Results for lots to see and do translation from English to Russian. Перевод lots to see

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There are lots of things to see, and we can take our time.

In the houses of the departed, there are lots of things to see.

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When I come with many people, there are lots of things to discover, see and learn.

There are lots of things to do besides blow up Earth.

She's still got lots of things to see before she gets to Antarctica.

There are lots of things I want to talk about.

In Menton,... there are lots of things.

For those of you who are interested in these choices, there are lots of things you can do.

Для тех из вас, кто заинтересован в этом выборе, можно сделать массу вещей.

There are lots of things I would like your opinion on.

There are lots of things Your father doesn't know about.

No, but there are lots of things you never could have imagined about yourself...

There are lots of things you could do legitimately.

Я начинаю думать, не надоела ли мне психиатрия.

But then, of course, there are lots of things you've never mentioned.

There are lots of things in my life I never anticipated, but if you're sure, I'm sure.

Я много чего не ожидал в этой жизни, но если ты этого хочешь, значит, так и надо.

And there are lots of things that I didn't do till the acme of perfection.

There are lots of things I didn't even mention.

Amsterdam has wonderful museums with lots of beautiful things to see.

Zoe, there are lots of things I wish I had told you.

(Laughter) So there are lots of things that we're still working on, but one thing I have learned is that bamboo will treat you well if you use it right.

So there are lots of things that can be done with this example, next-generation sport shoes, so we can jump higher, run faster.

Например, в следующем поколении спортивной обуви, так что мы сможем прыгать выше, бежать быстрее.

see lots - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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I see lots of blood, so...

Well, I see lots of cartridge casings.

I see lots of people. What's the problem?

I see lots of blood, but no bullet holes.

I see lots of blood, so... no drowning I guess?

Я вижу много крови, так что... она не утонула, я полагаю.

But I also see lots of poverty, and it's quite jarring, both in the scale and the scope of it.

Но я также вижу много нищеты, и это просто поражает - как по размеру, так и по охвату.

I see lots of married women.

Well, I would get a chance to see lots of my former students.

I see lots of people I know in cafés.

Anyway... I see lots of references, like this one.

I mean... you see lots of people as they die.

Я имела в виду... вы видели как люди умирают.

"I see lots of people run away."

You'll see lots of things, but a pope being executed, never.

Вы можете увидать много всего странного... но расстрел Папы вы не увидите никогда.

see lots of things, collect a lifetime of memories.

And tell them all deliveries should come between 9:30 and 11:00 So the British can see lots of activity when they arrive.

и передай им, что все доставки необходимо прислать между 9:30 и 11:00 таким образом, британцы смогут увидеть бурную работу, когда приедут.

There are a lot of people around that would like to see lots of other people die a fast death.

Есть много людей желающих увидеть, как много других людей умрут быстрой смертью.

You'll see lots of women.

to see a lot - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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So, this means that I want to see a lot of detail.

When I get back, I expect to see a lot of progress.

She said she hoped to see a lot of me.

I wish, to see a lot, understand, get to know, preserve.

The mayor doesn't want to see a lot of gloomy faces.

I got to see a lot of the countryside.

Get ready to see a lot of cheeseburgers and fries.

We continue to see a lot of potential in this field.

He probably figures that we don't get to see a lot of handsome women out this way and someone like you might get a little more cooperation from me.

Он считает, что нам не часто удается встречать здесь красивых женщин, и кто-то вроде Вас может добиться от меня больше пользы.

This has been a stellar performance by O'Malley... the young player who we're hoping to see a lot of in the future...

Великолепная игра О'Мэлли... молодого игрока, которого, надеемся, мы еще много раз увидим в будущем...

Well, I'm homeschooled, so I just don't get to see a lot of other kids.

Ну, я обучаюсь дома, так что я нечасто вижу других ребят.

I'd prefer to see a lot less of it.

If you become King, you're going to see a lot of this.

What we're shooting for is a runaway greenhouse effect: enough temperature rise to see a lot of that ice on Mars - especially the ice in the ground - melt.

То, к чему мы стремимся, - это быстрый парниковый эффект: температура поднимется достаточно, чтобы увидеть, как весь лёд на Марсе - особенно подземный лёд - растает.

I've broken a few records and a lot of bones, and I've been lucky enough to see a lot of the world from the seat of my bike.

Я побил несколько рекордов и много костей, и я был достаточно удачлив, чтобы увидеть большой мир с сиденья моего велосипеда.

We'd have to see a lot of Caryl and Fenella if we stayed on, and I think that'd be a little embarrassing.

Мы много знаем о Кэроле и Фенелле если мы останемся, я думаю это поставит нас в неловкое положение

All right, I know most of you haven't traveled with me, but get ready to see a lot of airport elevators you didn't know existed.

Хорошо, я знаю, что многие из вас не хотели бы ехать со мной, но будьте готовы увидеть в аэропорту множество подъёмников о которых даже не подозревали.

I want to see it, but I want to see a lot of things.

(c) Brazil, India and China are starting to see a lot of renewable energy investment activity, but the rest of the developing world still lags behind.

с) В Бразилии, Индии и Китае происходит бурный рост инвестиций в освоение возобновляемых источников энергии, однако остальной развивающийся мир по-прежнему отстает.

Living in the twenty-first century in a world where science and technology are the first steps to success, power, wealth and health, we would expect to see a lot of progress in every possible aspect of life.

Учитывая, что мы живем в двадцать первом веке, в мире, где развитие науки и техники - это первый шаг на пути к успеху, власти, богатству и здоровью, мы могли бы ожидать большого прогресса во всех сферах общественной жизни.

lots to - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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The drawing of lots to determine the terms of office of the newly elected members was postponed to a future session.

Проведение жеребьевки для определения сроков полномочий новых избранных членов было отложено до одной из будущих сессий.

The drawing of lots to determine the terms of office of members from these regional groups was also postponed until their membership is complete.

Проведение жеребьевки для определения сроков полномочий членов от этих региональных групп также было отложено до их избрания.

The drawing of lots to establish the list of speakers will be done using the following procedure:

Жеребьевка для составления списка ораторов будет проведена следующим образом:

There's lots to say about David.

At its organizational session for 1996, the Council drew lots to determine the terms of office of the elected members of the Executive Board.

З. На своей организационной сессии 1996 года Совет путем жеребьевки определил сроки полномочий избранных членов Исполнительного совета.

The Council drew lots to determine the initial terms of office of the members of the Board.

Совет прибег к жеребьевке для определения первоначального срока полномочий членов Исполнительного совета.

This imposing mansion still has lots to offer.

To preserve citizens' health and the environment, the municipal authorities provided alternative lots to be used for cemeteries.

Руководствуясь стремлением защитить здоровье граждан и окружающую среду, муниципальные власти предоставили под кладбища другие участки земли.

They drew lots to see who would go first.

Come on, we have lots to do.

They were a good family with lots to offer.

I've got lots to do here.

Well, actually, there's lots to look into.

Hurry, we have lots to do.

Clearly, you have lots to talk about.

So there's going to be lots to eat.

But we have lots to decide.

Great, you'll have lots to talk about.

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To see and to do:


Что надо посмотреть:

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What to see and do:


What to see and do:

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Things to See and Do


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Last Update: 2013-03-22 Usage Frequency: 1 Reference: Anonymous

see lots of - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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I see lots of blood, so...

Well, I see lots of cartridge casings.

I see lots of people. What's the problem?

I see lots of blood, but no bullet holes.

I see lots of blood, so... no drowning I guess?

Я вижу много крови, так что... она не утонула, я полагаю.

But I also see lots of poverty, and it's quite jarring, both in the scale and the scope of it.

Но я также вижу много нищеты, и это просто поражает - как по размеру, так и по охвату.

I see lots of married women.

Well, I would get a chance to see lots of my former students.

I see lots of people I know in cafés.

Anyway... I see lots of references, like this one.

I mean... you see lots of people as they die.

"I see lots of people run away."

You'll see lots of things, but a pope being executed, never.

Вы можете увидать много всего странного... но расстрел Папы вы не увидите никогда.

see lots of things, collect a lifetime of memories.

And tell them all deliveries should come between 9:30 and 11:00 So the British can see lots of activity when they arrive.

и передай им, что все доставки необходимо прислать между 9:30 и 11:00 таким образом, британцы смогут увидеть бурную работу, когда приедут.

There are a lot of people around that would like to see lots of other people die a fast death.

Есть много людей желающих увидеть, как много других людей умрут быстрой смертью.

You'll see lots of women.

lots of things to - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

Возможно, Вы имели в виду:

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

She's still got lots of things to see before she gets to Antarctica.

Anyways, we have lots of things to do for the party.

There are lots of things to do besides blow up Earth.

There's lots of things to do.

After I finish school I have lots of things to do.

I'm sure you've got lots of things to do.

When I come with many people, there are lots of things to discover, see and learn.

There's lots of things to miss. Books, naps, kisses... and fights.

Там много чего нет, любимых книг, снов, нежности и ссор.

I have lots of things to attend to today, Leon. I'm going to be very busy.

У меня масса дел сегодня, Леон, я буду очень занята.

There are lots of things to see, and we can take our time.

I know you all have lots of things to do, so just run about and do them.

Я знаю, что вы все очень заняты, так что убегайте по своим делам.

A man... who saved the hardware store, A man who got Eric Sunberg his job back, who also did lots of things to make this town love him.

Человек,... который спас строительный магазин, человек, который вернул работу Эрику Санбергу, и который сделал многое для того, чтобы этот город полюбил его.

We have lots of things to talk about, don't we, Leo?

Here you will find the rest and peace you are looking for and if you want there are lots of things to do!

We have lots of things to do.

There are lots of things to film.

I got lots of things to do tomorrow.

We have lots of things to do today.

I have lots of things to do.

There are lots of things to do.