Времена года Топик – Topic The seasons of the year. Topic season

Топик на английском Seasons (Времена года)

It is very nice in spring. The sky is often blue. The sun shines brightly in the sky. It is warm. It sometimes rains, but the rain is warm and pleasant.

Spring is a hard time for those who live in the country. There is a lot of work to do in the fields. Sometimes people are busy from morning till night. Tractors work in the fields day and night.

Children do not work in the fields. They go to school. They should work hard at the end of the school year.Summer is as nice as spring. The sun shines brightly. It is warm and sometimes hot. It is warmer and hotter than in spring. The days are longer than in spring. The longest day of the year is the 22nd of June.

In summer children do not go to school. They have summer holidays. They often help fathers and mothers on a farm. There is always a lot of work there in this season.

Summer is a pleasant season. There is a lot of fruit and vegetables at that time. Some people like summer best of all.

After summer autumn comes. The days are shorter than in summer. The weather is not so pleasant as in spring and in summer. It often rains. The rain is cold and not pleasant at all. In September, the first autumn month, the school year begins in our country.

Autumn is the season of fruit and vegetables. It is the hardest time for country people. They should work hard in the fields. Children always help them with fruit and vegetables in autumn. November is the coldest month in autumn. It sometimes rains and it often snows.

Winter is the coldest season in the year. Sometimes the weather is pleasant. It often snows. Some people like when it snows. There is a lot of snow on the ground. The snow is clean and white. The ground is all white with snow. It is pleasant to walk when it is not very cold and it snows. The best holidays in winter are the New Year and Christmas.


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Времена года Топик – Topic The seasons of the year

Все знают, что времен года четыре и каждое из них обладает своим очарованием. Давайте начнем с осени. В сентябре и начале октября все еще тепло, ярко светит солнце, и на небе нет ни облачка. Потом приходит ноябрь и приносит нам холодные ветры, промозглые мрачные дни, которые становятся все короче и короче. Холодные осенние дожди ужасны, так как могут идти часами. Природа медленно засыпает. Однако, существует огромное количество людей, которые любят осень за сбор урожая и золотую листву. Кроме того, поэты в своих произведениях чаще всего воспевают осень как самое красивое время года.

Затем приходит зима. Следует отметить, сто наши зимы не очень холодные. Снежные бури и снегопады случаются редко. Зимой мы все любим кататься на коньках и лыжах. Кроме того, зимой мы празднуем Новый год и Рождество и дарим друг другу множество подарков. Земля покрыта снегом с декабря по март, и кажется, зима не кончится никогда.

Март приносит с собой надежду. Природа пробуждается от долгого зимнего сна, птицы возвращаются из теплых стран и все вокруг обещает что-то новое и волнующее. Я всегда радуюсь окончанию зимы с ее долгими темными ночами и завывающими ветрами. Весной деревья одеваются в листву, свежую и красивую, воздух пахнет молодой травой и первыми цветами. Все вокруг наполнено радостями жизни.

Вслед за весной приходит лето. Я думаю, это самое прекрасное время

года. Мне нравится сидеть у реки в жаркий летний день, собирать ягоды и грибы и лежа на пляже. Мы наслаждаемся каждой минутой хорошей погоды, но, пожалуй, самое главное – три месяца каникул. Летом мы встречаем новых друзей, получаем массу новых впечатлений и весело проводим время. Но лето подходит к концу, приходит осень и все начинается с начала.

В заключение хотелось бы сказать, что, несмотря на любовь к лету, мне нравятся все времена года.

Перевод на английский язык

Everyone knows that there are four seasons in a year and each season has its charm. Let’s take autumn first. In September and the beginning of October it’s still warm and the sun shines brightly in the cloudless sky. Then November brings us cool winds, nasty and bloomy days which become shorter and shorter. Cold autumn rains are awful as they pour for hours. Nature is slowly falling asleep. However, there are lots of people who like autumn because it’s the time of harvest and golden leaves. Besides, poets of all nations considered autumn the most beautiful season of the year.

Then comes winter. I should say it’s not very cold in our region. There aren’t many snowstorms and snowdrifts. In winter we all enjoy skating and skiing. Moreover, we celebrate New Year and Christmas with lots of presents. Snow covers the ground from December to March and it seems that winter will never end.

March brings us hopes and nature wakes up after a long sleep, birds come back from warm countries and everything around us promises something new and exciting. I am always glad that winter is over with its long black nights and the wind howling outside. In spring trees burst into leaves, fresh and lovely, the air smells of young grass and first flowers. Everything is filled with life pleasures.

Then spring turns to summer. To my mind, it’s the most marvelous season of the year. I like being on a hot day in a cool river, picking berries and mushrooms and lying on the beach. We enjoy every minute of the weather, but the main thing is certainly having a three-month holiday. In summer we have new meetings, new impressions and merry time. But summer is over and autumn comes and everything starts from the very beginning.

I’d like to finish saying that despite my love for the summer I admire other seasons as well.


My favourite season | Топики по английскому языку

В топике Мое любимое время года – я расскажу, какой из четырех сезонов года мне нравится больше всего. Зима, весна и осень – хороши по-своему, но я люблю именно лето. И не только потому, что мой день рождения в июне, но и потому что это время каникул. Летом наша семья отправляется на отдых к морю. Это замечательное время, когда можно отдохнуть от напряженного учебного года. Погода стоит замечательная, много спелых ягод, фруктов и овощей, а поля полны красивых цветов. После летней грозы можно увидеть в небе радугу.

There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn. All seasons are good in their own way. Winter, for example, is full of celebrations, presents and snow. Spring is the time of nature awakening and flower blooming. Autumn can be rainy and yet beautiful, full of multi-coloured leaves.

However, my favourite season is summer. I choose summer not only because my birthday is in June but also because it’s the time of holidays. Summer is the season when the sun shines brightly, the sky is rarely cloudy and the water in the sea becomes warm enough to swim. Even if it becomes too hot, you can always go for a walk in the shady woods. I also like summer because there are many berries, fruits and vegetables, not to mention numerous flowers on the fields. Among them roses, dandelions, daisies and other flowers. Sometimes the air in summer becomes stuffy, but occasional thunderstorms bring relief. After the thunderstorms the air becomes remarkably fresh and very often we can see the rainbow in the sky.

Summer is also the time when I and my family go on holiday to the seaside. It’s a wonderful time, when we can have a rest from the intense academic year and relax. I think all children love summer because of long school holidays and I’m no exception. I also enjoy my free time, playing with my friends, watching TV, and doing other fun activities. Nevertheless, I don’t forget to do some useful reading from time to time.



Topic ‘my favourite season | Articles

Updated on October 14, 2017 By Admin

Every season is good in its own way. And every season has negative features of its own. Consider autumn, for example. It is time when nature fades away. Days grow shorter. Cold weather sets in. Hoar frost covers the ground at night. But worst of all is rain. Oh, how nasty cold autumn rain is! Even if it just drizzles. Most often it rains for hours. And there are days when it rains for a while then the rain stops but soon it starts all over again – and this goes on throughout the day. All these things are well-known and nobody can say he likes them.Yet there are many people who like autumn. They try to look at the reverse side of the medal Autumn, they say, it is the time of harvest, golden leaves, it is the time when the nature is quiet and very attractive. Poets of all nations have sung autxnrm as the most beautiful time of year. Golden autumn, they call it Golden, indeed yet autumn does not appeal to me very much.It appears I like winter much better. In January every year I go to the country to visit my granny. I really have a good time there. I go skiing in the winter forest. If you tried it once, you will never forget it. I also enjoy skating on the ice of the river nearby. When you return home with your cheeks burning from frost you wolf your dinner and make yourself comfortable in front of the TV. Then you feel just “as snug as a bug in a rug” as the saying goes.There is no denying the fact that winter is a hard season. Think of keen frosts, and long black nights when the wind is howling outside.Now a few words about summer. The great Russian poet Pushkin said, “Oh, summer fine! I’d love you but for the heat, the mosquitos and flies!” I share his opinion. But again, it wouldn’t be fair not to consider the brighter side of the picture. Bathing on a hot day in a cool river, picking mushrooms in the forest, basking in the sun on the beach. But the main thing is certainly having a two-month holiday. Two months without lessons, without having to get up early in the morning. Indeed, summer holiday is great fun for schoofchildren!And yet, the best season of the year is spring. Spring is the time when nature wakes up after the winter sleep. Everything is in bloom. The first flowers appear in the gardens and meadows. Trees are putting out their leaves, and there are buds everywhere. Now the bird-cherry trees get covered with white blossom.So to cut the long story short, I must admit that every season is beautiful in its own way.

текст о своем любимом городе на английском Topic ‘my favourite season


TOPIC Seasons and weather

As you know every season is glorious in its own away. The weather depends on the geographical position of the country. Consider that the weather changes with the changing of the seasons and the first changing season is autumn.In autumn the sky is often clouded; the sun hides behind the clouds and then appears again. Its rays have already lost their strength, and the sun is not so bright as it was in summer. The air is chilly and moist.. In late autumn the frost covers the ground at night. As it is a season with much of precipitation, the weather is mostly nasty . And of course, we don't like rain of any kind, even if it just drizzles. But there is a spell of sunny weather in late September, which we call Indian summer, when the sky is cloudless and there is a carpet of multicolored leaves on the ground. But in any case nature fades away and nothing can be done about it. I must confess, I don't like autumn, but a lot of people say, that it is the time of harvesting tasty fruit and vegetables, the time of the beautiful golden leaves, the time when nature is very attractive.In winter the sun seldom shines: its rays are pale; it sets early and rises late. The air is frosty; large snowflakes slowly fall to the ground; the streets are slippery with a thick sheet of ice, they are frozen. The icicles glitter in the sun; the temperature falls, and snow may fall thick. Going out in such weather is not pleasant, but children enjoy throwing snowballs and making a snow man. Their cheeks are burning with frost.But the end of winter the snow begins to melt. Thaw sets in. The sun grows warmer, and soon there won't be any ice but plenty of water. The rivers are in flood.Nature awakens from its long winter sleep. The trees begin to bud as soon tiny green leaves will appear. Thin new blades of grass come up, the fruit trees begin to blossom. "April showers bring May flowers", as saying goes.Trees, bushes and fields look magic covered with green carpet. The farmers till the soil and sow the seed. Nature looks full of promise!SummerAfter spring comes summer. In fact, sometimes the heat is oppressive. But people usually like summer because the have their holidays an enjoy resting after their hard work. When summer comes the weather gets warmer and sometimes it’s very hot. It’s the farmer’s busy season. He works in his fields from morning till night. Sometimes the sky is overcast with heavy clouds. There are storms with thunder, lightning and hailIn my opinion every season is beautiful and attractive.


There are four seasons in a year: winter, spring, summer and autumn.

Winter is a white season. Winter months in Great Britain are November, December, January and February. Winter is the coldest season of the year. The weather is cold. It snows and sometimes it rains. There is a lot of snow. Forests and fields are white with snow.

Spring is a green season. Spring months in Great Britain are March and April. The weather is nice. It is warm and we can enjoy the sun because it is not very hot. In spring the leaves in the trees are small and green. The grass is green, too. Birds sing their lovely songs.

Summer is a bright season. There are three summer months in Great Britain: May, June and July. Summer is the warmest season of the year. In Summer the days are longer than in winter and the nights are shorter. The weather is often sunny and the sky is blue. The trees in the forests are green and the flowers are beautiful.

Autumn is a yellow season. Autumn months in Great Britain are August, September and October. It often rains and it’s often cold in Autumn. The leaves in the trees are of different colours: green, yellow, orange, red and brown. Autumn is a tasty season. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables.

My favourite season is summer because I like to swim and to play football.


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Topic 'my favourite season' - Топики по английскому языку

Every season is good in its own way. And every season has negative features of its own. Consider autumn, for example. It is time when nature fades away. Days grow shorter. Cold weather sets in. Hoar frost covers the ground at night. But worst of all is rain. Oh, how nasty cold autumn rain is! Even if it just drizzles. Most often it rains for hours. And there are days when it rains for a while then the rain stops but soon it starts all over again — and this goes on throughout the day. All these things are well-known and nobody can say he likes them.Yet there are many people who like autumn. They try to look at the reverse side of the medal Autumn, they say, it is the time of harvest, golden leaves, it is the time when the nature is quiet and very attractive. Poets of all nations have sung autxnrm as the most beautiful time of year. Golden autumn, they call it Golden, indeed yet autumn does not appeal to me very much.It appears I like winter much better. In January every year I go to the country to visit my granny. I really have a good time there. I go skiing in the winter forest. If you tried it once, you will never forget it. I also enjoy skating on the ice of the river nearby. When you return home with your cheeks burning from frost you wolf your dinner and make yourself comfortable in front of the TV. Then you feel just "as snug as a bug in a rug" as the saying goes.There is no denying the fact that winter is a hard season. Think of keen frosts, and long black nights when the wind is howling outside.Now a few words about summer. The great Russian poet Pushkin said, "Oh, summer fine! I'd love you but for the heat, the mosquitos and flies!" I share his opinion. But again, it wouldn't be fair not to consider the brighter side of the picture. Bathing on a hot day in a cool river, picking mushrooms in the forest, basking in the sun on the beach. But the main thing is certainly having a two-month holiday. Two months without lessons, without having to get up early in the morning. Indeed, summer holiday is great fun for schoofchildren!And yet, the best season of the year is spring. Spring is the time when nature wakes up after the winter sleep. Everything is in bloom. The first flowers appear in the gardens and meadows. Trees are putting out their leaves, and there are buds everywhere. Now the bird-cherry trees get covered with white blossom.So to cut the long story short, I must admit that every season is beautiful in its own way.
