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Marty, you have got to keep them in that room.

Geordi, I brought something back from Risa that you have got to try.

Джорди, я привез кое-что с Райзы, ты должен это попробовать.

And you have got to promise me to stay straight.

I'm telling you, you have got to get your mojo back.

Говорю тебе, ты должна вернуть себе свой настрой.

Please, you have got to reach him.

Backside, you have got to pick up the stunts.

Milo, you have got to let me go.

Steve, you have got to alert the president.

You know, you have got to stop doing things for me.

Знаешь, ты должен перестать делать что-либо для меня.

Okay, Grandma, you have got to give Donna a chance.

But you have got to understand why this can't work.

Но вы должны понимать, почему это не сработает.

Drew, you have got to see this.

But you have got to promise that you will let the real detectives do the detective work from now on.

Но вы должны пообещать, что отныне дадите настоящим детективам выполнять свою детективную работу.

But, John, you have got to talk to Nelle.

This job - you have got to be more careful.

But you have got to respect this family.

T, you have got to stop catfishing him.

Mouch, you have got to cancel.

Jake, you have got to try this.

Lee, you have got to do this junket for me.


you have got to - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Milo, you have got to let me go.

This job - you have got to be more careful.

Seriously, john, you have got to get out of here.

But you have got to stay focused at all times, because danger is everywhere.

Но ты должен все время быть начеку, потому что опасность повсюду.

We can get to Kaneohe in less than 30 minutes, but you have got to give us something.

Мы сможем доехать до Канеохе менее чем за 30 минут, но ты должен нам что-нибудь рассказать.

But if you are going to really stop the chaos in your head, then you have got to be honest.

Но если ты действительно собираешься упорядочить хаос в голове, ты должен быть честен.

You want to perform, you have got to have an audience.

Если хочешь выступать - должны быть зрители.

Please, you have got to reach him.

Marty, you have got to keep them in that room.

Geordi, I brought something back from Risa that you have got to try.

But now, you have got to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with it.

Но сейчас тебе нужно подтянуть себя на веревочках и идти дальше.

Steve, you have got to alert the president.

And you have got to promise me to stay straight.

Please, you have got to reach him.

If you really want to keep gizmo from getting into fights, you have got to neuter him.

Если вы действительно хотите, чтобы Гизмо не ввязывался в драки, придётся его кастрировать.

Homie, listen, man, you have got to forget about that girl.

Слушай, кореш, забудь об этой девчонке.

I'm telling you, you have got to get your mojo back.

Backside, you have got to pick up the stunts.

Aaron, you have got to tell me how you do that.

Okay, Grandma, you have got to give Donna a chance.


have you got - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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What guarantee have you got that these creatures

Payment Declined have you got cash money?

Washington, have you got a visual on...

What have you got for us this time?

What have you got that I want?

What have you got on him?

What have you got for me?

What have you got for me?

What have you got to sing about?

Let me think... what have you got?

Garcia, what have you got on the mother?

So, what have you got for me?

Mickey, have you got any vinegar?

And have you got any bright ideas?

Grandpa, have you got anything to drink?

Deb, have you got a small screwdriver?

Please, have you got any change?

Nestor, what have you got?

Look, have you got a medical kit?

What have you got so far?


now, you have got - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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But now, you have got to pull yourself up by the bootstraps and get on with it.

Believe me, I know the feeling, but right now, you have got to trust yourself.

Now, you have got to be Greenly.

Now, you have got to make a choice.

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Now, you haven't even got the ring.

Now, you and I have got to get inside that time barrier and soon.

Now, what have you got with you?

Leaky, now, what have you got there?

Now, have you got everything you need?

Now, what have you got for me besides a sales pitch?

Now - logic, logically, you have got to this position from this, without moving the wrist.

Now, have you got the thermal underwear I gave you?

Now, have you got everything, Doc?

Now, what have you got to say for your little selves?

Now, have you got a vase, or is that a little bourgeois?

~ Now, Bruce, have you got the flints?

And now, I see you haven't got an ounce of humility.

Now, what else have you got?

Now, have you got any idea where young Barmy sleeps?

Ты знаешь, где спит Барми?


, "you have got to - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Well a couple of years ago, a friend of mine emailed me a link, a YouTube link, and said, "You have got to see this."

Пару лет назад друг послал мне ссылку, YouTube-ссылку, и сказал: "Ты должен это увидеть."

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Другие результаты

When you say, "as broke as me", you have got the cash to pay me?

If by "you," you mean Mike Boudreau.

Если под "ты" вы имеете в виду Майк Будро.

And possibly "thank" you...

А, может, и "отблагодарить"...

"She" - you mean Valerie Roberts.

"Она"... вы говорите о Валери Робертс.

Those "party favors" you mentioned.

Эти "подарочки к вечеринке", о которых ты говорила.

"You're wrong," Madeleine said.

"Ты ошибаешься, это не она", - так сказала Мадлен.

"Come to America" you said.

"Приезжай в Америку", - сказал ты.

"You've been watchin' people put over their songs and gestures," you know.

And by "You," you mean me.

И под словом "Ты", ты подразумеваешь меня.

"Resign," you said. "You'll help rally the big beasts in cabinet," you said.

"Иди в отставку", - сказал ты. "Ты сплотишь всех крупных зверей в кабинете", - сказал ты.

But I cannot say, "You think, therefore you are," because "you" are within my perceptual bubble.

Но нельзя утверждать: «Вы мыслите, значит, вы существуете», поскольку понятие «вы» находится внутри моего пузыря восприятия.

50 When he was in the flat, 50 I thought, "You're good, 50"you're not giving me anything here, 50 but for one thing - your eyes.

Когда он был в квартире, я думал: ты хорош, ты ничего мне не оставляешь, кроме одного - своих глаз.

or a "you and anyone," you have my blessing.

или "ты и кто-либо", у тебя есть моё благословение.

"You're crazy if you think"you're getting away with this, Balfour.

Ты ненормальный, если думаешь, что можешь уйти с этим, Балфур.

Your recklessness, your mistakes, are the reason why, when they say "you can't change the world," you won't listen.

Твоя безрассудность и твои ошибки являются причиной, по которой ты не сдаешься, когда тебе говорят, что мир нельзя изменить.

I didn't know that it was "you" you.

You told me, "You just have to be willing to take the plunge." You were right.

Ты сказал мне, "Надо просто сделать первый шаг." И был прав.

"you all have in common."You are the survivors.

Вы - люди, умеющие выживать.


you have got a - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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You have got a book just like this one, don't you?

Ты единственный из моих знакомых, кто может ее прочитать.

And I know, you have got a bad case of Christian.

И я знаю, ты серьезно помешана на

Look at you, you have got a job.

You have got a son and a brother that need you alive and well.

You have got a excellent selection of cosmetics.

Listen, you have got a serious problem.

Say, you have got a good figure.

Listen, you have got a serious problem.

Man, you have got a problem.

You know, you have got a cruel streak that is just ugly.

If you have got a great idea, you do not need to scare me for me to be impressed.

My God, Zig, you have got a way with words.

Step, I'm not sure how to put this, but, you know, you have got a lot of money coming your way from the settlement.

Степ, я не уверен как это правильно передать, но, знаешь, ты получишь много денег от выплаты Так что следует быть осторожнее с ней.

And you have got a box of gloves in your flat?

Darling, you have got a terrible disposition, haven't you?

Gary: you have got a lot of nerve coming back to this house.

You have got a fracking bill to go over.

You have got a tongue, then.

You have got a chance to do something, and you're just sat there refusing to...

You have got a lot of nerve calling me out of the blue like that.


have got you - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Trafficking in stolen goods should have got you your own cell at the camp.

Killing her wouldn't have got you paid.

You might have got you know...

Seems I may have got you up for nothing.

No, we would have got you.

If it was in-house, they'd have got you first time.

I could have got you more than a few minutes during working hours.

We would have got you eventually.

You know, I could have got you ripped, man.

I may even have got you started.

Since I have got you now...

You know, we thought the headhunters might have got you.

Вы знаете, мы подумали что охотники за головами поймали Вас.

Sorry, I would have got you one...

I could have got you a piece.

I probably could have got you out of there a little faster.

I have got you covered, my peeps.

We... we have got you on narcotics possession.

Now, listen, now that we have got you here, let's talk about this mural business.

Теперь послушай, сейчас, когда мы здесь, давай поговорим об этой фреске.

You and your bacon should have got you a private room.

I should have got you the Sabertooth, right?
