Перевод "great people person" на русский. Перевод people person

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I think it's 'cause I'm a people person.

Going back to the "I'm not a people person," - sometimes I'm also... shall we say, "myopic" when it comes to other people's feelings, and that sometimes makes you say things that hurt other people.

Возвращаясь к «я не очень общительный» - иногда я ещё и... скажем так, «близорук» в отношении чужих чувств, поэтому иногда говорю вещи, которые ранят других людей.

You're such a people person.

You really are a people person.

Guess I was never much of a people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

It's making me question my view of myself as a people person.

I am a people person, you know.

She wouldn't allow me to have any friends, and I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, so I really love it.

Well, I am much more of a people person.

No, I don't suppose I'd call myself a people person.

Based on recent events, I think I need to be more of a people person.

В свете последних событиях, я решила, что мне надо становиться более общительной.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

Ребята, я у всех на слуху и меня восхищают энергичные, уверенные в себе женщины.

Let's see... you're not exactly a people person.

You see, gentlemen, I'm not just a manager, I'm a people person.

I'm - I'm not really a people person.

I guess that's what I am... a people person.

I tell you you're a people person.

You're a people person, and you came so close here.


people person - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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You're a people person, and you came so close here.

It's just I'm a people person.

It's just I'm a people person.

You're such a people person.

Tell him I'm a real people person.

Скажи ему, что я умею работать с людьми.

You really are a people person.

Markus was a real people person, just charming.

Guess I was never much of a people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

It's making me question my view of myself as a people person.

Да. Это заставляет меня пересмотреть свои взгляды на себя как на душу компании.

I am a people person, you know.

She wouldn't allow me to have any friends, and I'm a people person.

It's us. Dunder Mifflin people person's paper...

I think it's 'cause I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, so I really love it.

Well, I am much more of a people person.

Ну, я больше переживаю за людей.

No, I don't suppose I'd call myself a people person.

Based on recent events, I think I need to be more of a people person.

В свете последних событиях, я решила, что мне надо становиться более общительной.

She is not a great people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

Ребята, я у всех на слуху и меня восхищают энергичные, уверенные в себе женщины.


i'm a people person - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

She wouldn't allow me to have any friends, and I'm a people person.

I think it's 'cause I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, so I really love it.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

You see, gentlemen, I'm not just a manager, I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, it was a rhetorical question, I know what he thinks.

It's just I'm a people person.

You know, I mean... I'm a people person and... people like you need a person to deal with people... a people person like me.

Понимаете, я имею в виду что... я человек общественный... таким людям как вы нужен человек, который общается с другими людьми... человек как я.

I'm a people person, okay?

Of course! I'm a people person.

Well, I'm a people person.

It's just I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, Jack.

Because I'm a people person.

Well, what if I'm a people person who keeps his own company by default?


of a people person - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Guess I was never much of a people person.

Well, I am much more of a people person.

Based on recent events, I think I need to be more of a people person.

В свете последних событиях, я решила, что мне надо становиться более общительной.

I'm more of a people person.

He's more of a people person.

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Другие результаты

It's making me question my view of myself as a people person.

You're such a people person.

You really are a people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

I am a people person, you know.

She wouldn't allow me to have any friends, and I'm a people person.

I think it's 'cause I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, so I really love it.

No, I don't suppose I'd call myself a people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

Ребята, я у всех на слуху и меня восхищают энергичные, уверенные в себе женщины.

Let's see... you're not exactly a people person.

You know, I mean... I'm a people person and... people like you need a person to deal with people... a people person like me.

You see, gentlemen, I'm not just a manager, I'm a people person.

You no longer have the hyper-memory, and you're not really a people person, so...

У тебя больше нет гиперпамяти, и ты заурядный человек, так что...

Listen, you are actually fairly inoffensive on an odor level, but I am not a people person and have zero interest in becoming one.


great people person - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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She is not a great people person.

She is not a great people person.

Она не любит, когда её злят.

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Другие результаты

I just figured that you're a great person and he's a great person and two great people should meet each other.

Ryan and Marissa separate, both great people that I love.

Last night he said that great people leave their mark.

You're such a people person.

We salute the great people of South Africa and their leaders, particularly the fallen heroes and heroines.

Мы приветствуем замечательный народ Южной Африки и его руководство и особо воздаем дань погибшим героям и героиням.

The great people of Lebanon have worked hard in order to rebuild their country.

Our goal is to employ great people with imagination who are committed to delivering the best ideas to the industries we serve.

Сегодня «Каргилл» - это процветающая международная корпорация, успешный бизнес которой помогает обеспечить продуктами питания миллионы людей по всему миру. Наша цель - привлекать талантливых специалистов с высоким креативным потенциалом, способных предложить лучшие идеи нашим клиентам.

Great people have made commitments - we will protect our children from want and from fear.

Великие люди взяли на себя обязательства защищать наших детей от нужд и страха.

The general transportationer of the project Great people of the Large country.

Now his failure to satisfy the family life, is an inevitable association of great people.

Сейчас его неудача в семейной жизни неминуемо ассоциируется с великими людьми.

These are great people with great ideas.

Sometimes, I think great people can project their greatness.

Иногда мне кажется, что великие люди могут проецировать свой гений.

A group of friends - all great people, right?

We have great people here in Chuncheon!

We've crossed galaxies in the hopes of finding a great people.

The Family Readiness Group is full of great people that support their families overseas and each other at home.

В "семьях военнослужащих" полно потрясающих людей поддерживающих своих родных за границей и друг друга.

Angels will watch over us, great people will be born and peace will reign.

Ангелы будут наблюдать за нами, родятся великие люди и воцарится мир.

Some great people have come up through our ranks.


are a people person - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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You really are a people person.

on the plus side, you are a people person.

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Другие результаты

"Are you a people person or do you prefer keeping your own company?"

"Вы предпочитаете проводить время в компании или в одиночестве?"

You're such a people person.

Guess I was never much of a people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

It's making me question my view of myself as a people person.

I am a people person, you know.

She wouldn't allow me to have any friends, and I'm a people person.

I think it's 'cause I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, so I really love it.

Well, I am much more of a people person.

No, I don't suppose I'd call myself a people person.

Based on recent events, I think I need to be more of a people person.

В свете последних событиях, я решила, что мне надо становиться более общительной.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

Ребята, я у всех на слуху и меня восхищают энергичные, уверенные в себе женщины.

Let's see... you're not exactly a people person.

You know, I mean... I'm a people person and... people like you need a person to deal with people... a people person like me.

You see, gentlemen, I'm not just a manager, I'm a people person.

You no longer have the hyper-memory, and you're not really a people person, so...

У тебя больше нет гиперпамяти, и ты заурядный человек, так что...

Listen, you are actually fairly inoffensive on an odor level, but I am not a people person and have zero interest in becoming one.


am a people person - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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I am a people person, you know.

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Другие результаты

Listen, you are actually fairly inoffensive on an odor level, but I am not a people person and have zero interest in becoming one.

I guess that's what I am... a people person.

Since when am i a people person?

Well, I am much more of a people person.

You're such a people person.

You really are a people person.

Guess I was never much of a people person.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

It's making me question my view of myself as a people person.

She wouldn't allow me to have any friends, and I'm a people person.

I think it's 'cause I'm a people person.

I'm a people person, so I really love it.

No, I don't suppose I'd call myself a people person.

Based on recent events, I think I need to be more of a people person.

В свете последних событиях, я решила, что мне надо становиться более общительной.

Guys, I'm a people person, and I admire dynamic, confident women.

Ребята, я у всех на слуху и меня восхищают энергичные, уверенные в себе женщины.

Let's see... you're not exactly a people person.

You know, I mean... I'm a people person and... people like you need a person to deal with people... a people person like me.

You see, gentlemen, I'm not just a manager, I'm a people person.

You no longer have the hyper-memory, and you're not really a people person, so...

У тебя больше нет гиперпамяти, и ты заурядный человек, так что...
