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And who are they? - Just friends, George.

Well, who are they, then?

All right, who are they after?

The school asks for volunteers so that everybody will feel included, but who are they kidding?

Школа вызвала добровольцев, чтобы все чувствовали себя в команде, но кого они обманывают?

And if so, who are they tested on?

И если да, на ком они были протестированы?

Those people in that room, who are they?

Okay, who are they, Jason, these freelancers?

Хорошо, кто они, Джейсон, эти фрилансеры?

The question is, who are they?

But the big question is, who are they?

And the question is - who are they?

And who are they after all?

Is this Al-Qaeda, if not, who are they?

Они из Аль-Каиды, а если нет, то кто они?

And who are they to you that you would risk everything to save them?

Кто они для тебя, что ты жертвуешь всем чтобы спасти их?

The people you work with, who are they?

В смысле? Люди, с которыми ты работаешь - кто они?

And what about the other guys, the ones who took Sean... who are they?

Что насчет других парней, тех, которые забрали Шона... кто они?

If he did, who are they for?

How many of them are there, and who are they?

Now, listen, why don't you tell me about this crew that's been ripping you off - who are they?

Слушай, почему бы тебе не рассказать о банде, которая тебя грабила - кто они?

'And I'd like to see them again, for I was very happy among the munchkins and winkies and quadlings and gillikins.' 'who are they? '

'И я бы хотел увидеть их снова, я был счастлив со своими жеваному и Мигунов и марана и рубинами.' ' Кто они?


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He hates the people he attacked because of who they are.

People do good and bad things based on who they are...

You think people can change who they are?

They should let them be who they are.

I thought you were supposed to just accept people for who they are, love them anyway.

Я всегда считала, что надо принимать людей такими, какие они есть, и любить их, несмотря ни на что.

The girls know who they are.

Hold on, just finding out who they are.

Grant, in my world, people who lie about who they are...

I really have no idea who they are.

No one knows who they are.

Well, we're not exactly sure who they are.

We need to find these people, figure out who they are and shut them down.

Нам необходимо найти этих людей, выяснить, кто они такие и прикрыть их лавочку.

But essentially, what you see is who they are.

You don't know who they are.

Most of them have no idea who they are or what their purpose is.

Большинство из них не представляют, кем они являются или не знают своего предназначения.

Something that would tell us who they are.

Doesn't matter who they are.

Super-secret identities... no one has any idea who they are.

You have to accept them for who they are.


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они те, за кого себя

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And finally... they are who they are.

You can't go around making people prove they are who they say they are.

Ты не можешь ходить и заставлять людей доказывать, что они - те, за кого себя выдают.

I mean, they are who they are.

I believe they are who they say they are.

People cannot change, they are who they are.

They are who you call when he dies.

They are who they say they are, and ignore the possibility that this could be a ruse to get by our defenses?

Что они те, за кого себя выдают, и проигнорируем вероятность, что это может быть уловкой, для проникновения через нашу защиту?

You have to submit because they believe they are who knows what!

The civilians aren't under my command, and they are who make trouble.

Гражданское население мне не подчинено, а от них все зло! Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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who were they - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Those people you shot - who were they?

Те люди, в которых вы стреляли - кто они?

In the English translation of transcript of the intercept, Emir Sahib at some point asked Maulvi Sahib: "who were they?"

В английском переводе расшифровки перехваченного разговора Эмир Сахиб в какой-то момент спросил Маулви Сахиба: «Кто они?».

The two you had in chains, who were they?

Who were they, a rock band?

But those people last night, the people in the car, who were they?

Но те люди вчера вечером, люди в автомобиле, кто они?

When you see the headlines of your newspaper these days with the war in Iraq or in Syria - aid worker abducted, hostage executed - but who were they?

Посмотрите на сегодняшние заголовки газет о войнах в Ираке или Сирии - сотрудник гуманитарной организации похищен, заложник казнён - но кем они были?

Who were they? - Persians.

I kept thinking who were they for?

Cara mia, who were they? - That was Lorenzo's brother.

I demand to know, Lumic, these people, who were they?

So now the question is, who were they?

These kids you saw on that wall, who were they again?

Эти ребята, которых ты видел на стене, кто это?


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I can tell you exactly who they've become.

Ну, я могу сказать тебе точно, кем они стали.

Success allows people to become who they truly are.

Успех позволяет людям стать теми, кем они на самом деле являются.

We can check them against the EU Register and find out who they belonged to.

Мы можем проверить их против ЕС Зарегистрироваться выяснить, кому они принадлежали.

Tell the police and see who they'll believe.

Расскажи это полиции и посмотрим, кому они поверят.

Told you who they were, what they stood for.

Говорило вам, кто он, чего добивается.

Specifically, the secretariat must be strengthened and members must know who they could contact in connection with particular issues.

В частности, контингент сотрудников Секретариата следует укрепить, и члены Комитета должны знать, с кем они могут связаться при решении тех или иных конкретных вопросов.

Like your neighbors have any idea who they're living next to.

А твои соседи прямо в курсе с кем они рядом живут.

People do good and bad things based on who they are...

Верные и неверные поступки людей основаны на том, кем они являются...

It's a question of who they have compassion for.

Вопрос в том, кому они способны сострадать.

My entire career is based on Helping people become who they can be.

Мое призвание - помогать людям становиться теми, кем они могут стать.

I remembered who they were and who they became.

She knows who they all are.

Она прекрасно знает их и что они из себя представляют.

They help define who they are.

Они помогают им понять кто они есть на самом деле.

Simon probably knows who they are.

Like psychopaths, you never know who they are.

С психопатами никогда не знаешь, кто они на самом деле.

We marry who they command and serve without questioning.

Мы выходим замуж, за кого они приказывают... прислуживаем без вопросов.

I wonder who they'd believe.

В тот день, когда мы обсуждали ножницы... он подъехал через полчаса.

You never know who they really are.

Никогда не знаешь, кто они на самом деле.

It's who they wish I was.


be who they are - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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They should let them be who they are.

Where people are free to be who they are.

It can just help them be who they are.

It can just help them be who they are.

This would entail the right for people to be who they are without being forced to subordinate themselves to the cultural and religious norms of others.

Это позволит обеспечить уважение права людей быть теми, кем они являются, не вынуждая их соблюдать культурные и религиозные обычаи других народов.

They should let them be who they are, don't you think?

But the thing you have to remember is that you have to let them be who they are because you love them.

Everyone should be who they are.

Good pagans do not have this fear, so they can be who they are, good or ill, as their nature dictates.

А добрые язычники не отягощены сим страхом и могут жить, как им хочется, творить добро и зло по воле своей натуры.

Well, I've raised three kids, and the main thing I learned is you have to let them be who they are.

Ну, я вырастил троих детей, и основное, что я вынес из этого, - это то, что вы должны позволить им быть самими собой.

Albie Sachs took this one step further in 2000, affirming "the right of people to be who they are without being forced to subordinate themselves to the cultural and religious norms of others".

Олби Сакс в 2000 году сделал еще один шаг вперед, утверждая "право людей быть такими, какие они есть, не подвергаясь давлению с целью подчинения культурным и религиозным нормам других"24.

Real women who are smart and pretty and happy to be who they are.

The Human Development Report 2004 contextualized cultural liberty in the following terms: The freedom people have to choose their identity - to be who they are and who they want to be - and to live without being excluded from other choices that are important for them.

В нем дается следующее определение культурной свободы: Это свобода человека выбирать свою самобытность, т.е. оставаться самим собой или становиться тем, кем хочешь, и продолжать жить, не лишаясь права на другие важные возможности.


knows who they are - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Simon probably knows who they are.

She definitely knows who they are.

No one knows who they are.

I'm the only one who knows who they are.

It 'the only one who knows who they are.

Nobody knows who they are or where they hide out.

Nobody else knows who they are, so...

I seen them do it, back and forth... till no one knows who they are anymore.

No one knows who they are or where they came from but they can sense death.

Никто не знает, кто они или откуда пришли но они могут чувствовать смерть.

Do you think anyone really knows who they are?

I just - I want to be with someone that knows who they are, not a human time bomb.

Я просто... просто хочу быть с кем-то, кто знает чего хочет, а не с человеком-бомбой замедленного действия.

Back and forth, back and forth... till no one knows who they are anymore.

Whoever framed Pope will be coming after her, and only Pope's brother Michael knows who they are.

Кто бы ни подставил Поупа, он придёт за ней; и только Майкл, брат Поупа, знает, кто они.

And if no one knows who they are, where did these pictures come from?

И раз никто их не знает, то откуда взялись их фото?

She definitely knows who they are.

Nobody knows who they are.

Nobody knows who they are.
