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They drew lots to see who would go first.

I think you'll find there's lots to see.

I'm also checking impound lots to see if anything came through.

Я также проверяю аукционы конфиската, может там что-нибудь проявится.

Maybe we should draw lots to see who gets some more.

Now, come on, come on, lots to see.

There is lots to see and do in the Netherlands, especially in Amsterdam, and it would be our pleasure to book excursions for you.

В Нидерландах вообще и в Амстердаме в частности имеется масса интересного, поэтому служащие отеля будут рады забронировать билеты на любые интересующие Вас экскурсии.

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Другие результаты

As you can see, there's a lot to see and do in Northern Ireland.

Well, there's a lot to see.

Our delegation' last visit to Chelyabinsk appeared to be very useful: there were a lot to see, compare and learn.

Последняя поездка нашей делегации в Челябинск оказалась очень полезной. Было на что посмотреть, с чем сравнить и что перенять.

Recently, I started checking back a lot to see if anyone's following me.

And I'm willing to pay a lot to see you do that.

I really... it means a lot to see you doing this.

The surrounding region offers you a lot to see and experience - you can reach Savonlinna in fifteen minutes by car and Punkaharju as well as the National Parks of Linnansaari and Kolovesi in less than an hour.

Окрестности тоже очень интересны: до Савонлинны можно доехать за 15 минут на машине, а до Пункахарью и национальных парков Линнансари и Коловеси менее чем за час.

No, but I have lots of friends to see.

Нет, съемки займут немного времени, просто у меня много друзей, а ещё я люблю Лондон в июле.

A lot less to see than you'd think.

We're looking into the lot number to see where it was bought.

I know its a lot Meg, but there's a lot to see!

There's a lot to see, isn't there?


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I think you'll find there's lots to see.

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Другие результаты

As you can see, there's a lot to see and do in Northern Ireland.

Well, there's a lot to see.

I know its a lot Meg, but there's a lot to see!

There's a lot to see, isn't there?

They drew lots to see who would go first.

I'm also checking impound lots to see if anything came through.

Я также проверяю аукционы конфиската, может там что-нибудь проявится.

Maybe we should draw lots to see who gets some more.

Our delegation' last visit to Chelyabinsk appeared to be very useful: there were a lot to see, compare and learn.

Последняя поездка нашей делегации в Челябинск оказалась очень полезной. Было на что посмотреть, с чем сравнить и что перенять.

Recently, I started checking back a lot to see if anyone's following me.

And I'm willing to pay a lot to see you do that.

Now, come on, come on, lots to see.

I really... it means a lot to see you doing this.

There is lots to see and do in the Netherlands, especially in Amsterdam, and it would be our pleasure to book excursions for you.

В Нидерландах вообще и в Амстердаме в частности имеется масса интересного, поэтому служащие отеля будут рады забронировать билеты на любые интересующие Вас экскурсии.

The surrounding region offers you a lot to see and experience - you can reach Savonlinna in fifteen minutes by car and Punkaharju as well as the National Parks of Linnansaari and Kolovesi in less than an hour.

Окрестности тоже очень интересны: до Савонлинны можно доехать за 15 минут на машине, а до Пункахарью и национальных парков Линнансари и Коловеси менее чем за час.

No, but I have lots of friends to see.

Нет, съемки займут немного времени, просто у меня много друзей, а ещё я люблю Лондон в июле.

I'm sure it would mean a lot to him to see you.

Mary, it meant a lot to me to see you in court every day, - knowing that you were rooting for me.

Мэри, для меня было важно видеть тебя в суде каждый день знать, что ты поддерживаешь меня.

A lot less to see than you'd think.


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As you can see, there's a lot to see and do in Northern Ireland.

Well, there's a lot to see.

I know its a lot Meg, but there's a lot to see!

There's a lot to see, isn't there?

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Другие результаты

Our delegation' last visit to Chelyabinsk appeared to be very useful: there were a lot to see, compare and learn.

Последняя поездка нашей делегации в Челябинск оказалась очень полезной. Было на что посмотреть, с чем сравнить и что перенять.

Recently, I started checking back a lot to see if anyone's following me.

And I'm willing to pay a lot to see you do that.

I really... it means a lot to see you doing this.

There's a lot you can't see, also, underwater.

When there's a lot of chlorophyll around, they see a lot of green light.

There's a lot they don't see around here.

They drew lots to see who would go first.

I think you'll find there's lots to see.

I'm also checking impound lots to see if anything came through.

Я также проверяю аукционы конфиската, может там что-нибудь проявится.

Maybe we should draw lots to see who gets some more.

there's a lot of - I can see on the top deck

The surrounding region offers you a lot to see and experience - you can reach Savonlinna in fifteen minutes by car and Punkaharju as well as the National Parks of Linnansaari and Kolovesi in less than an hour.

Окрестности тоже очень интересны: до Савонлинны можно доехать за 15 минут на машине, а до Пункахарью и национальных парков Линнансари и Коловеси менее чем за час.

I'm sure it would mean a lot to him to see you.

Mary, it meant a lot to me to see you in court every day, - knowing that you were rooting for me.

Мэри, для меня было важно видеть тебя в суде каждый день знать, что ты поддерживаешь меня.


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She's still got lots of things to see before she gets to Antarctica.

There are lots of things to see, and we can take our time.

Lots of things to see here.

In the houses of the departed, there are lots of things to see.

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Другие результаты

I don't have any longer a lot of things to see, right?

Amsterdam has wonderful museums with lots of beautiful things to see.

You used to like a lot of things about coming to see me.

When I come with many people, there are lots of things to discover, see and learn.

She'll say a lot of things about me just to see how you react.

Mind, half of this lot see things anyway.

So, see, kids like us, we have a lot of things to deal with outside of school, and sometimes we're just not ready to focus.

Таким детям как мы, есть чем заняться вне школьных стен, поэтому порой нам трудно сосредоточиться.

And there are a lot of other women out there, and I don't want to see the same thing to happen to them.

Security Council resolution 1325 means a lot of things to a lot of people, especially women.

I want to see it, but I want to see a lot of things.

They normally require a lot of fine-tuning, lots of things to be present and correct before that gene is switched on.

Как правило, они требуют тонкой настройки и наличия подходящих условий, прежде чем ген активируется.

The city is culturally rich and has lots of things to offer to the citizens.

Today I have a lot of things to do.

I have a lot of things to do today.

I have a lot of things to do this morning.


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Well, I would get a chance to see lots of my former students.

There are a lot of people around that would like to see lots of other people die a fast death.

Есть много людей желающих увидеть, как много других людей умрут быстрой смертью.

Well, I'm sure we all want to see lots of people.

Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang - you're going to see lots of blooming in the middle, and then you're going to see a sort of leveling off, fewer and fewer cases towards the end of December.

Бам, бам, бам, бам, бам - вы увидите множество пиков в середине, а потом - что-то вроде угасания, все меньше и меньше случаев в концу декабря.

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Другие результаты

So, this means that I want to see a lot of detail.

When I get back, I expect to see a lot of progress.

Lawyers don't exactly get to see a lot of action.

She said she hoped to see a lot of me.

The mayor doesn't want to see a lot of gloomy faces.

I got to see a lot of the countryside.

Get ready to see a lot of cheeseburgers and fries.

At least you got to see a lot of stuff.

We continue to see a lot of potential in this field.

On the scale of decades, in our lifetimes, we're going to see a lot of damage to coral reefs.

В ближайшие десятилетия ситуация с коралловыми рифами к лучшему не изменится.

He probably figures that we don't get to see a lot of handsome women out this way and someone like you might get a little more cooperation from me.

This has been a stellar performance by O'Malley... the young player who we're hoping to see a lot of in the future...

Великолепная игра О'Мэлли... молодого игрока, которого, надеемся, мы еще много раз увидим в будущем...

What we're shooting for is a runaway greenhouse effect: enough temperature rise to see a lot of that ice on Mars - especially the ice in the ground - melt.

То, к чему мы стремимся, - это быстрый парниковый эффект: температура поднимется достаточно, чтобы увидеть, как весь лёд на Марсе - особенно подземный лёд - растает.

I'm sensing we're going to see a lot of birthday cakes and puppies on Christmas morning.

Чувствую, что увидим мы кучу именинных тортов и щенков рождественским утром.

Sounds like someone we used to see a lot of up Stepney borders.

Well, I'm homeschooled, so I just don't get to see a lot of other kids.


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Well, there's a lot to see.

I know its a lot Meg, but there's a lot to see!

As you can see, there's a lot to see and do in Northern Ireland.

Our delegation' last visit to Chelyabinsk appeared to be very useful: there were a lot to see, compare and learn.

Последняя поездка нашей делегации в Челябинск оказалась очень полезной. Было на что посмотреть, с чем сравнить и что перенять.

And I'm willing to pay a lot to see you do that.

I really... it means a lot to see you doing this.

There's a lot to see, isn't there?

There's still quite a lot to see, you know.

There's not a lot to see.

There's not a lot to see.

I wanted a lot to see you.

The surrounding region offers you a lot to see and experience - you can reach Savonlinna in fifteen minutes by car and Punkaharju as well as the National Parks of Linnansaari and Kolovesi in less than an hour.

Окрестности тоже очень интересны: до Савонлинны можно доехать за 15 минут на машине, а до Пункахарью и национальных парков Линнансари и Коловеси менее чем за час.

Recently, I started checking back a lot to see if anyone's following me.


like to see lots of - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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There are a lot of people around that would like to see lots of other people die a fast death.

Есть много людей желающих увидеть, как много других людей умрут быстрой смертью.

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Другие результаты

I'd like to see what a lot of steam looks like.

Well, I would get a chance to see lots of my former students.

Well, I'm sure we all want to see lots of people.

It's very coincidental that people see lots of flying saucers nearan experimental aircraft facility.

Часто совпадает, что люди видят много летающих тарелок рядом с эксперементальными авиапроизводствами.

I see lots of blood, so...

I see lots of married women.

Well, I see lots of cartridge casings.

I see lots of blood, but no bullet holes.

I see lots of people I know in cafés.

Anyway... I see lots of references, like this one.

I mean... you see lots of people as they die.

Me and Mr Pen are going for a little walk down the High Street, where we'll see lots of people doing lots of jobs.

You sit in a gas station all day, you see lots of morality and immorality, let me tell you.

Когда сидишь на заправке целый день, видишь много морального и аморального, это уж точно.

I see lots of people. What's the problem?

"I see lots of people run away."

You'll see lots of things, but a pope being executed, never.

Вы можете увидать много всего странного... но расстрел Папы вы не увидите никогда.

see lots of things, collect a lifetime of memories.

I see lots of blood, so... no drowning I guess?

Я вижу много крови, так что... она не утонула, я полагаю.

And we see lots of these central peaks on the moon and elsewhere in the solar system.

Было обнаружено плато Тарсис, возвышенность на планете недалеко от экватора.
