 20 “An Excellent Student” (#61)
Make the right choice: ‘True’, ‘False’ or ‘Don't Know’.
1) A teacher was asking Tom a few questions. 2) Tom’s knowledge was very poor. 3) The teacher asked him questions on geography and history of Russia. 4) Tom forgot the answers. 5) Tom looked very unhappy because he knew he would be punished at home. 6) The teacher then decided to ask him some very easy questions. 7) Tom didn’t know anything. 8) When the teacher shouted “George Washington!” Tom thought he called the next student.
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 21 “A Laconic Answer” (#63)
Match the beginning of the sentence with the correct ending according to the text:
1) The Lacons lived in 2) The people Of Laconia were 3) The Lacons loved 4) The Lacons tried to follow 5) Their rule was 6) Macedonia was in 7) King Philip was 8) King Philip wanted 9) King Philip wrote a letter to 10) The letter said 11) The Lacons wrote to King Philip | a) not very clever and brave b) “The shorter – the better” c) only one word – “If” d) Northern Greece e) the Lacons f) very brave g) their Motherland h) “If I win you, I will become your king” i) Southern Greece j) to become king of all Greece k) the laws of their country |
Listening Comprehension To Lesson 22 “Mrs Green or Mrs Brown?” (#64)
Answer the following questions:
1) How old was Mrs Green? 2) Where did she live? 3) How often did Mrs Green go to the nearest town? 4) Where did she do the shopping in the town? 5) What products did she buy there? 6) How did the shop assistant call her? 7) How did the shop assistant explain her mistake? 8) What do you think about the shop assistant?
Помогите!Мини-сочинение на тему{Is it important to know a foreign language?}, английский язык

12 июня 2013 г., 13:08:00 (5 лет назад)
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is a long and slow process that takes a lot of time and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Some people learn languages because they need them for their work, others travel abroad, for the third studying languages is a hobby. Everyone, who knows foreign languages can speak to people from other countries, read foreign writers in the original, which makes your outlook wider. It is not surprising that many intellectuals and well-educated people are polyglots. I study English. Nowadays English has become the world’s most important language in politics, science, trade and cultural relations. Over 300 million people speak it as a mother tongue. The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, the United States of America, Australia and New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in the Irish Republic, Canada, the South Africa Republic. English is one of the official languages of the United Nations Organization and other political organizations. Half of the world’s scientific literature is in English. It is the language of computer technology. To know English today is absolutely necessary for every educated person, for every good specialist. The English language is a wonderful language. It is the language of the great literature. It is the language of William Shakespeare, Jonathan Swift, Walter Scott, Charles Dickens. The great German poet Goethe once said, “He, who knows no foreign language, does not know his own one.” That is why in order to understand oneself and environment one has to study foreign languages.
Изучение иностранного языка не является легким делом . Это долгий и медленный процесс, который занимает много времени и усилий . В настоящее время это особенно важно знать иностранные языки . Некоторые люди изучают языки, потому что они нуждаются в них для их работы , другие путешествуют за границей , для трети, изучающей языки это хобби . Все , кто знает иностранные языки могут говорить с людьми из других стран , читать иностранные писатели в оригинале , что делает ваш взгляд шире . Это не удивительно, что многие интеллектуалы и хорошо образованные люди полиглоты . Я изучаю английский . В настоящее время английский язык стал в мире самым важным языком в политике , науке, торговых и культурных связей . Более 300 миллионов человек говорят на его качестве родного языка . В носителями английского языка живут в Великобритании, Соединенных Штатах Америки , Австралии и Новой Зеландии . Английский язык является одним из официальных языков в Ирландской Республике , Канаде, Южной Африке Республики . Английский язык является одним из официальных языков Организации Объединенных Наций и других политических организаций . Половина мировой научной литературе на английском языке . Это язык компьютерных технологий . Знать Английский язык сегодня абсолютно необходимо для каждого образованного человека , для каждого хорошего специалиста . Английский язык является прекрасным языком . Это язык великой литературы . Это язык Уильяма Шекспира , Джонатана Свифта , Вальтера Скотта, Чарльза Диккенса . Великий немецкий поэт Гете однажды сказал: " Тот, кто не знает иностранного языка , не знает его собственный . " Вот почему , чтобы понять себя и окружающей среды надо изучать иностранные языки .