Перевод "you'll tell me right now" на русский. Right now tell me

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Please, if you had anything to do with this, just tell me right now.

If you did it, just tell me right now.

Well, just tell me right now, can he stand her?

Just tell me right now, or I'll kill you.

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Listen, just tell me where you are right now.

Could you just tell me right here and right now?

Look, you seem like a nice girl, and I'm sure joining a carnival looks like a lot of fun, but let me just tell you right now, you do not want to be here.

Послушай, ты хорошая девушка, и я уверена, что ярмарка выглядит заманчиво, но позволь тебя предупредить, ты не захочешь здесь остаться.

So why don't you just tell us right now where Ella is, all right?

You could be the subject of the next photo that we go to show the next people we go to question, or you could just tell us right now where Victor Hesse is and make it easy on everybody.

Вы тоже можете оказать на подобном фото. которое мы покажем уже другим людям или же просто расскажете нам, где Виктор Хесс так всем будет намного легче.

So if you know something that can stop someone from getting hurt right now... just tell me.

I'm thinking of 10,000 terrible things right now, so, just tell me.

Adam, you are the one that values honesty, so why don't you just tell me whatever it is that you're thinking right now.

Well, anything you need to tell me you can just tell me right here.

God, just tell me something, 'cause right now all I can tell myself is I never, ever should have left her.

You got something to tell me, you better tell me right now.

You tell me right now, Loretta, or this ship don't sail.

Tell me right now that you will hang Tommy Barrett.

Come on, you can tell me right now.

Okay, Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass, you better tell me right now.


to tell me right now - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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So I need you to tell me right now...

In which case, you need to tell me right now.

Then you have to tell me right now.

You need to tell me right now what you've done to Mrs. CIoutier.

I want you to tell me right now how it is you're still alive after all these years and not some moldering corpse.

And if any of you has a problem with that, you need to tell me right now.

If something's going on at home, I want you to tell me right now.

You know what Harvey did with that memo, and you're going to tell me right now.

Because if it did, you need to tell me right now, 'cause I have to call science.

If you know where he might be, if he's tried to contact you, you need to tell me right now.

Because if you were to tell me right now 'Claudia I love you',

Walter, if you have a way to put me in front of that box, You got to tell me right now.

Look, I'm going to believe whatever it is that you want to tell me right now, okay?

Because if you were to tell me right now 'Claudia I love you',

You're going to tell me right now!

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I want each of you to tell me something right now... that gives your life meaning.

I just want you to tell me something right now, okay?

You need to tell me everything you know right now.

I need you to tell me where you are right now.

I want you to tell me where you are right now.


right now and tell me - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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So why don't you do us both a favor right now and tell me...

Поэтому почему бы тебе не сделать нам обоим одолжение и сказать мне...

In fact, I'd like nothing better than for you to just wake up right now and tell me not to go out with him.

Вообще-то с тебе ничего не остаётся, как выйти из комы, встать и крикнуть на меня, чтобы я никуда с ним не ходила.

Look at where you are right now and tell me you're not cracking up.

You want to look at me right now and tell me you're sorry?

Because you can't look me in the eye right now and tell me that you didn't make out with Finn.

Just look me in the eye right now and tell me that she is not exactly the kind of woman that you always envisioned yourself with.

Просто посмотри мне в глаз сейчас же и скажи мне, что она не та самая женщина, с которой ты себя всегда представлял?

Danny, I want you to look me in the eyes right now and tell me that you did not ask my dad to stay.

Дэнни, я хочу, чтобы ты посмотрел мне в глаза сейчас и сказал мне, что ты не просил моего отца остаться

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But when you sit here right now and you tell me that I'm the best thing in your life...

How you feel right now tells me what it is.

If this doesn't work, I will call Angela right now and tell her myself.

Если сейчас не получится, я позвоню Энджеле и скажу ей сам.

Call Blair right now and tell him to release my wife and daughter.

So call your lawyers right now and tell them I said...

Так что звоните своим адвокатам и передайте то, что я сказал... я...

Let's just go right now and tell everyone how much of a failure I am.

You got to go in there right now and tell her how you feel.

Text her right now and tell her you're coming over.

Now you need to get on that radio right now and tell people we don't have an Indy car.

It's not like I can't call Zhao right now and tell him the deal's off.

You have to call Sidney right now and tell him the truth!

Ты должна немедленно позвонить Сидни и сказать ему правду!

I'll call the cops right now and tell them I lied, and you went along with it.

You are going to march out there right now and tell Eric it would be best if he went home.


now you tell me right now - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Now you tell me right now that this isn't so.

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Now listen, you tell me right now that you did not steal my money.

Now, you tell me right now, who gave it to you?

Now you tell me where she is right now!

Now, you tell me, right now, did you steal that motor?

You tell me right now, Loretta, or this ship don't sail.

You tell me right now, Adam.

If you know anything about what happened to Nathan, I suggest that you tell me right now.

Tell them now, right now, right this minute.

You tell me right now, I will make sure you live out your days in a country-club jail.

Tough all over. So, if you can't have the money here by tomorrow, I suggest you tell me right now.

Tell me right now you weren't the one that gave Fletcher Engines my game plan.

Now, why don't you tell me right now why you would do something like that?

Now, why don't you tell me right now why you would do something like that.

You tell me right now why you're all over Cohle, or I'll walk.

Why don't you tell me right now who he is to you?

And I will do all I can for you If you tell me right now what I need to hear.

Sir, the name of the game here is "leniency" which I will do my very best to arrange if you tell me right now where to find Allan Summers.

So you tell me right now, why are you here?

You tell me right now what you had to do with this!


you tell me right now - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Now you tell me right now that this isn't so.

If you know anything about what happened to Nathan, I suggest that you tell me right now.

Now listen, you tell me right now that you did not steal my money.

Tough all over. So, if you can't have the money here by tomorrow, I suggest you tell me right now.

Now, why don't you tell me right now why you would do something like that?

Why don't you tell me right now who he is to you?

Now, why don't you tell me right now why you would do something like that.

And I will do all I can for you If you tell me right now what I need to hear.

So you tell me right now, why are you here?

All right, listen, you tell me right now if I'm wrong, but I think you know you made a mistake choosing Thayer.

Now, you tell me right now, who gave it to you?

You tell me right now, Loretta, or this ship don't sail.

You tell me right now, Adam.

You tell me right now, I will make sure you live out your days in a country-club jail.

You tell me right now why you're all over Cohle, or I'll walk.

You tell me right now what you had to do with this!

You tell me right now this was not Katrina Bennett, 'cause this is not a truce.

Скажи, что это сделала не Катрина Беннет, потому что это не похоже на перемирие.

I demand you tell me right now, where am I?

Sir, the name of the game here is "leniency" which I will do my very best to arrange if you tell me right now where to find Allan Summers.


you'll tell me right now - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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No I can't and you'll tell me right now.

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Now you tell me right now that this isn't so.

Now listen, you tell me right now that you did not steal my money.

You tell me right now, Loretta, or this ship don't sail.

Tell me right now that you will hang Tommy Barrett.

Come on, you can tell me right now.

Okay, Tweedledee and Tweedledumbass, you better tell me right now.

And if you're not, you better tell me right now.

So I need you to tell me right now...

In which case, you need to tell me right now.

Tell me right now why you're here and Belén isn't.

Then you have to tell me right now.

You tell me right now, Adam.

You need to tell me right now what you've done to Mrs. CIoutier.

If you know anything about what happened to Nathan, I suggest that you tell me right now.

And if you know who's got her, you had better tell me right now.

Tell me right now why you're here and Belén isn't.

Son, you got a different story, you best tell me right now.

Just tell me right now, or I'll kill you.

Look, if Shawn is in trouble, you better tell me right now...


you tell me, right now - Перевод на русский - примеры английский

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Now, you tell me, right now, did you steal that motor?

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You tell me right now, Loretta, or this ship don't sail.

You tell me right now, Adam.

You tell me right now, I will make sure you live out your days in a country-club jail.

So you tell me right now, why are you here?

Now, you tell me right now, who gave it to you?

Tell me, right now, where you think Kai is or I swear I'll...

Now listen, you tell me right now that you did not steal my money.

If you tell me to go tell them right now, I will.

You have to go inside and tell Red, right now.

But you got to tell me, boss, right now, straight up, how did that gun get in your car?

Just tell me right now, or I'll kill you.

Tell them now, right now, right this minute.

So if you're into substance abuse, tell me right now because I can't go through that again.

Juan Carlos, tell me right now where you were or I'll get your father.

Хуан Карлос, скажи, где ты был, или я позову отца.

If you haven't got it, tell me right now.

Tom, tell me right now... who's their next target?

Well, just tell me right now, can he stand her?

You can either tell me right now, or you can tell the Attorney General.

And I won't work half blind, so tell me right now.

Я не люблю играть вслепую, так что говори.
