Перевод "my wife and" на русский. Перевод на русский my wife

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I let my wife stay in the spotlight.

Я предпочитаю, чтобы моя жена оставалась в центре внимания.

That my wife could do this...

I forgave you for accidentally killing my wife.

Я простил тебя за то, что ты случайно убил мою жену.

For fighting duels or people who dishonor my wife.

Чтоб драться на дуэли с теми, кто оскорбит мою жену.

Hold them accountable, please... for my wife and daughters.

Заставьте призвать их к ответу, пожалуйста... ради моей жены и дочерей.

Without my wife, this hacienda has no value to us.

Без моей жены, это имение, не имеет никакого значения для нас.

Only that my wife thinks you can help.

Только то, что моя жена думает, что вы сможете помочь.

I'm told my wife died shortly after they fled Singapore.

Мне сказали, что моя жена погибла сразу после их побега из Сингапура.

So does my wife, Miss Carter.

But he returned when my wife was sick.

Но он пришёл снова, когда моя жена была больна.

What my wife said is more.

Но моя жена подсчитала, что должно быть больше.

Running my wife in circles seems to keep her going.

То, как моя жена бегает вокруг неё, кажется, заставляет ее жить дальше.

Eventually, women like my wife forget their place.

В конечном счёте женщины такие, как моя жена, забывают своё место.

Painted in her own blood, just like my wife.

Накрашенные ее собственной кровью, в точности, как у моей жены.

So please stop acting like my wife.

Так что, пожалуйста, перестань разыгрывать мою жену.

Bad guys like those killed my wife.

God, you sound like my wife.

It says my wife indulges in empty flattery.

Это значит лишь то что моя жена потворствует в пустой лести.

I'm grateful for you taking on my wife.

Я так вам благодарен, что вы взялись лечить мою жену.


be my wife - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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You make me the happiest man alive, dear Amelia, if you'd be my wife.

Вы сделаете меня самым счастливым человеком на земле, дорогая Амелия, если согласитесь стать моей женой.

That you love me and you're going to be my wife.

I couldn't go out with a woman old enough to be my wife.

She left word that she can't be my wife.

Nancy, will you be my wife?

She was supposed to be my wife.

You know, I could spare you from that fate if you agree to be my wife.

Two weeks ago, I asked my secretary, Miss Sonia Benson, to be my wife.

She said it was her dream come true to be my wife.

And, Rosa, you could be my wife...

The beautiful creature standing beside me... has agreed to be my wife.

I beg you, most fervently, to relieve my suffering and consent to be my wife.

I am happy and tickled and... bursting with pride that she would agree to be my wife.

Я несказанно счастлив и преисполнен гордости от того, что она может стать моей женой.

Mrs Snap has consented to be my wife.

You were supposed to be my wife.

She wanted to be my wife, but...

And if I'm lucky, you'll also agree to be my wife.

She was going to be my wife and I her husband.

Tell me, Mary-Anne want to be my wife?


to my wife - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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After what they did to my wife, kids.

Well, you sure like talking to my wife a lot.

Please give me time to go home and say hello to my wife and child.

Можно мне зайти домой, повидаться с женой и сыном.

I didn't do anything to my wife.

I appreciate your kindness you've shown to my wife.

Слушайте, я благодарен за доброту, что вы проявили к моей жене.

The detail's assigned to my wife and kids.

She overheard you talking to my wife, okay?

Especially the males to my wife.

He did that to my wife and daughter...

I've seen what having a disapproving father has done to my wife.

Я видел, что значит иметь неодобряющего отца и что это сделало с моей женой.

He had pictures of me, threatened to go to my wife.

У него были мои фотографии, и он угрожал, что пойдет к моей жене.

I'm going to my wife's grave, I appeared by chance.

That's what they did to my wife.

It would not be fair to my wife.

He introduced me to my wife.

Not until you apologize to my wife.

Let me explain my reference to my wife.

I have been released only for three days to say the last farewell to my wife.

I am writing this letter to my wife.

I guess I should get home to my wife.


my wife and - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Elisabeth, my wife and I.

If our organization ever gets anywhere near our daughter without our permission, my wife and I are finished.

Если организация хоть близко подойдет к нашей дочери без нашего согласия, моя жена и я выходим из игры.

Then they shot my wife and boy.

Those who did keep my wife and son hostages.

Те, кто это сделали, взяли в заложники мою жену и сына.

Tell my wife and kids I love them.

Nobody threatens my wife and kids.

When they failed, they tortured my wife and young son to death.

Когда это не помогло, они до смерти замучили мою жену и маленького сына.

I lost my wife and children to Leviathan.

I miss my wife and my children.

Well, you could've phoned my wife and requested her to come in.

Me, my wife and the girl.

You were to protect my wife and Eva.

You're my wife and the mother of my child.

That's my wife and your cousin, who herself got a call from Lucille Plum.

Она моя жена и твоя кузина, а ей позвонила Люсиль Плам.

This is my wife and collaborator, Rupal.

And my wife and kid wouldn't fit into this lifestyle.

Да и моя жена и ребенок не вписались бы в такой образ жизни.

I'm looking for my wife and kids.

You're still my wife and you can pressure me.

Put someone with my wife and kid.

If you knew my wife and you'd seen that farmhouse...

Если б вы знали мою жену и видели этот фермерский домик... это развалина.


my wife was - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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But he returned when my wife was sick.

For a year, my wife was his mistress.

A niece of my wife was a maid there for a couple of months.

I feel double good my wife was wrong.

But my wife was a great beauty.

What I should have done when my wife was still alive.

I told her the same night my wife was killed.

I'm sorry. Look, my wife was on the plane.

See, Jimmy, my wife was black.

Two years ago my wife was killed by a plastic surgeon in Ecuador.

Два года назад моя жена была убита пластическим хирургом в Эквадоре.

When my wife was pregnant, she didn't want to be coddled, either.

Когда моя жена была беременна, она тоже не хотела, чтобы за ней ухаживали.

Didn't like the fact my wife wasn't his.

You said her husband didn't know my wife was pregnant.

Look, all I know is when I left for work yesterday morning, my wife was fine with me.

Слушайте, всё, что я знаю, когда я ушёл вчера утром на работу, моя жена была в ладу со мной.

I know it was nine because my wife was pregnant with our first boy,

Я знаю девять, потому что моя жена была беременна нашим первым мальчиком

I know I told you not to look into why my wife was in that sanatorium,

Я знаю, что говорил тебе не расследовать, почему моя жена была в том санатории, но я передумал.

Before, when my wife was alive I used to take them home and she used to cook... but now I just put them back.

Раньше, когда моя жена была жива я приносил их домой и она готовила... но сейчас я просто отпускаю их.

Gaviria's life was on the line... my wife was with Colombia's most wanted fugitive, and my partner was in Cartagena.

Жизнь Гавирии была под угрозой... моя жена была с самой разыскиваемой беглянкой в Колумбии, а мой напарник был в Картахене.


meet my wife - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

Возможно, Вы имели в виду:

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I've got to meet my wife at the Tate Modern.

I wanted to meet my wife.

You must come meet my wife.

I'd love for you to meet my wife.

I'm here to meet my wife's plane.

Sheila, meet my wife, joan.

He's very anxious to meet my wife.

Wait'll you meet my wife.

I want you to meet my wife, Allison.

I want you to meet my wife, Rebecca.

Detective, I'd like you to meet my wife.

Gentlemen, I'd like you to meet my wife, Jessica.

You will meet my wife, my daughters.

I'm telling you I have to meet my wife.

Please, I have to meet my wife and family up in the North.

I would like you to meet my wife.

and since you're in my kitchen, please meet my wife.

Captain, I'd like you to meet my wife, Sharon.

Why don't you come out this Sunday and meet my wife?

I'm saying you did not meet my wife by chance


my wife is - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Except my wife is a slave to her desires.

Что тут скажешь, кроме того, что моя жена - раба своих желаний.

But you must have observed that my wife is an invalid.

I was born more than two centuries ago, and my wife is prisoner in some otherworldly realm.

Я родился более чем два века назад, и моя жена - узница в каком-то потустороннем мире.

I thought you should know, my wife is Joan Burton.

Я подумал, ты должна знать, что моя жена - Джоан Бертон.

And my wife is the niece of the German Chief of Staff.

А МОЯ жена - племянница начальника германского генерального штаба.

No, my wife is a transsexual Satan worshipper.

Нет, просто моя жена - трансексуалка, поклонняющаяся Сатане...

You know... my wife is very gifted.

Even though my wife is godmother to your only child.

А ведь моя жена - крёстная твоего единственного ребенка.

But I am in a slightly worse position than he is because my wife is present here.

Однако я нахожусь в несколько менее благоприятном положении, чем он, поскольку моя жена присутствует здесь, в этом Зале.

Look, my wife is getting in tonight.

Mr. Simon, wait a minute, my wife is eight months pregnant.

Господин Саймон, минутку, моя жена на восьмом месяце.

Because you let me go, my wife is dead.

Obviously, my wife is super excited that you're here.

The man who killed my wife is still out there.

Sergeant, my wife is currently taking a course at the Continental School of Gourmet Cooking.

No... I assure you my wife is alive and well.

But it must be obvious my wife is not here today.

As you can see, my wife is very pregnant.

It's hot, and my wife is giving me hell.

Like I said yesterday, Virg, my wife is a hell of a cook.

Как я уже сказал вчера, Вирг, моя жена чертовски хорошо готовит.
